Tag Archives: tuesday

White Noise for my Wife

Its official, Avery is growing up. Duh, that’s what babies do, right? Sure, but as a first time parent, every single change is new. With her latest feat of rolling over both ways, she’s now sleeping on her stomach (like her mom) and no longer requires being swaddled.

Ahhh, the freedom to sleep however I want!!
Ahhh, the freedom to sleep however I want!!

We are proud of our girl, but as most parents know, it’s bittersweet. But still, I really want to play and do more with her, so I’m okay with a little more growing up!

Monday was nothing out of the ordinary, Going Mom went (to work) and Avery and I did the usual as of late. “The usual” is now her staying up longer and hanging out with me as I get my workout of the day in and then taking her morning nap. She used to be ready to go back to sleep after an hour and a half of being awake in the morning, but now it’s more like 3 hours.

Fine with me, she seems to enjoy watching Daddy work out, and really loves it when I have to get on the ground for pushups or bear crawl. She’ll just crack a big grin and let out a semi-laugh. Her laughs are still a work in progress.

The Manhattan Toy Company sent us one of their new toys, Skwish Stix, to review and we got right to it before bath time. Right out of the box and Avery was ready to grab at it and apparently eat it.

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I’d say she’s going to enjoy this toy better when she can sit up on her own. In the meantime, Mom and Dad can give her a hand. I’ll be posting a review on the Skwish Stix after Avery logs some good play time, so be on the look out. They are currently out of stock, so that must say something.

After our usual nightly routine, Kelley and I will sit in the living room where Kelley eventually falls asleep and I eat for almost 2 hours. It’s the only time where I actually sit down for a meal, so not like I’m going over my daily energy intake; if you cared.

Since it has been warmer lately, Avery has some heat rash around her body, so we decided to move the fan in our living room to her room. The problem is, that fan provided noise to help drown out the noise from me constantly getting up and down for more food while Kelley slept.

Solution? I used a white noise app on my iPad to help Kelley go and stay asleep as I frequented the kitchen. As a side note, we have the most expensive white noise machine in Avery’s nursery; Kelley’s iPad. Yep, that’s all it’s used for, but if it helps a baby sleep, isn’t it worth it?

Speaking of sleep, Avery is doing better in her own crib than when she’s in our bed. Usually, around 3 to 5 in the morning, I’ll bring her to our bed to feed and then she falls back asleep. Not so on Tuesday morning!

That girl was just kicking and rolling around between us. She found a good position with her feet kicking my stomach and hands slapping Kelley and kept attacking us both. Being one to make the best of situations, I simply turned around for a nice semi-massage on my back compliments of her kicking feet. Kelley, on the other hand, continued to get slapped.

Avery eventually started to get fussy and refused to fall back asleep, so I brought her to her room thinking I’d just have to sit up with her and roll around or maybe play peek-a-boo pushups.

First, I went to change her diaper and Oops!, she was a little dirty. Well crap (pun intended, I like those), I thought, I’d kick my parents too! After changing her, I set her in her crib to wash my hands and start a load of laundry as she rolled around and cooed to herself.

With the washer started, it seemed a little quiet in the nursery, and when I walked in, I found this…

And I just laid her down to start some laundry!
And I just laid her down to start some laundry!

Well okay then! And she slept for over an hour with no white noise or swaddle of any kind. What’s with this girl?! She even greeted us with smiles when we woke her up.

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All day Tuesday, Avery was rather pleasant and didn’t fuss as much as usual. It helps that she wasn’t actually bitten by a snake! She did, however, turn into a grump as the day was coming to an end. Teething, heat rash, tired? Maybe all of the above, but one thing’s for sure, baby.

Our girl is getting older, as we all are, and we are proud of every new thing she accomplishes. Next up, crawling!

How did you find out your baby is able to sleep easier on their own?

Babies growing up; exciting, sad, or in between?

Baby Compliments at a Urinal

Well hello and happy hump day! Lets hope it a good one so we can be just as excited about it as this guy….

I’m happy to report I didn’t spend Monday night on the nursery floor and Avery slept pretty well in her crib most of the night! Since I’m writing this before bed on a Tuesday, I’m not sure how she’ll be, but her naps were lacking and hopefully she’ll play catch-up now.

Avery has been staying up longer before going down for her first nap of the day which pushes everything out by an hour. This means more time to entertain her the best I can. By entertain, I mostly mean let her watch me workout.

I usually workout in our garage, but since the stupid cold is still around, that wouldn’t be good to make her sit and shiver. So, I’ve been resorting the Supreme 90 Day workout videos I’ve mentioned before here and here. I fear that since we have the full DVD set and I’ve been following the schedule, I’m not going to be able to stop. I’m weird like that, once I start a program, I DESPISE quitting until it’s done.

Basically, expect to read more about my Supreme 90 Day workouts for a while. Plus, Kelley is following the program so it’s something we can do together….kind of. Of course, I’ll still do more since the weather is getting nicer and I want to be outside.

Since Avery didn’t feel like napping after playing in her jumper, taking a bottle, and me reading “The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear” (one of my favorite childhood books), I subjected her to a Supreme 90 workout.

Get it, read it, then read it again!

The Supreme 90 workout of the day was “Ultimate Ball” where, you guessed, use a stability ball for everything! So, Avery intently watch as I worked my core with different ball exercises of 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off for 30 minutes. I told her she had to get down and workout too, but she didn’t seem too eager..

No Dad, I'm good here.
No Dad, I’m good here.

I don’t blame her, the ball workouts are annoying and I just feel like a fish flopping on rock. Avery even looked at me in bewilderment wondering why I didn’t look like the people in the video…


After the video, she finally gave in and napped. Yep, guess I was that exciting to watch! It was time for our weekly store trip, and luckily I only had two as opposed the three stores to go to.  Once Avery woke up, we were off to store, one, Central Market!


One day, you'll see more than the top of her head!
One day, you’ll see more than the top of her head!

I don’t get to go to this store very often anymore, and it was a nice trip today. Avery slept most of the time and let me have time to gather bulk herbs, spices, and powders. Even if I know I don’t need anything down an aisle, I make sure to zig zag through every part of the store just out of habit (or maybe OCD) before leaving.  An hour later and we off to other, more frequent store, Costco.

Avery was growing impatient at this time, but not unruly. I decided to make it a quick trip anyway since it was getting late. But, before zig zagging the aisles, my morning caffeine had me heading to the men’s room. I walked in with the slightly fussy Avery to see one guy standing in the middle urinal with the other ones empty on either side.

If you know me, you know this annoys me. Just choose the freakin’ left or right side if you have all three open! Reluctantly, I walked to the left one to do my business and leave. But, I couldn’t help but notice the man staring at Avery and me, so I stared back with a straight face. Then he said “Cute baby. Boy or girl?” I quickly told him girl and hoped that would be the end, but he continued on as if we were at a coffeehouse in deep conversation.

I don’t like talking when standing at a urinal ever, but I really don’t like talking about by baby to some guy while standing a urinal. Poor guy, I’m sure he was harmless and meant only to pay a compliment, but I like my space, period.

Once home, I unloaded the groceries and made it out for a quick run with Avery and Abby. We were happy to see Going Mom was home when we returned and spent the rest of the day inside. Avery watched Kelley do a little of her Supreme 90 workout, but then she turned into a night terror whiny baby and I brought her over with me in the kitchen…..where she still whined.

No long walk in the Onya today, but with the two store trips and 10 minutes at home, the total time spent wearing Avery today was an hour and forty minutes. Most of it she slept or at least did not cry a lot.

Talking when using a public restroom, yay or nay?

I’m not a fan of holding any discussions in a public restroom, even with people I know, but it’s not a problem at home.