Tag Archives: swaddle

White Noise for my Wife

Its official, Avery is growing up. Duh, that’s what babies do, right? Sure, but as a first time parent, every single change is new. With her latest feat of rolling over both ways, she’s now sleeping on her stomach (like her mom) and no longer requires being swaddled.

Ahhh, the freedom to sleep however I want!!
Ahhh, the freedom to sleep however I want!!

We are proud of our girl, but as most parents know, it’s bittersweet. But still, I really want to play and do more with her, so I’m okay with a little more growing up!

Monday was nothing out of the ordinary, Going Mom went (to work) and Avery and I did the usual as of late. “The usual” is now her staying up longer and hanging out with me as I get my workout of the day in and then taking her morning nap. She used to be ready to go back to sleep after an hour and a half of being awake in the morning, but now it’s more like 3 hours.

Fine with me, she seems to enjoy watching Daddy work out, and really loves it when I have to get on the ground for pushups or bear crawl. She’ll just crack a big grin and let out a semi-laugh. Her laughs are still a work in progress.

The Manhattan Toy Company sent us one of their new toys, Skwish Stix, to review and we got right to it before bath time. Right out of the box and Avery was ready to grab at it and apparently eat it.

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I’d say she’s going to enjoy this toy better when she can sit up on her own. In the meantime, Mom and Dad can give her a hand. I’ll be posting a review on the Skwish Stix after Avery logs some good play time, so be on the look out. They are currently out of stock, so that must say something.

After our usual nightly routine, Kelley and I will sit in the living room where Kelley eventually falls asleep and I eat for almost 2 hours. It’s the only time where I actually sit down for a meal, so not like I’m going over my daily energy intake; if you cared.

Since it has been warmer lately, Avery has some heat rash around her body, so we decided to move the fan in our living room to her room. The problem is, that fan provided noise to help drown out the noise from me constantly getting up and down for more food while Kelley slept.

Solution? I used a white noise app on my iPad to help Kelley go and stay asleep as I frequented the kitchen. As a side note, we have the most expensive white noise machine in Avery’s nursery; Kelley’s iPad. Yep, that’s all it’s used for, but if it helps a baby sleep, isn’t it worth it?

Speaking of sleep, Avery is doing better in her own crib than when she’s in our bed. Usually, around 3 to 5 in the morning, I’ll bring her to our bed to feed and then she falls back asleep. Not so on Tuesday morning!

That girl was just kicking and rolling around between us. She found a good position with her feet kicking my stomach and hands slapping Kelley and kept attacking us both. Being one to make the best of situations, I simply turned around for a nice semi-massage on my back compliments of her kicking feet. Kelley, on the other hand, continued to get slapped.

Avery eventually started to get fussy and refused to fall back asleep, so I brought her to her room thinking I’d just have to sit up with her and roll around or maybe play peek-a-boo pushups.

First, I went to change her diaper and Oops!, she was a little dirty. Well crap (pun intended, I like those), I thought, I’d kick my parents too! After changing her, I set her in her crib to wash my hands and start a load of laundry as she rolled around and cooed to herself.

With the washer started, it seemed a little quiet in the nursery, and when I walked in, I found this…

And I just laid her down to start some laundry!
And I just laid her down to start some laundry!

Well okay then! And she slept for over an hour with no white noise or swaddle of any kind. What’s with this girl?! She even greeted us with smiles when we woke her up.

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All day Tuesday, Avery was rather pleasant and didn’t fuss as much as usual. It helps that she wasn’t actually bitten by a snake! She did, however, turn into a grump as the day was coming to an end. Teething, heat rash, tired? Maybe all of the above, but one thing’s for sure, baby.

Our girl is getting older, as we all are, and we are proud of every new thing she accomplishes. Next up, crawling!

How did you find out your baby is able to sleep easier on their own?

Babies growing up; exciting, sad, or in between?

Our Visit to Mommy’s Work and What to do Without a Swaddle

Avery is 16 weeks old today! Where did those other weeks go? I know I am impatient wanting her to grow so we can play and interact more, but geez, time flies! All of those experienced parents telling us how fast time goes with your baby weren’t kidding!

Today we made a trip to Kelley’s work, my old employer, just to see her and old co-workers. After her long morning nap and finishing a bottle, we were off to work….I mean Kelley’s work. That’s so fun to say; being a stay-at-home parent is world’s better in my opinion!

Mommy greeted us at the entrance and I wore Avery in the Baby Bjorn until we were inside. Kelley couldn’t wait to hold her baby and she immediately took her from me once we were in the main area. So, I was looking pretty cool with an empty Baby Bjorn dangling across my body. Not that I really cared, it was casual Friday!

Going Mom and Avery happy to be together!
Going Mom and Avery happy to be together!

Avery got to meet a lot of new people that mom works with and used to work with me too. They all took turns “ohhhing” and “aaahhhing” while passing her around. Avery did much better than I expected with all of the new people and she was hardly fussy at all. Go Avery!

We spent about an hour making our rounds and visiting friends/co-workers until it was time for us let mommy get back to work. It was an overall good trip and I was happy to be able to bring her to Kelley since I know how much she misses our darling little girl.

It felt weird wearing this, but a good weird....
It felt weird wearing this, but a good weird….

Before leaving the campus (it’s a rather large area), I took Avery for a mile long walk around the dirt trails that surround the building. This loop is a walk Kelley and I would take together every day before having lunch, and it was nice to take Avery around.

Ahhh, outdoors!
Ahhh, outdoors!

She seemed pretty alert and interested in the new surroundings, but then fell asleep half-way through. I always hate waking her up to put her back in the car, but since I was in a Fire Lane, figured I shouldn’t press my luck any longer. Oops!

Taking my time before putting her the car seat.
Taking my time before putting her the car seat.

Up to this point, Avery was oddly calm and she just felt like a ticking time bomb for when her major fussy time would blow! Once home, Avery ate a little and showed signs of tiredness setting in. At this time of day, I am usually laying her in her crib for an afternoon nap, but CRAP, her Woombie was wet in the wash and there is no way she can sleep alone without it. We’ll work on that, but not yet.

I put Avery in the carrier and went for another walk with our dog, Abby, since Abby usually gets a walk anyway. I usually have luck getting Avery to sleep while walking, but she squirmed forever while trying to what seemed like climb my chest to get out of the carrier. Finally, she fell asleep as I was half-way through again. I sense a pattern here…. I tried to extend the walk while she slept, but she ended up waking anyway. Is 20 minutes a good nap?

Short answer, no. That time bomb went off not long after coming inside. I offered her more bottle and she finished it fairly easily, but continued to wail and fling her arms about. Still without a swaddle, I just held her close and tried swaying with her. 30 minutes later and her eyes were heavy but still open and she was still crying. Ugh.

At this point I was just desperate to get her to have a little nap before night time, so I brought her to the recliner. With my arms wrapped around her and my hands holding her arms from moving to her mouth (a human swaddle!), I rocked the screaming beauty to sleep. And this is what Kelley came home to….

Baby got cloth diaper back!!
Baby got cloth diaper back!!

Kelley washed up and came back to get Avery for a feeding. The nap was successful and held Avery over until laying her down to sleep tonight. Phew, what a day! Poor girl was exhausted!

Aside from the tiring day, I do have great news! I spoke with a nice person from Onya which makes great baby carriers and they agreed to send one to us to review and write about! I can’t explain how happy I am and can’t wait to wear Avery all around with it. Stay tuned for constant updates on where we travel in the Onya Outback!

Have you ever had to make yourself a human swaddle to get your baby to sleep?
Do you or have you used a baby carrier? If so, what kind?

Our Nightly Routine and I’m Inventing a Water Swaddle

Since the main purpose of this blog is capture the journey of raising Avery, I want to lay out our current nightly routine. Avery is 3 1/2 months old now, and I’m sure this routine won’t last, so it will be fun to look back and read one day.

Kelley (Going Mom) usually gets home around 5-6pm with her bag of breast milk bottles she pumped and eager to see her daughter. Depending how the day went for Avery and me, she might still be asleep in her crib, asleep with me in a chair, asleep in the baby carrier (attached to me), screaming anywhere around the house, or just keeping calm and hanging out with dad. Most of the time, it’s one of the sleep options, but you never know.

There will be a fruit and veggie smoothie I made waiting for Kelley to have to hold her over until dinner. I usually unpack her lunch bag and pack the next day’s lunch that I prepared her ready to take in the morning. The main goal is to take most of the load off of Kelley so she can spend some quality time with Avery. Kelley will get into comfortable clothes and wash her face while I hide in a corner attempt to entertain Avery.

Entertaining Avery at this age means making click noises and weird facial expressions or showing her cards with animals. We also put her in her Baby Einstein jumper, but that only lasts ten minutes at the most. If we have the time, Kelley and I will talk about the day while playing with Avery. If short on time, Kelley will hold her while I cook Kelley’s dinner which right now is some form of a Grilled Goat Cheese Sandwich and salad or tomato soup.

Not impressed.....
Not impressed…..

I normally have a salad with a lot of steamed veggies and egg whites, salmon, or chicken that I’ve prepared earlier in the day and ready to eat later. Most of my daily food intake is at night and had been for years now. It works thus far and I love being able to sit down and enjoy my big meal at night. Of course, Avery might have other plans, but it’s not too frequent, yet…….

Kelley will then hand Avery over as I serve her dinner. It’s close to bath and bed time at this point, and we’re usually searching for anything to keep Avery from being fussy. Right now, the almighty vacuum saves the night! While Kelley eats, I will strap Avery in our carrier and proceed to vacuum the house. With our dog, Abby, always rolling in the grass and tracking it in and me making a mess in the kitchen, a daily vacuum never hurts. Once done, I will find things to put up or just have Avery stand on my stomach and lift her up and down. Doing this is good for at least one smile and is most certainly worth it!

Avery chewing on the front.
Avery chewing on the front.

Once Kelley is finished, it’s time for the bath! Kelley gets the water ready and I get Avery ready. Every time I lay Avery on the changing table, she will eek out at least one more smile as she gets undressed; never fails. I carry over to the tub once ready and lay her in the baby bath chair. At this point, she usually pees and Kelley will have to drain and re-fill the bath. But we are happy to do so because Avery simply loves being in the bath and has yet to really cry when in the tub.

Just tonight, Kelley made the observation that we’ve been taking longer with each bath lately just because she’s happy. Every time we take Avery out of the tub, she’s a screaming mess the rest of the time! So really, we are more than happy to prolong the nightly bath however we can. We’ll typically just splash her with water for a few minutes after everything is done and she cares not one bit.

Which bring me to the water swaddle. Yep, I want to invent one. Since letting a baby sleep in the tub is frowned upon, and we can’t just sit and splash Avery all night, there must be an alternative. All you need is to take something like this water blanket I found via Google search and transform it into a swaddle of some sort.

Maybe the Woobmie would be a good design template where water could flow throughout while the baby is snuggly zipped in the middle. It could be called the Water Woombie (patent pending*)! Hell, I’d kinda like that for myself, but with freedom to move my arms though…

I want a Water Woombie! Whaaaa!
I want a Water Woombie! Whaaaa!

Would it be safe? Nope. And that’s why I really won’t invent the Water Woombie, but it’s a fun thought. Seriously, our muscles tighten in fear every time I lift Avery out of the tub to be dried off.

Back to the routine. Kelley will rub coconut oil all over our screaming baby and put a new cloth diaper (yes, we do cloth diapering and love it!) on for the night. Once she’s dressed, I’ll swaddle Avery using a cloth strip to hold down her arms and then her Woombie. Keeping those arms from going to her face has been the key to a longer, better sleep; for all of us.

From there, Kelley will feed Avery one last time and rock her to sleep. Kelley usually falls asleep for a couple hours herself. With my freedom, I finally take a shower for the day and sit down with my salad and protein smoothie I made earlier. After that, I enjoy low fat cottage cheese and a lot of plain, non-fat Greek yogurt with frozen blueberries. Peanut butter is usually involved too. Great way to end the day.

I’m not sure how long we’ll keep this routine, but for now, it mostly works and we’ll keep at it as long as possible.

*Patent not really pending

Do you have a certain routine to get your kiddos to bed?
Do your kids love or hate the bath?