Prioritising Your Kids During a Breakup

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Breakups are never ideal. We’d all love to live fairytale lifestyles where we stay with our partners and raise our kids in domestic bliss until they are adults. But this isn’t always the best option. Sometimes, we find that we are simply not compatible with our partners, or that our lifestyles don’t gel. We might find that one person betrays another. We might find that other issues arise. This is common and, nowadays, separation is by now means rare. What’s important to remember is that kids can have just as good an upbringing between two separate parents and this is often much preferable to being in a household that is full of arguments, tension and other issues. It is, however, absolutely essential that you prioritise your kids and their needs during any breakup. It can be tempting to focus on how you feel or how your partner feels, what you want versus what your partner wants. But you need to take care of your kids first and foremost. Here are a few ways that you can achieve this!

Make Clear Child Custody Agreements

The first thing you need to do is to make your child custody agreement clear and official. It’s all good and well having a word of mouth agreement, but then people can fail to stick to their parts without any personal repercussions. Kids need routine and stability and a clear, officially agreed custody agreement can help with this. You may need to take some time to really help yourself with understanding child custody and it’s generally advised that you and your partner work with a specialist lawyer, like Love Family Lawyers, to determine what is best for the kids. This can fall down to various factors such as where each parent is living, where the kids go to school, what each parent’s working hours are and more.

Explaining the Situation

You need to make sure that you and your partner are definitely breaking up. You need to make serious decisions, because back and forth can really confuse kids and make things harder for them. Of course, there could always be a chance of reuniting down the line. But you do need to make sure that your kids aren’t stuck in a whirlwind of you and your partner being together and breaking up constantly. When you break up, you need to tell your kids in a mature way that doesn’t drag the other parent. You need to make sure that you do this in an age appropriate way too. Telling a five year old needs to be approached in a different way to telling a teenager.

Don’t Trash Talk the Other Parent

As we’ve briefly highlight above, you need to make sure that you’re not speaking badly of the other parent to your children. Sure, you may be hurt by them, upset by them and more, but you shouldn’t dump this on your children, who aren’t emotionally mature enough to process it properly. This shouldn’t turn into a game of who can turn the kids against the other.

Hopefully, the steps above should help you on your journey to overcoming your relationship and making sure that your kids are prioritised through the process too!

Tips to Help Manage Anxiety-Driven Migraines

The challenges are physical and mental for those who suffer from anxiety-driven migraines. These migraines can be brought on by stress, worry, and other forms of anxiety, making them difficult to manage and treat. If you’re struggling to find relief, consider these tips.

man massaging head from a migraine, headache, stress, anxiety

Via Pixabay

Identify Your Triggers

Everyone’s migraine triggers are different. For some, it may be specific foods or drinks, while for others, it may be changed in weather or barometric pressure. Keeping a migraine journal can help you pinpoint your triggers to avoid them in the future.

Reduce Your Stress Levels

Stress is a common trigger for migraines, so it’s essential to find ways to reduce your stress levels. This may involve things like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. It’s also necessary to ensure you’re getting enough sleep each night, as fatigue can lead to increased stress levels.

Stay hydrated

Dehydration is another common trigger for migraines, so drinking plenty of water throughout the day is essential. Aim for eight glasses a day and more if you’re active or live in a warm climate. Avoiding caffeinated beverages can also help, as they can contribute to dehydration. 

Eat Regularly and Healthy Meals 

Skipping meals or letting yourself get too hungry can trigger migraines, so it’s important to eat regular meals throughout the day. Make sure to include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet and whole grains and lean protein sources. Avoiding processed foods and artificial additives can also help reduce the frequency of migraines. 

Get Regular Exercise 

Exercise has been shown to help reduce stress levels and improve overall physical health, which can help reduce the frequency of migraines. Aim for 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. If you need to get used to exercising regularly, start slowly with just 10 minutes a day and increase your time each week until you reach your goal. 

Limit Your Alcohol Intake 

Alcohol is a common trigger for migraines, so you must limit your intake if you suffer from these headaches regularly. In addition, if you drink alcohol, avoid beverages that contain histamine or tyramine, as these substances have been known to trigger migraines in some people. 

Practice Relaxation Techniques 

Learning techniques like progressive muscle relaxation or guided imagery can help you reduce stress levels and prevent anxiety-related migraines. Take some time each day to practice these techniques to be prepared when a migraine strikes. 

Consider Herbal Supplements 

Herbal supplements like feverfew, butterbur, and ginger have been known to help reduce the frequency of migraines. Cannabis has also been effective in relieving migraine pain and duration. If you’re considering using cannabis as a treatment option for your anxiety-driven migraines, a Cannabis Clinic can provide further guidance.

In conclusion, managing anxiety-driven migraines can be challenging, but with the right tools and lifestyle changes, it is possible to reduce the frequency and severity of these headaches. By identifying your triggers, reducing stress levels, staying hydrated, eating healthy meals, exercising regularly, limiting your alcohol intake, practicing relaxation techniques, and considering herbal supplements, you can relieve these problematic headaches.

5 Wise Financial Expenses For Your Future Well-being

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Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

When it comes to your health, there are many things you can control. But, there are also several factors out of your hands. So, where do you begin? Well, one important place to start is with your finances. If you can control your finances, you can manage your stress levels, and if you spend money wisely on factors that impact your health, you can improve your health and well-being in the long run.  In this article, we will discuss six major financial decisions that are essential if you want to improve your health and longevity.

Contribute to your retirement

You should contribute to your retirement even if you have a low-paying job. Your employer may match your contributions, so you can accelerate your savings significantly.  There are many ways you can financially boost your retirement savings, and if you contribute to your retirement savings now, this will dramatically improve your future life.  You won’t have to worry about how to financially support yourself after leaving your job, and you will be able to spend time on the things that matter.  

Spend money on good food and fitness

This is an obvious one, but it’s an important one to keep in mind. Make sure you’re putting some money into your diet and fitness. This doesn’t have to be too expensive, but it does have to be consistent. Ensure you’re eating various healthy foods throughout the day and that you’re spending money on nutritious ingredients that you can use to make hearty meals. It’s essential to spend some money on your physical health in this way if it motivates you to take care of yourself.  For example, if you find it more motivating to go to the gym than to go for a walk, you should invest in a gym membership as this will push you to keep fit.

Spend money on things that alleviate stress

In today’s society, it’s prevalent to be stressed out, whether at work, in your studies, or in your social life. It’s essential to keep your stress levels low and to maintain a healthy balance in your life. While there are some free stress relief strategies you can try yourself to alleviate general stress, you can also spend money on things that will ease a specific cause of your stress.  For example, if you find it stressful to keep your house clean all the time, you could invest in a house cleaning service until you have enough time to manage it yourself.  

Invest in insurance

Insurance can be a lifesaver if something bad happens to you. There are several types of insurance, such as home and auto insurance, that you may not think about until something happens. This can give you peace of mind knowing that if something bad happens, you’re covered. While insurance isn’t an investment in the traditional sense, it can be an incredibly effective financial decision that protects your most important assets.

Take precautions in case of injury

If you’ve been injured in an accident or had surgery, you’ll want to ensure that your finances are protected and that you have money to fall back on in the first place. You can do this in a variety of ways. One essential method is to spend money on good health insurance that can cover you in case of an accident.  You may also look to invest in a good lawyer if the injury wasn’t your fault – for example, a car accident lawyer if you’ve been involved in a car accident caused by another driver.  This will improve your future well-being as you will have compensation that can go toward any injury you might have from the accident.

Summing up

Health is one of the most important things in life, and it is essential to live a long and happy life. One of the ways to boost your sense of well-being and improve your health is to make wise financial decisions.  The decisions outlined above are some of the critical financial decisions you should make to improve your physical and mental health, both now and in the future.