How To Keep Your Child Safe Online

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When it comes to your children, like most parents you’d do anything you can to keep them safe, and in the world they’re growing up in this can sometimes seem more and difficult to do.

However, it’s important for parents to remember that the world is actually a lot safer than it was 30 or 40 years ago, it’s just that we now know what’s going on everywhere because we have more technology that allows to us to get information quickly, such as the internet and social media – and much of the mainstream media likes to only feed us with the negative news out there, so it can certainly seem like the world is a scary place.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that precautions shouldn’t be taken when it comes to children, and especially when they’re going to be using the internet or getting a phone, so in this post we’re going to share with you how to keep your child safe online.


Communication is one of the best skills you can ever have, and being able to communicate with your child about things like safety or having other difficult conversations with them about things that are perhaps uncomfortable for you is really crucial to helping them understand that it’s not them who you don’t trust, but other people, and that you simply want the best for them. When communicating with your child the dangers that exist online, you should be speaking to them, not at them or down to them, and it’s important that you let them know that they can and should always come to you with any problems – even if it’s embarrassing for them.

Monitor use:

Technology isn’t all bad, and this is proven through the invention of apps and software that allow you to monitor the devices your child is using. You can do things like track their location, check what they’re looking at online, and view things like social media activity and even text messages. There are multiple places you can buy iPhone Monitoring online, for example, so it’s really just about finding the right one for you. However, it’s important to remember that this should only be done with your child’s knowledge, otherwise it’s a complete invasion of privacy, and if they find out about it, you can be assured they will never trust you with anything.

Set ground rules:

As much as trust and communication are essential, it’s important to remember you’re still the parent and the rules you set are the ones they have to follow, so if you’re considering getting them a laptop for school work, it’s important to set rules around how this should be used. Or if they want a phone, you can state that it shouldn’t be used during school hours, what social media apps they’re allowed, etc.

Stay eductaed:

Education is always the best way to combat something you’re afraid of or don’t understand, so when it comes to safety online, then it’s a good idea to stay on top of what’s happening in the world in terms of new social media apps, trends and what children may be looking at online.

Staying Healthy As You Get Older

get older, healthy, running, aging, fitness, exercise
Photo by Lukasz Dziegel from Pexels

Looking after yourself is essential no matter what age you are. However, you may need to pay closer attention to your body as you get older because things change as you age. For example, it is likely that your bones will become thinner and more brittle. Conditions such as osteoporosis are caused by thinning bones and decreasing bone mass. This will also make you at risk to falls which could give you broken bones. To prevent this, make sure you have a nutritious diet and a good calcium intake as well as a decent supply of vitamin D.

A healthy diet and regular exercise could lower your heart rate, but to look after yourself properly, you need to cut out bad habits too. Everyone knows that smoking is bad for you and is linked to a whole range of different health problems, including heart disease, lung cancer, and bronchitis. No matter what age you are now if you stop smoking, your circulation, your lung capacity, and your energy levels will improve.

Also, don’t forget to top-up with lots of water to avoid dehydration. Tea, coffee and fruit juice will help you to stay, but you should avoid sugary fizzy drinks. If you do drink alcohol, make sure you have some days in the week where you don’t drink to give your liver time to recover.

Make the most of expert help, particularly your doctor. Don’t be afraid to get routine tests to check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. While high readings increase your risk factor for stroke and heart disease, any problems are reversible with medication. Many people have a vitamin D deficiency and aren’t even aware of it, but vitamin D is essential and being deficient in this vitamin has been linked to health issues such as cognitive impairment, bone problems and cardiovascular disease.

Try to get outside in the fresh air for at least 15-20 minutes a day for a boost of vitamin D boost and increase your intake of eggs and oily fish or have a word with your doctor about a vitamin D supplement.

While you’re getting tests and help from the doctor, you may as well get the full MOT from the GP but also make time to go to specialist doctors such as a testosterone doctor or an ear specialist for hearing tests and get your eyes checked too to make sure your vision and hearing are up to scratch.

As well as sight and sound, your other senses could be affected by ageing, as you may start to lose your sense of taste meaning that flavors may not seem as distinct to you. Your senses of smell and touch may also weaken as your body takes longer to react and needs more to stimulate it.

Getting older can also cause changes in your reflexes. While dementia is not inevitable in old age, it is common for people to experience some forgetfulness as they get older as cells in the brain and nerves become damaged over time.

Make Getting Fit Fun For Your Kids

Staying fit is important at any age, but you can instill some good habits in your kids by getting them active young. It’s easier said than done these days – many kids would prefer to stay in and watch YouTube than play outdoors.

So what can you do to get your kids healthy? Here are some suggestions to help make getting fit fun for your kids.

fit, health, exercise, fitness, kids, parenting
Image Credit: Unsplash under Creative Commons

Get the whole family involved

It’s important that the whole family stays fit, so why not do it together? There are plenty of great ways to exercise as a family. Going for walks together, bike rides, and even playing games in the backyard can be a good way for you all to burn some energy and stay active. You should try to be active regularly throughout the week, but some time spent together on the weekend could also be a good way for you to get fit together.

Get (or borrow!) a dog

Dogs need exercise just as people do, and getting a dog can be a great incentive to get you all out of the house. Getting a dog is an excellent excuse to go for long walks, go to the beach and enjoy general playtime, which can be fun for the whole family. It’s a big commitment, and a big responsibility but a dog can make a treasured member of your family. There are some things you should know before you get a dog, and if it’s not right for you right now, you could always offer to walk a friend or neighbor’s dog instead?

Choose something they’ll be interested in

One of the ways to keep your kids happy is to find something that they’re interested in. A fun and active hobby that they look forward to doing is worth the money it costs, helping to keep them in shape while developing some confidence. Have you considered karate classes or dance lessons? An interesting activity that helps them develop a skill will be something they can enjoy, and won’t feel like exercise at all!

What about team sports?

Team sports are another way you can make getting active fun for your kids. Team sports have a number of benefits, helping to teach different social skills, make friends and is something the family can all get involved in supporting. Try not to focus too much on the winning aspect of team sports, remind them it’s the fun they have that matters the most.
Staying fit and active is an easy way your family can stay healthy. Whether you choose to exercise together or encourage your kids to exercise themselves, it’s good for the whole family to find some fitness activities you enjoy. The habits you teach your kids now will stay with them in the future and help make sure they maintain them. Set a good example by fitting exercise into your life and teach your children the benefits of an active lifestyle.