Tag Archives: toddler

Does Your Toddler Have a Super Bowl Pose?

They may not have a clue about football, but toddlers can still rock an awesome cheering pose for the Super Bowl. My wife and I have captured several action shots of Avery practicing her pose during the Big Game.

super bowl

Some are blurry, but we wouldn’t dare delete them because….cute, duh. Don’t tell me you’re not like that with you kid or kids….c’mon, you can’t fool a fellow parent. Okay, you can, but not when it comes to saving more pictures than you will ever need. Imagine if they were the old-school Polaroids. Yikes!

Since we have quite the collection, I’m asking you to help us decide what Avery’s best pose is so she is prepared to cheer for…..don’t get mad, Seahawks fans, the Patriots! We’re Cowboy’s fans first, but for this game, we’re rooting for the Pats.

Please help Going Mom and me out and tell us one or two of your favorite Super Bowl poses. We will then commence with blowing up the winning picture of her pose and train Avery to duplicate that exact stance with each scoring drive by the Patriots. Maybe we won’t go that far, but makes for a good visual, huh?

Whatever Avery chooses to do, I expect to see plenty of Patriot touchdowns to make the Seahawks wilt (Get it? Birds….wilting? No? Damn.)! Hopefully, just like the Super Bowl ticket prices, the balls stay inflated. Sorry, had to. 🙂

And now for the poses…

  1. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  2. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  3. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  4. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  5. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  6. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  7. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  8. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  9. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score
  10. super bowl, baby, toddler, kids, parenting, touchdown, score

These 10 are the best we have so far, and I’ll be damned if it’s not hard to pick just one. I mean, look at the happiness, not to mention skill in some, of these poses!

Oh, and I would ask for help choosing a good pose for when the Seahawks make a touchdown or do anything good, but we already have that one figured out….

Avery Flipping Off Camera

Yeah, seems appropriate, right? Hope you’re having a great weekend, and remember, try to stay somewhat healthy during the game and, well, always! Try dipping some baby carrots and apple slices in NuttZo, or eat right from the spoon. And if you must have something with bacon since that’s the trend lately, NuttZo + Bacon makes a delicious treat!

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Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com

Who are you cheering for tomorrow?

Are they the regular team you usually cheer for, or just your favorite between the two?

Do you even care about the Super Bowl?

How to Discipline a Toddler

Did I say how to discipline a toddler? I’m sorry, I meant how do you discipline a toddler. Oops!

When they don’t talk (not sure if that’s a good or bad thing), communicating what to do and not do is difficult. Not having the experience of a talking kid yet, I can’t speak to how hard that is. I’m guessing it’s worse since they probably talk back, huh?

Anyway, the biggest issue is with not listening when we say “No” or “Don’t do that.” What? Familiar words in your home too?

Especially when it comes to changing her diaper or throwing food, Avery will not listen! But then she gives you this face….


…..and how do stay upset? I’ll answer this rhetorical question for you, you don’t!

And then the icing on the cake is when they give you a leg hug…


We’re fighting an uphill battle here…..

So tell me, how do you discipline or at least begin to discipline your toddler?

Pictures of the Day Our Baby Turned Into a Toddler

Phew, we survived her first birthday! Better yet, so did she! There were more people around than Avery was used to and way too much going on, but she eventually warmed up to the crowd.

The cake, being the first time she’s had sugar, might’ve helped a little. Her cake was actually a pumpkin brownie recipe I used as a base but cut out some of the sugar called for  and used stevia in place. This is what we served as dessert to our guests and no one said they didn’t like it, so that’s good, right?

We are still in recovery mode after the long weekend, so I’m cutting it short and just making this a photo dump of the big day. Enjoy!

You spend hours creating my cake, I'll reduce it to rubble in under a minute!
You spend hours creating my cake, I’ll reduce it to rubble in under a minute!
Ummm, dad, your nose is in my eye and both of you are in the way of my cake!
Ummm, dad, your nose is in my eye and both of you are in the way of my cake!
While demolishing her cake, it suddenly hit her......"I'm one!!!"
While demolishing her cake, it suddenly hit her……”I’m one!!!”
It only makes sense to be in your birthday suit, opening birthday gifts, on your birthday, right?
It only makes sense to be in your birthday suit, opening birthday gifts, on your birthday, right?
Chocolate Pumpkin Brownies for the guests. We had a lot left over!!
Chocolate Pumpkin Brownies for the guests. We had a lot left over!!
Seriously, anything that lights up is an instant win!
Seriously, anything that lights up is an instant win!
Going Mom opens gifts, I write who they were from, Avery plays with wand and paper. Sums up most of the party!
Going Mom opens gifts, I write who they were from, Avery plays with wand and paper. Sums up most of the party!
I hope she always feels this way about sugary food!
I hope she always feels this way about sugary food!
We made cake from the chocolate pumpkin brownie batches I baked and Kelley used Greek yogurt for icing and blueberries for the "1"
We made cake from the chocolate pumpkin brownie batches I baked and Kelley used Greek yogurt for icing and blueberries for the “1”


Fun times indeed! Hoping to post a follow up with a quick summary of events and more photos of the fun Avery has been having with her new toys. Maybe she’ll even be walking by then. Hmmm, how long have I been saying that now???