Tag Archives: lose weight

How To Simplify The Process Of Losing Weight

Let’s face it – losing weight is never an easy task to accomplish. It takes time, energy and considerable self control to change your ways and start to shed the pounds, but thankfully there are a few easy solutions.

This guide contains some great hacks and tricks that you can utilize to simplify the process of losing weight. You’ll be able to hit your goal and transform your body and health in record time, so what are you waiting for? Read on to discover more now!

woman exercising with battle ropes, workout, strength training, lose fat, weight loss, build muscle, hiit, conditioning

Image Source – Pexels 

Find A Weight Loss Buddy 

One of the best options that you can explore to maximize your chances of losing weight is to find a weight loss buddy. Going through such a tough and challenging situation on your own can no doubt be such an isolating experience, and this can mean that you’re more than tempted to indulge whenever you see other people living in a diet-free manner. However, having a friend or family member by your side who is also losing weight can help you to stay in control and kick the cravings and bad habits to the curb! You can look to each other for support, inspiration and guidance, helping to keep one another on the straight and narrow and avoid temptation. Don’t worry if you can’t find a friend or family member who’s currently trying to lose weight, as you can easily find a weight loss buddy online that you can chat with no matter where in the world they may be!  

Take Part In A Sport You Enjoy

Regular exercise is a key area of weight loss, so you need to make sure you’re taking part in sports and physical activity at least every couple of days for around 30-60 minutes. It’s not easy to just start exercising, especially if you haven’t worked out for some time, and it can be tempting to give up before you’ve even really had the chance to get going. However, when you can take the time to find a sport that you genuinely enjoy, you’ll be more focused on having fun instead! Team sports are often some of the most popular activities that dieters can take part in, as it becomes more about reaching a joint goal than having to struggle on your own. Your teammates will help to motivate you and keep you focused, and you’ll have an extra edge of commitment and dedication to see your session through to the end for the sake of your fellow sportspeople. 

Try A Meal Replacement Shake

Figuring out exactly how to eat so that you can lose the most weight without forfeiting vitamins and minerals can often be a tricky task, especially if you don’t have any experience in the world of nutrition and diet. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution that can put an end to your woes instantly – meal replacement shakes. Trying a meal replacement shake such as GO4IT Health could be the perfect way to shed the pounds without having to spend hours meal prepping in the kitchen, as all you need to do is drink your shake instead. They keep you full and satisfied while limiting your calorie intake, increasing your chance of losing considerable weight without having to touch a single salad. Just remember that meal replacement shakes are not a long term solution, and should not be a permanent substitution for real food. 


Some people find that supplements, like human growth hormone, which you can get from Huddle Men’s Health, help them to burn more fat and build more muscle more quickly, so if it is safe for you to do so, it may be worth adding supplements to your diet, or having them administered to you by a health professional.

Track Your Progress 

Last but by no means least, always take the opportunity to track your progress if you want to stay motivated throughout your weight loss journey. When you’re able to see that your hard work is actually paying off in the form of real results, you’ll find it far easier to stay on track and commit to your new diet and exercise regime. You may also find it helpful to keep track of your body measurements too, as even when you don’t lose weight you may still be losing inches. Take some photos of your body when you begin your weight loss journey, and take regular monthly photos thereafter to compare. You’ll soon start to see the weight drop off with your own eyes!

Final Thoughts 

Figuring out how you can simplify the process of losing weight has never been such an achievable goal when you can utilize some of the innovative tips and ideas detailed above. You’ll be feeling as body confident as can be in no time at all, so get out there and start to transform your life today!

How To Get Rid Of Loose Skin

weight loss, fat loss, lose weight, health, fitness, exercise, diet, healthy, excess fat

Pexels. CCO Licensed.

Rapid weight loss is the most common cause of loose skin. Perhaps you were overweight and you’ve managed to lose a huge amount of weight, but now you’re left with loose flaps of skin? Or perhaps you’re a woman who has recently had a baby and you’ve got loose skin from where your bump used to be? In either case, having loose skin can be frustrating. Not only does it not look nice, but it can rub and cause rashes if you’re not careful. Fortunately, there are several ways of reducing this loose skin. Below are a few solutions to look into.

Build muscle mass

Building muscle mass can be a healthy way to fill out the areas of loose skin. This is most achievable if you are still quite young and not already toned.

Weight-lifting exercises can help to tone up arms and legs to reduce loose skin here. Sit ups and core exercises can meanwhile help to tighten the abdomen by building abdominal muscles, while squats and lunges can build glute muscles to reduce sagging skin around the butt. Consider which areas of your body have sagging skin and try to focus on toning up these areas.

Use firming creams

Firming creams are often recommended for people with loose skin. These creams work by increasing the turnover of skin cells, helping to tighten up areas of thin loose skin. Ingredients typically include retinoic acid or tretinoin. 

This guide to firming creams compares some of the best options on the market. Some are designed to target specific areas of the body such as the arms or the tummy, while others can be used on all parts of the body. 

Try massages

A massage could help to stimulate collagen production in an area with loose skin. This can help skin to become firmer.

Your best option is to visit a clinic that specialises in skin treatments as well as massages. Such professionals will have a better idea as to the type of massage therapy needed to help make skin firmer and may even be able to use lotions or infrared devices to further help tighten up skin.

Alternatively, you can try massaging areas of your body yourself. There are also devices that you can buy that use infrared and RF technology to help boost collagen production within the skin. 

Explore cosmetic procedures

When it comes to large amounts of loose skin, cosmetic procedures may be the only solution. 

Surgery is the most effective way to reduce large amounts of loose skin quickly. This is typically done in various stages if there is loose skin on different parts of the body. Surgery can be expensive, which is its biggest downside. 

Radiofrequency treatment is also an option. This involves heating the skin to induce collagen production. The likes of postpartum skin tightening often uses this treatment and can help remove excess skin gained during pregnancy. 

When it comes to small amounts of loose skin and wrinkles, another option is chemical peels and laser resurfacing. This also promotes collagen production to decrease the appearance of loose skin. 

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

Your skin may start to firm up on its own if you are looking after your skin well. 

This includes making sure that you are consuming a healthy diet that provides your skin with all the nutrients it needs. Citric fruits are full of vitamin C, which is important for our skin’s collagen cycle – by consuming oranges and lemons, you could help to fight sagging skin. Garlic, tomatoes and egg whites are other foods that are important for our skin

To make sure that these nutrients are getting to your skin, you should also consider giving up smoking and not drinking too much alcohol. Both smoking and heavy drinking can restrict blood flow and prevent nutrients getting to the right places. This can not just prevent loose skin from tightening up, but may even lead to further sagging of skin. Finally, make sure that you are getting enough sleep. It is while we are asleep that our skin produces new collagen, helping to fight sagging skin. You should aim to get 7 hours of sleep per night. This is not always possible for new moms trying to reduce loose skin around their stomach, however catching up on sleep with naps and sharing night feeds can help. If you cannot get a good night’s sleep for other reasons, there are many other solutions to help you improve your sleep quality.

Going Strong: Turn Playtime Into An Intense HIIT Workout

I’ve been feeling guilty lately. Avery’s activity level has increased tremendously from roly poly days of yore. Okay, it really wasn’t that long ago, but a guy can exaggerate, right?

Hi, I'm cute but can't do much else right now!
Hi, I’m cute but can’t do much else right now!

All parents say it, and we’ll probably continue to say it forever; time flies! I skipped the “when you’re having fun” part because, lets face it, it’s not always fun. 🙂

Anyway, my guilt is spurred from ability to play more and allow me to be active with her but I still take time to do my workouts in the garage as she plays in her jumper.

Umm, you done yet?
Umm, you done yet?

As long as I don’t push my luck, she remains patient and happily “talks”, screams, and jumps around, but these days are numbered. Soon, the jumper will no longer work and I need to setup an area for her to walk/crawl around. Keyword, WALK! You reading this, Avery?

Not one to just skip exercise for the day, I decided to get creative and combine playtime with a  full body HIIT workout routine. I really wanted to stay indoors when I made this since the weather sucked that day, and it turned out to be pretty fun but intense. Functional fitness just took on a new meaning!

For this, the only equipment you need is a box and a baby.

Playtime HIIT Workout Routine

3 Rounds of 30 Seconds On, 30 Seconds Off

Thrusters with baby

Mountain climbers

Crunches (or other form of core work)


Running in place

Push your kid in a box (Substitute Bear crawls if no box)


Lift baby overhead from side to side (in the shape of a half-moon)

Alternating forward lunges while holding baby

Karate kicks

Avery enjoyed the random movements and did the whole time until the end of the 3rd round. I think she was getting frustrated with me setting her back down, so be warned.

Either way, I think you should definitely give it a try as it will get your blood flowing while you “play” with your kid. It’s a win-win!

I can’t stress enough how important our role as parents is when it comes to teaching by example. Please for the health of your kids as well as your own, show them how being active can be fun and rewarding!

Being the nice guy that I am, I put together a quick video to demonstrate the moves. Since my stack of boxes on the kitchen island wasn’t high enough, I cut my head off of the entire thing. Since I have no desire to do a re-shoot, I’m leaving it as is. #keepingitunique

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-HopIOAkS4I]

I hope you give the routine a try and share your experience with me in the comments. If you have any questions, please go right ahead and ask away. If you’re in a time crunch, only do 1 or 2 rounds of this. Moving some is better than none!

This post is part of the #FitFamilyFriday Link up where you can find other excellent posts by healthy parents sharing health-inspired information. Click on over and check it out and share if you care!

