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How To Get Ready For A Special Occasion

Whether it’s a wedding, a party, a job interview, or any other kind of special – or simply out of the ordinary – occasion, you’re going to have to spend a little more time getting ready for it than you would if you were going to a friend’s house or heading to the shops. Most people use the opportunity of going to a special occasion to dress up and go to town on their look, but this is not the only consideration to make. Read on for some useful tips on how to get ready for a special occasion so you won’t be stressed and can enjoy not just the occasion itself, but everything leading up to it. 

People holding champagne glasses for a cheers, celebration, party, celebrating

Photo by cottonbro studio

Plan Ahead 

One of the most important things you can do when it comes to getting ready for a special occasion is to plan ahead as much as you can. If you wait until the last minute to get everything ready, to find an outfit, and to make travel arrangements, you’ll not only be stressed by the time you arrive, but you may not make it there at all. 

What would happen if the outfit you thought you might wear doesn’t fit or is dirty? What would happen if there were no cabs or the train times didn’t work out? It is far better to plan ahead and ensure you have all your arrangements in place so that you can just follow your plan and get to your special occasion with ease. 

Choose The Right Outfit

We briefly mentioned your outfit in the point above, and it is an absolutely vital factor to get right when you are getting ready for a special occasion. You need to look and feel good, and the outfit has to match the tone of whatever it is you’re doing. What you might wear as a guest at a wedding would probably be different from what you might wear for a job interview, for example. 

Consider what you are doing, the time of year (and therefore the weather and temperature), and how comfortable you want or need to be in whatever it is you’re wearing. It might be that you can wear something you already own, and if that’s the case, you might want to have it dry cleaned and ensure that it still looks and feels right on you. You might want to buy something new, in which case you’ll need to think about your budget and give yourself enough time to go to the shops or have the clothes delivered. 

Your outfit is what will make you feel good, so it’s the most important element of your ensemble to consider. However, there are other things to think about as well. 

Have A Makeover 

Whether or not you have a makeover will really depend on your own preferences and also the kind of special occasion you are going to, but it can be a lot of fun, and it will add to the feeling of enjoyment you’ll get overall. 

Some of the things you could include in this makeover (which can be de-stressing and ideal for some self-care time) would be teeth whitening, a haircut and maybe a color, a manicure, and pedicure, and perhaps some skin treatments like Botox or microneedling. If you’re in the area, search for a facial near me in Cherry Hill, NJ and make sure you get booked before your special occasion.

The one thing to remember about your makeover is that you should try to book it (or the separate elements) a little way in advance of the event, and certainly not the day of whatever it is you’re going to do. You’ll need time for your new hair colour to settle, and you’ll want to make sure your skin treatments haven’t caused any allergic reactions. Think about your timetable and try to leave at least two or three days in between having things done and going to the event itself. 

Get Enough Sleep 

If you are excited, nervous, or anxious about a special event – or any combination of these things – you’ll find that it can be difficult to sleep the night before, or perhaps a few nights leading up to the event. The problem is that this can make you feel even more nervous or anxious, and it will certainly mean you’re not able to focus on the event. This could mean that all that excitement you had will come to nothing because you can’t enjoy the moment due to lack of sleep. 
If you’re finding it hard to sleep, there are some things you can try that might help you. A warm, milky drink can be ideal, and using lavender or chamomile essential oils in a bath or on your pillow is also something that people like to do. Make sure there are no screens in your room and that it is as dark as possible, and this will also help.

How To Create The Perfect Space For Your Guests

If you’re looking for ways to upgrade your guest bedroom, there are plenty of options to choose from. 

bedroom, design,

Photo by Christopher Jolly on Unsplash

Whether you’re looking to add a few simple touches or make a more dramatic transformation;

These Ideas Will Help You Create The Perfect Space For Your Guests:

Start with the bed. 

The bed is the centerpiece of any bedroom, and it is there to help your guests with different types of pain, such as back pain, so make sure it’s comfortable and inviting. A comfy mattress and nice sheets can go a long way in making guests feel at home. If you don’t have a lot of extra space, consider a murphy bed or daybed that can be easily folded up when not in use.

Add some personal touches.

Your guests will feel more at home if you take the time to add some personal touches to the room. For example, a few family photos, a vase of fresh flowers, or a basket of magazines can make guests feel welcome. Likewise, a basket of treats is a great way to make your guests feel welcome.

Make it cozy. 

Cozy guest bedrooms always feel more inviting than sterile hotel rooms. So add some plush blankets and pillows, and consider hanging some fairy lights for a touch of magic.

Create a functional space. 

If your guest bedroom doubles as a home office or crafting space, make sure there’s plenty of storage and surface area for your guests to use. A desk, chair, and lamp will make it easy for them to get work done, and baskets or bins can help them keep the room tidy.

Consider the details.

The little things can make a big difference in how comfortable your guests feel. For example, make sure the room has soft, diffused light that will help create a relaxing atmosphere. Provide plenty of hangers and extra blankets. A small rug by the bed can also add a touch of warmth and comfort.

Keep it clean. 

This one goes without saying, but a clean guest bedroom is a must. Dust regularly and vacuum any carpets or rugs. If you have pets, make sure they’re not allowed in the room, so your guests don’t have to deal with pet hair.

Get creative. 

There’s no need to spend a lot of money to upgrade your guest bedroom. Instead, get creative and use what you have to make the space more inviting. A little paint, some new bedding, or even some DIY decor can go a long way.

Ask for feedback. 

After your guests have stayed in the room, ask for their feedback and make any necessary changes. This will help you ensure that your guest bedroom is always comfortable and inviting.


You can easily upgrade your guest bedroom and make it a space that your guests will love by following these tips. In addition, investing a little time and effort into making the room more welcoming will go a long way in ensuring that your guests have an enjoyable stay.

Why the Guestlist Needs to Be Finalised ASAP When Planning an Event

If you are planning an event, you need to make sure that you finalise your guestlist as soon as possible. It does not matter whether you are planning a wedding, an event for work, or even a children’s birthday party, you need to make sure that you have the guestlist for the event down as it allows you to plan so much more. Without knowing who is going to be coming to your event, you can’t progress planning in many other areas.

Get the Invitations Sent Out

Once you have decided who is going to be on your guestlist, you need to get your invitations sent out as quickly as you possibly can. Make sure that there is a clear RSVP date on the invitations so your guests know when they have to reply by. You also need to make sure that you are sending out any invitations with enough time for your guests to work out whether or not they actually will be able to attend the event.

For this reason, online invitations can be a great idea. They will be sent out in an instant, so you can be certain that they will arrive in inboxes much faster than if they were to go out by mail. Greenvelope’s online invitations can be used across a variety of events, and can be just as beautiful as printed ones. On top of this, they can also collect useful information that you will need to know for the final event. Having all of this information available in a database online can be far more convenient than if you were to have to input all of it yourself from paper forms sent with printed invitations.

Venue Capacity

When you book a venue for an event, you will have a certain capacity that you need to stick to. Smaller venues might only be for 40 people, larger ones could be for 200 or even more. It can be surprising how quickly your guestlist can fill up with people who just have to be there.

If your venue has a strict capacity, you might have to be ruthless with who you invite. The sooner that you are able to confirm the guestlist, the sooner you will be able to pass these details across to the venue so they can start making their own preparations for your day.

Dietary Requirements

If you will be serving food at your event, you need to make sure that your guestlist is finalised as soon as possible so you know what dietary requirements your guests might have. These can range from a choice of diet that they might follow such as veganism all the way to allergies that require gluten or nut-free meals.

You need to make sure that you can pass on as accurate a list of requirements to your caterers as you can manage. This could affect your menu quite significantly, and they could have to ensure that they carefully prepare your guests’ food to avoid cross-contamination. The sooner that you can give them this information, the sooner they can begin to come with dishes that will suit your event.

Seating Arrangements

Finally, you need to finalise your guestlist as soon as possible as it will allow you to being to work on the seating arrangements for the big day. This can be a real headache, so the sooner you can get everything finalised the better. A seating plan is never as simple as it initially seems. You will find yourself having to make constant adjustments to it, so the sooner you can start on it the closer you will get to the perfect arrangement!

There is always the chance that you could invite two people who don’t usually get on to your event. It just wouldn’t be fair to leave out either of them, and you can rely on them to be civil at the actual event. However, asking them to sit at the same table could be asking for trouble. It might be better to try to keep them apart, and the best way that you are going to do so will always be with the seating plan.

Planning a big event will take a lot of effort on your part, and so you need to make sure that you are always prepared to take on the challenges that it might throw to you. Part of this will be managing and finalising the guestlist for the event. Though you might be tempted to focus on some of the more fun parts of event planning, there are some important factors that you need to sort out first. One of these will always be your guestlist, so make sure that it is finalised as soon as possible.