Tag Archives: aging

How You Can Make Sure That You’re Aging Gracefully

aging, getting older, healthy living, tips, advice, family
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A lot of the time, you find that it’s women that complain about aging the most. But that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t affect men too. As you start to get older, you can definitely notice a change in your body and how you feel. But as men, we tend to just get on with it. When women are unhappy with the changes they are going through, they can be easily judged – so we tend to keep quiet. But aging can really have an impact on your self-esteem and your abilities in life too. So it’s so important that you can actually deal with it, not just brush it off. If you want to be able to age gracefully and actually feel incredible in yourself as you get older, then it’s time to make sure that you do.

1. Embrace It

First of all, you just have to embrace it. If you’re in denial, then you’re only ever going to harm yourself mental in the future. Instead, you need to just accept that you are getting older, and that you’re not as young as you were. But this really doesn’t have to be a bad thing. In fact, it can be positive. You’re really just entering a new phase of your life. And who says that it can’t be the best phase yet? So just go with it.

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2. Look After Your Body

One thing you will find really helps you to not only work on the latter point, but just grow old gracefully in general, is to look after your body as much as possible. If you want to be health in your old age, then making sure that you’re sleeping enough, that you’re eating right, and that you’re not overdoing things like alcohol, it will all count. So make sure that you look after yourself, and it will pay off.

3. Speak To Your Doctor

From here, you’re then going to want to make sure that you’re bringing up and age-related health concerned with your doctor. It’s important to address any issues that you have to nip them in the bug. Whether that’s to inquire about the Urolift procedure or find out solutions for your declining hearing, you need to ask the question. It’s the best way to keep things under control as time goes by.

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4. Enjoy Your Life

You also need to make sure that you enjoy your life as much as possible too. If you want to make the most of your time, then be happy, do what you love, and fully embrace the opportunities that come your way.

5. Keep Up The Exercise

It’s also going to help you to do as much exercise as possible. As you start to get older, you can often put this to the bottom of your to-do list. You have work and the kids to look after, and suddenly it’s not a priority. Then, when your kids are grown, you’re just out of the habit. However, it’s so important to the aging process that you keep moving. When you stop, you struggle to move. Old age isn’t a thing. It’s that you let your body decline. So if you continue to exercise and keep moving, you should find that it serves you well as you get older.

Golden Style Rules For Forty-Plus Dads

forty plus dads

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By the time you make it to your late 40s early 50s, there’s a lot you can raise a glass to as a man. You’ve achieved great things in your professional career and astonishing thing in your personal life too (such as the kids of yours). No matter what anyone says, or how easy those young and handsome Instadads, make it seem, the midway marker in a man’s life is never as bad as it seems. But there are things that need more attention than ever and your sense of style is one of the,

Don’t be one of those guys that lets his style slip to the wayside just because you’ve got everything you want in life. You’re only at the midway point. There is still loads you should want to do. There is still a way you should want to hold and present yourself as you enter the Silver Fox club, and this is your time to finesse all that.

Thankfully, the basics are all you really need to be a dapper dad. It’s things like wearing clothes that fit, avoiding double denim and only wearing sneakers that are made by a luxury brand, such as a Prada or Gucci, and ideally not in a vibrant colour.

Of course, there will be times of doubt. But when you stumble across one of these times, don’t panic. Instead, thinking WWCFD – What Would Colin Firth Do. And not just him, but Mark Strong, Clive Owen, and David Harewood, all of whom know how to dress with a certain suaveness, turning what so many perceive to be a negative (their age) and turning it into a timeless style.

And, with all that said and done, here some golden rules every middle-aged man needs to know, worship and follow:

  1. Block Out Your Colour

Don’t get us wrong. We’re not saying you should grab a black bin liner, march up to your bedroom, open your wardrobe and send every piece of colorful clothing into the forgotten abyss. No way. We’re just saying you need to be a bit more choosy with the colors you wear. Avoid all those bright colors you got away with as a twenty something and retire your time as a pastel wearer, and opt for more all-rounders. Tonal colors that can be worn with just about anything; the kind that can be pieced together or worn separately simply because their color compliments the others in your arsenal. Go for the classics too –camel, navy blue, maroon, navy blue, deep green and all those. It’s not about playing it safe, it’s about playing it suave.

  1. Make A Middle-Aged Statement

We know how tempting it is to walk into a Harley Davidson store, picking their mattes black bike and drive it through the window wearing a leather cut you picked up in charity store just to let yourself know you’re still awesome. But you don’t need to go to these lengths. Instead, make a statement by investing in those wardrobe pieces you’ve always craved but never been able to justify. It could be the sort of Belstaff biker jacket you’d be too worried about wearing on a bike, or a pair of Tom Ford brogues complete with stylish compression socks, a suit tailored to your measurements on Savile Row, or a leather-back briefcase made by an Italian designer you can’t quite pronounce. Yes, they are expensive enough to make your eyes bulge, your bank manager check your sanity and your wife to scrunch up her brow, but they’ll last forever and, if you pick the right colors, be worn more than you ever thought possible.

  1. Your Days Of Branding Are Over

If you’re wearing anything whereby the color is lost in the huge branding, you’re getting it all wrong. Superdry, Calvin Klein, Polo Ralph Lauren – anything brash whatsoever – and you’re simply telling the world you’re in a full-blown midlife crisis. You’re at an age where you’ve made it, where you don’t need to impress anyone with your spending habits or the size of your wallet. It will simply work against you. So, phase out any in-your-face designer nods and replace them with very subtle accessories that will catch people’s eye and have you recognized for your style more than anything else. A fancy watch, a glinting signet ring, a sterling silver tie pin, an Aspinals of London wallet, beautiful Oxfords or even a solid metal bangle. Little things like this will up your style game more than any branded clothing.

  1. Suits The Shape Of You

When you were young, foolish and hip enough to be the godfather of your moped gang, you were able to rock drainpipe suits, slim lapels and even slimmer ties (you could even get away with that dodgy haircut). But those days are done, so if you still have any of these in your wardrobe, get rid of them along with any hopes this fashion will come back around. Chances are it might. But you won’t be of an age to rock it well. Instead, you need to swap them for a more traditional and, dare we say, mature shape. That could mean a double-breasted number if you fancy, but it could just mean a two-button, thick-lapelled piece too.

  1. Confidence Is Your Secret Weapon

A lot of men panic when they reach forty and then have a mild stroke when they hit the halfway to a hundred mark. Don’t. You’ve got experience on your side. You know what you want, who you are, what looks good on you and what makes you tick. That’s not to say you’ve had it easy or know everything. Not at all. But whether you have a wife and kids or you’re newly single, everything they say about men being fine wines that getting better and better with age is absolutely spot on. Own it. Own your age. Own your laughter lines, rock that silvery hair and take advantage of your advantages. That confidence will be the best thing you ever wore. Fact.

6 Invest In Some Comfortable Briefs Too

Does the elastic on your briefs resemble a worn out rubber band? Do you have two pairs of boxer shorts that are not quite long enough for your legs? Is one leg hole bigger than the other? If so, then it is time to invest in some new undergarments like Zorbies. By wearing only the most comfortable briefs, you’ll feel much better for much longer on most days. Men regularly underestimate the incredible difference comfortable briefs can make.

10 Memories from My 10th Month Since Going Dad

Okay, sh*t just got real, we’re in the double digits for months and never looking back!

What? Oh yeah, at least we have a while before we say the same for years….phew!

Avery is still not walking on her own, but she’s damn close. I am therefore updating my “bet” to her walking before the 11th month rolls around.

The past month has revealed a very active baby, and I can only imagine her activity levels will keep increasing from here.  Fine with me; bring on the baby chasing, fort building, coffee craving days looming in the not-so-distant future, I’m ready! I think….

One leggin it and ready to escape!
One leggin it and ready to escape!

What are the odds that, as I’m pulling Avery out of the litter box after having mastered walking, and, in retrospect, think back to this post wondering why I’d ever wish for such a stressful thing? A super curious baby who can’t quite yet talk or understand most of her parents’ commands, is able to walk/run around the house taking no prisoners in her path. Or, that’s what I imagine sometimes.

Only time will tell for sure, so no reason to sit and contemplate on the “what ifs”. For now, I’ll focus on what is known with the memories we created; or, 10 of them at least.

Avery, I hope you are reading this with mommy and me one day and we are all smiling and laughing at these memories at the ten month mark.

1. Leaving you with G-Ma for the weekend as Mommy and I celebrated our 7 year wedding anniversary in downtown Fort Worth.

2. G-ma discovering your first unofficial first word (words?) of “Uh-oh”. When we came back from our weekend away, you were spouting out “Uh oh” several times a day and it is the first word you repeat when we say it out loud.

3. Taking you down the slide at the neighborhood playground for the first time. Nothing crazy, but it was fun to introduce you to something that will surely become a favorite when you start walking.


4. You saw fish in an aquarium for the first time. I couldn’t get over at your intrigued stare as you gazed at the brightly colored fish in awe. Such a wonderful thing to be able to show you so many things the world has to offer!

5. Apparently, you DO NOT enjoy 2+ hours of riding in the car. The first road trip we took with you to see our friends in Norman, Ok proved to be a dread for all of us. You had a few cute moments, but mostly crying/screaming and little sleep. We’re not sure when the next long drive with you will be, but I’m thinking it will be when you are a bit older.

6. Walking around our old college campus, University of Oklahoma, with you while visiting Sean, Erin, and Brooklyn. The time spent out of the car after our road trip was enjoyable, and you got to play with a big girl; Sean and Erin’s 2 year old girl, Brooklyn.


7. Easily using your borrowed walker to go back and forth across the house. The walker our neighborhood friends let you borrow has turned out to be the most used thing in the house. Mommy and I first had to walk along with you and hold it steady, but now you’ll go back and forth all on your own as you look up at us with a proud grin. Each time, we are quick to respond with a proud grin of our own!

8. Screaming at the highest pitch you possibly can as if it were a contest. Seriously! It’s completely random and this is separate from your crying fits, you just let out loud screams when and where ever you want. This includes as I’m wearing you while shopping in a quite store; I guess it’s too quite for your liking.

9. Taking you to our first dads group outing. Another stay-at-home dad, David Kepley and I have been working with the City Dads Group to start our own Dallas Dads Group and we’re excited for what the future holds. Our first outing was a miniature train ride next to the Fort Worth Zoo. You weren’t sure what to make of the new surroundings at first, but I could see the amazement in your eyes and can’t wait to bring you to many more outings.

10. Kicking the crap out of your crib. The fact that it’s still in one piece speaks wonders about the quality workmanship of your crib, because your kicks are heard throughout the entire house! You’ll kick before falling asleep and soon after waking. Your mom and I will lay in bed sometimes and just listen as you kick and talk to yourself for up to 30 minutes. You aren’t mad or crying, just kicking, rolling, and “talking”. 

Going Mom and I love watching our beautiful girl learn and grow, and we can’t get over how fast the time has gone. It’s bittersweet, really, and I must remind myself everyday not to rush things and just enjoy the moment. Sounds simple, but it’s hard.

Who knows what memories will unfold leading up to the 11th month, but one thing’s for sure, they will happen too fast.

Do you participate in any mom/dad/parent groups with your kids?

Random screaming. How do you deal with it?