Worried You’re Losing Your Hearing? Here Are The Signs

Age certainly does take a lot away from you, doesn’t it? When you get older, you start to have to worry more about your body, your mind, and even your senses. A common issue is hearing. Problems with hearing can make you feel a lot older than you are. However, it is worth being aware that hearing issues can affect you a lot earlier than you’d think. In fact, a recent report revealed alarming evidence that children are having hearing issues like tinnitus. So, let’s look at the signs that you might be having an issue with your hearing and what the cause could be.

losing your hearing, ears, listening, aging, getting older

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Hearing Noises

You might find that you are hearing noises that aren’t there at all. This could be a buzzing, whirring, vibrating or whistling. It might even be a small piece of music that seems to play on repeat in your head. The bad news is that this is a sign of tinnitus. It’s due to damage to your hearing, typically because of constant exposure to loud noises. Good news, if you’ve only just noticed it, this noise probably will go away after a couple hours, days or months. After it returns a couple of times the chances of it becoming permanent increases dramatically.

Hearing aids won’t fix tinnitus. Instead, you’ll need to think about cognitive therapy. This can help you ignore the sound and treat it as a subconscious occurrence.

Be aware also that tinnitus can be caused by growths in the ear. That’s why it’s always worth getting it checked out by a trained professional.

Loud Talking

Are you talking louder than usual? You probably won’t notice this yourself but someone around you will. It’s like that this will be someone in your family who won’t be embarrassed to tell you that you’re shouting. What’s happening here is that you’re reacting to the fact that you can’t hear your own voice as loudly as you used to. It’s a clear sign that your hearing has deteriorated and that you need to think about speaking to an audiologist.

Remember though, there are plenty of hearing aid options that are completely discreet. With in-ear canal hearing aids, no one will be able to tell that you’re wearing them at all. As such, there’s no reason to feel embarrassed or anxious about using this tech. These hearing aids are mostly suited for people with mild hearing loss.

Zoning Out Of Conversations

Does your partner constantly get annoyed at your level of listening? Are you missing out key details that they swear they told you? Perhaps you didn’t show up for dinner on time because you didn’t know what time to arrive? This is usually because you can’t hear what people are saying. However, rather than admit this, many will simple zone out of the conversation and miss large parts of it, simply nodding along. It’s far better to get your hearing checked out. You’ll be amazed at the change this will bring to your life. Suddenly, you’ll be able to hear clearly again, and it will improve your ability to socialize and maybe even your relationships.

We hope this helps you recognize some of the key signs that there might just be an issue with your hearing.

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