Making Better Use Of Supplements In Your Diet

If you’re looking to stay healthy, especially as you get older, then it’s only natural that you’re going to be looking more carefully at your diet. It’s not just about what you avoid eating, however, it’s also about making sure that you’re getting the nutrients that you need. If you are already managing a full diet, then you might start to look at supplements to help you fill the nutrient gaps in the food that you eat. However, supplements are not a replacement for a healthy diet. As such, here are some tips on how to better make use of them.

hand holding supplements, health, diet, nutrition, pills, capsules, support, food

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Know that supplements are more than just pills

There’s no denying that pill supplements can be a very easy way to top up on some of the nutrients that you’re trying to get more of in your life, but you should also be aware of what else can count as a supplement. Certain herbs and extracts such as ginseng and garlic can play a supplementary role in your health. Green tea is so lauded for the health benefits it brings, such as antioxidants that can be hard to find in your diet otherwise, that it’s often considered a superfood.

Keep track of what you’re taking and what you’re eating

The aim of supplements should be to help you get the recommended daily amount of particular vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients. However, you might already be getting enough or you might want to take less than some people depending on what you’re already consuming. Nutrition tracking apps can help you get a better idea of what exactly you’re consuming each and every day so you can see what dietary changes you need to make, as well as the gaps that can be filled in by supplements.

Use them with purpose

The best way to make use of supplements is to address specific needs or health goals that you are aiming for. For instance, if you are worried about the increasing risk of changes to your eye health as you age, especially if you have a genetic predisposition for eye health issues, then you should look at taking eye health supplements. There are supplements to help address other needs, as well, such as immune support, inflammation help, heart health, bone health, and more. Don’t try to use supplements to replace a healthy diet, but get the extra help you need.

Use them with exercise

Supplements can do more than help you look after the specific areas of your health that might need a little more attention. If you’re fitting more exercise into your life, especially strength training, then they can play a role in helping you avoid injury and too much recovery pain. Fish oil and glucosamine are some of the most widely recommended here, aside from more general use supplements such as protein powder. In these instances, supplements can play a huge role in preventing your workout progress from being interrupted by too much time spent recovering.

Be mindful if you’re taking them with medication

The vast majority of supplements are not going to pose any health risk, especially if you’re just taking certain vitamins or minerals. There is always the necessity for moderation. You’re not going to improve your health more quickly if you take more than the recommended amount of any supplement. However, you should also be mindful of the risks of interactions between supplements and any medication that you might take. If you’re on medication, then you should talk to your doctor about making any changes to your diet, including any supplements that you take. If you don’t take medications, then the proper use of any supplement should not pose any health risk.

Make sure that you’re eating a healthy diet

Once again, it has to be stated that supplements can not replace a healthy diet. As the name implies, they are there to supplement it, to help you get the vitamins and minerals that you might not be getting in a diet that otherwise supplies everything you need. You can make your diet even healthier by relying more on whole foods, which tend to retain much more of their nutritional value than anything that has been processed.

Supplements can most definitely play a role in a healthy life. You just have to know what to expect from them and how to make the best use of them. If you’re ever in doubt, consult your doctor, but hopefully, the tips above give you some healthy expectations of the healthy changes you can make with supplements.

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