Top Tips to Help You Recover From a Fitness Injury

Couple treating a leg injury, fitness, exercise, running, injured, recovery, rest

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Whether you have pulled a muscle, are suffering from shin splints, or have torn your ACL you must take the right steps when you are looking to get back into your fitness journey. You can’t just jump straight back to where you were before, regardless of how keen you are. You will have to take it slow and take intentional steps forward. If you go too far ahead, you may make your injury worse, which will mean you cannot exercise at all, or worse, you may need surgical intervention

If you are ready to jump back into fitness after an injury, here are some top tips to help you on your way. 

#1 Speak with your doctor 

Before you do anything, you must speak to your doctor and ask for their advice. They will be able to examine you and tell you if you are ready to exercise again, or if you should give it more time. They may also be able to provide you with advice that is tailored to your situation which ensures you make the progress that you desire.

If you start to exercise again and experience intense pain or discomfort, you should go back to your doctor immediately for support and advice. 

#2 Work with a professional 

Depending on your injury, it can be helpful to find a professional who specializes in your kinds of injury, such as a physiotherapist or a sports medical professional. They will have extensive knowledge, skills, and techniques that they can share with you and apply to your unique situation. The aim of working with a professional when you have an injury is to help you stretch and strengthen the injured area, so you are physically prepared to get back into exercise or your chosen activity. 

#3 Prepare your mindset 

Once you have been cleared by a medical professional, you must work on your mindset. You should start by considering what prompted your injury. This can often be because of technique, overworking yourself, or not paying full attention to your actions. Make sure you are aware of this and consider what you can do next time you are exercising so you can avoid injuring yourself again, or making the one you currently have worse. 

If you used to exercise or take part in an activity regularly, you will have to adjust your mindset as your experience will be completely different this time. You may have to take it slower, do less than you are used to, rest more, wear protective gear, and more. It is important that you set realistic expectations before you start exercising, so you know what to expect and don’t get frustrated with yourself. This will ensure you do it properly and with care. You should also ensure that you stay positive throughout the experience and remember that your injury is only temporary. 

#4 Equip yourself 

It is important to equip yourself when you are recovering from an injury and begin exercising again. Depending on what activities you like to do and what body part you have injured, you may need to invest in specialist equipment. This can be anything from resistance bands, supportive shoes, or an AlterG Anti-Gravity Treadmill

Make sure you have all the correct gear to complete the exercises safely and within your limits. Equipment can be a great way to ease your way into it and strengthen your body

#5 Take it slow

You must exercise slowly when you first get back into it. Remember that you will not be able to go as fast or as hard as you wanted to before. You will need to think about the positive mindset that you have built, as you will need to start back from the beginning again. For example, if you used to run 5 kilometers, you won’t be able to jump straight back in. You will need to start small, perhaps with small walks, then longer walks as you increase your distance. This will help you build strength before you progress to jogging. 

#6 Be patient with yourself 

The most important part of recovering from an injury is being patient with yourself. It can be extremely frustrating when you are not exercising at the same pace as before. This frustration can often lead to rushing the process and exacerbating the pain and discomfort of your injury. Be patient with yourself and take your time.

Recovering from a fitness injury can be difficult. Follow these top tips to help you with your progress.

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