Tips for Lumbar Herniated Disc Pain Relief

Herniated discs can cause severe trauma in your lower back, and it may radiate through the buttock and down the leg. It is caused by the material inside the disc pushing outwards and irritating the nerve. The pain is often hard to bear and can even impact the quality of life as it may be accompanied by numbness and loss of sensation. It may affect people as early as in their thirties and aggravate with age. However, there are ways to relieve the condition, no matter how intense it is. Let us share some tips that can help.

Try heat and cold therapy

If you have mild pain in the lower back, relieving inflammation should be your top priority. Applying heat and cold therapy can help by alleviating muscle tension and reducing inflammation in the area. Heat increases blood flow, loosens muscle tightness, and improves the elasticity of connective tissue. Conversely, cold decreases the temperature of the local tissue and produces an analgesic effect.

Engage in moderate activity

Exercising in pain sounds counterintuitive, but moderate activity actually provides relief to patients with a herniated disc. Exercise releases endorphins, the feel-good hormone that boosts your mood and decreases the perception of pain. Walking, hydrotherapy and cycling on a recumbent bicycle are the recommended activities. It is best to consult a personal trainer to decide the best option that will work for you, depending on the severity of the condition.

Consult a pain management professional

At-home remedies may not always help you with lasting relief, and you will probably need professional help at some point. Consulting a physical therapist for pain management services is a good idea, and you must do it sooner rather than later. You can visit a pain management clinic and explore options such as Spinal Cord Stimulation, Radiofrequency (RF) Ablation, Cervical Epidural Steroid Injections, Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injections, and more. A specialist can help you understand these options and pick the apt one.

Seek comfort with sleep positions

Most patients experience more pain during the night, but some sleeping positions can reduce the pressure from the spine. You can use a pillow under your knees or lie on your side keeping a pillow between your knees. A restful night can help you address the problem gradually. Make sure you find the ideal position to get relief as soon as possible. It may require some hit and trial, but listening to your body helps.

Get quick relief with painkillers

The pain may be moderate at times, and you will expect quick relief to live normally. An over-the-counter (OTC) medication helps with instant relief from pain and inflammation. You can try medicines such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen, but make sure you do not overdo them. They offer only temporary relief and may have side effects following prolonged use. You must consult your doctor or pain management specialist before using them in the long run.

These tips work for most patients, but you may need a more aggressive approach if they do not help. You can opt for a minimally-invasive surgery for lasting relief. Further, physical therapy helps with rehabilitation and the prevention of a relapse.

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