Playing the Odds: How To Be 90% Healthy

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We are constantly hearing that we’ve got to be completely healthy specimens. But there’s a lot to be said for being 90% healthy. You may have heard of the 90/10 Rule, where you are 90% well-behaved and the 10% you can “roam free,” and while it’s not necessarily an approach to diet, it is a way for you to change your mindset towards being healthy while also making you feel your best and at the same time not necessarily depriving yourself. But how can we really get into the mindset of being 90% healthy? 

Turning Unhealthy Foods Into Healthy Ones

Part of the draw in being 90% healthy is that we can eat whatever we want with that remaining 10%, but it’s important to play the odds. If there are things that we can do to make unhealthy treats healthier, we will feel better for it! You don’t necessarily have to come up with a low-fat version of something you love, because this will certainly take the shine off it for you but you can reinvigorate certain things that can make a big difference to your overall health. For example, if you like baking, you could add vanilla-flavored CBD oil to the mix and it could have a positive impact on you. Additionally, you could incorporate natural sweeteners and flour into your indulgences. And this can mean that you may feel better after indulging in something that you really like. If you can make things a bit healthier, for example, eating whole grain pasta instead of white pasta, it may make all the difference to how you view being healthy. 

Understand What That 10% Is for You

You have to understand your statistics to truly get to grips with what 10% means to you. For example, if you like three meals a day and have one snack, throughout the course of a week you have eaten 28 times in that seven-day period, this means that 10% of that equates to approximately three treats every week. When you start to get into this mindset, you will know your limits. 

Sticking to Your Limits

This is so important to being mainly healthy because you need to know what your body can handle. Some people don’t get along with too much milk, and this is why it’s so important to give yourself a solid foundation before you can be flexible with your food choices. The 90% doesn’t have to be salad! Many people try to be healthy in the most stereotypical way in order to reap the benefits of that 10%. But the fact is that if you don’t necessarily like vegetables, you can find ways to make them taste good. You can add a lot of spices to vegetables, and playing with flavors is not just going to benefit your diet, but your children’s diets as well! If you don’t like certain healthy food, you shouldn’t force yourself to eat it. 

Being 90% healthy is a benchmark that we can all achieve. It’s important to allow ourselves indulgences from time to time, but remember, everything in moderation!

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