Toilet Seats Up!

Imagine someone holding their baby in one arm, not able to put down for whatever reason (we all have our reasons!), and really having to pee. Also, imagine this is a guy.

Now, lets assume this guy had left the toilet seat up from a previous pee and went back there expecting to have an easy “release” this time. But, much to his surprise, the seat’s down! WTF!?

Okay, I give, this guy is me, at least several times a day. I’m sure there are many other men who experience this same phenomenon. I understand that the general population considers lowering the seat the proper thing to do. I say, WRONG!

If anything, the seat should be left however the last person used it, but it’s very helpful to be able to not deal with a toilet seat while holding Avery. Yeah, yeah, somebody call the Whaaambulance, you say, but it’s difficult enough trying to pee with a squirmy baby.

It’s the only fair way…..

I understand women have to set the baby down to do anything potty related, but, well, I’m being selfish and talking about us men only. Sorry, I still respect all ladies. I love you, Kelley! : )

Just felt like ranting on this topic while it was fresh in my mind. I feel better now. Oops, maybe that’s because of pee……no, I’m good.

In other news, Avery’s 3rd night in the crib wasn’t so great. We tried a new swaddle thing called the Woombie but all she did was get her arms close to her face and stuck in some uncomfortable position. #fail

I eventually just swaddled her tightly in what we had and she slept better the rest of the night. So, I think we’ll try Woombie once she’s bigger and can’t move her arms so much.

Today will be my first time going to the store with Avery as a SAHD, wish me luck!

What are your thoughts on toilet seats?

Every try a Woombie? Success or a bust?

2 thoughts on “Toilet Seats Up!”

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