Tag Archives: wedding anniversary

Happy 11th Wedding Anniversary, Kelley!

Yep, it’s our 11, yes, 11, year wedding anniversary today. Can’t believe I’ve been married to this beautiful woman for 11 years!

wedding anniversary, 11 years, celebration, 7 years


Babe, I know we bicker often, but hey, like Abraham Lincoln said:

No matter how much cats fight, there always seem to be plenty of kittens.

Although we’re done making kittens meow. But I’d our 2 kittens are pretty cute! And, realistically, annoying at times. But just loooookkkk…….

kids, cute, siblings, anniversary

It’s been a long time since I actually posted life happenings here, but I had to make it known to the world (or readers of this post) that I am happy to celebrate 11 years of marriage with my wife. We have such an awesome little (but growing too fast!) family!

I love you, Kelley, always!