Tag Archives: teeth

Here’s How Your Diet Affects Your Oral Health

Various studies reveal that a poor diet can increase the risk of developing oral diseases.  It’s worth noting that various food groups can trigger tooth decay, staining, gum infections, and other dental disorders. And these can affect your life’s quality. Therefore, knowing how your daily meals affect oral health can be beneficial. This way, you can determine what foods to remove from your menu. Here are a few things you can consider. 

  1. Sugary foods and tooth decay
sugary colored pancakes, breakfast, unhealthy, processed food

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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 26% of adults in the United States have untreated tooth decay. Indeed, eating sugary snacks makes your teeth vulnerable to decay, as bacteria can combine with plaque to destroy your enamel with time. And if left untreated, cavities may form. Unfortunately, many people don’t monitor their sugar intake, which can hurt their oral health in the long run. Therefore, checking your food and snacks for sugar content is essential.  Processed foods and snacks may contain sugar labeled with different names. Therefore, consider stopping or reducing your intake of foods with sucrose and glucose.  Ensure you control sugar consumption to improve your dental well-being and overall health.

  1. Acidic foods can be bad for your oral health

Highly acidic foods cause similar decay problems as sugar; the only difference is that the effect is faster with acid. Lemons, oranges, and pickled foods may contain significant levels of acid, which can weaken your teeth’s enamel and cause erosion. Since acid-containing foods soften your enamel, brushing your teeth immediately after eating is not a good idea. Experts recommend you should rather swish your mouth and wait for at least 20 minutes before brushing. Alternatively, you can combine low-acid foods, including bananas, cheese, and nuts, to help neutralize the acid or balance your oral pH. Fish, meat, eggs, and oatmeal are good alternatives for this process, so feel free to leverage them.

  1. Fruits and veggies enhance your teeth’s brightness

Eat more fruits and vegetables to achieve a brighter smile, as they come with rich nutrients promoting teeth whitening. For instance, strawberries contain enzymes that help brighten your teeth. Eating apples, carrots, and celery will naturally enhance your saliva production and remove stains. It’s noteworthy that saliva is a natural balancing fluid with cavity-fighting properties, so feel free to consider this. Also, remember that teeth staining can happen when you repetitively eat pigmented foods like coffee, tea, and tomato sauce. Therefore, you may require professional dental cleaning to restore your teeth’s shine if they lose their brightness due to plaque or staining.

  1. A balanced diet is healthy for your teeth
people eating healthy meal with chopsticks, diet, nutrition, whole foods, teeth, oral health

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Eating a nutrient-rich diet is one habit you can prioritize for your teeth’ health. Dentists say your teeth love essential nutrients like calcium, antioxidants, proteins, and vitamins A, B, C, and D. Nutritious foods boost your body’s ability to fight gum disease and decay, so embrace a balanced diet. Fortunately, healthy eating doesn’t have to be boring. You can research nutritious and tasty meal recipes to spice up your daily menu.

How Cosmetic Dental Treatments Can Enhance Your Looks

Have you ever considered Cosmetic Dentistry? Nowadays, we can stay as we are or turn the inside of our mouth into something to be proud of. Those closest to us will thank us for it and we will feel better about it too.

The mouth is something that many will be drawn to. Part of the reason for this is, of course, that we use it to speak to everyone. This means that anything inside whilst it is open is highly visible. Crooked, chipped, or even yellow teeth can therefore be a major source of insecurity.

Let us then proceed to all things dentistry in a cosmetic sense. The website https://dentfixturkey.com/ will guide us into the treatments and this article likewise. We all need guiding sometimes, and this is a situation where our dentist can talk us through some of the best treatments to enhance our looks.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth will yellow and become stained during an aging process that we have a chance to suppress. Keeping the youthful look for as long as possible will be our aim. A nice white smile will please everyone. It is what manufacturers of toothpaste will look to portray in their adverts. We can have that perfect look when we look to laser treatment for teeth whitening.

Teeth Straightening

Crooked teeth might seem impossible to deal with, you might think, but not when dentists can use a brace to straighten the teeth to the correct position. Crooked teeth can not only make eating difficult but they can also make us feel insecure when talking. Above all, most people nowadays view a perfectly straight smile as an indicator of good health and thankfully, dentists can arrange this for us.

There is some good news on braces as well. We can now have invisible dental braces that can align our smile in a more subtle way. Traditional braces can be uncomfortable and some people may also feel insecure about needing them fitted for long periods of time. Invisible brace options therefore provide a fantastic solution.


If we cannot deal with a tooth related issue any other way, we can always cover it up. This is how dental crowns work. They are simply a cap that is put over a damaged tooth. This means that the imperfect tooth will no longer be visible and everyone will just see what looks like a perfect tooth.

Veneers, whether composite or porcelain, will cover up a tooth that has been chipped or damaged or has anything unsightly about it. Lumineers are a brand that will achieve this too.

There are many ways a tooth can be made to look better in appearance. Just because it is healthy and free from decay does not mean that it cannot be improved in lots of other ways. Some will argue that health goes beyond the physical and that a pleasing appearance helps with our mental help.

You can imagine how surprised a friend that has not seen you for a while might be when your appearance improves to them. As with any cosmetic treatment it is most important that you make any improvements because you want to boost your self-esteem and not just to impress others. However, when someone comments positively on your smile, there is no denying that your entire mood can be lifted.

Dental cosmetic procedures can enhance the dating and working experience and so life in general. If you have not considered it so far, then it is something to think about more seriously. After all, we cannot possibly put a price on feeling better about ourselves.

7 Common Bite Issues and the Consequences of Failing To Seek Treatment

A person’s bite is very important for their oral health. The bite affects how a person eats their food and how they talk. Unfortunately, multiple bite issues can occur and lead to problems with the way a person looks and how healthy their teeth remain. This guide explores the seven most common bite issues and helps encourage people to seek orthodontic treatment.

Bad Bites Are Called Malocclusions

A bad bite is more serious than most people realize. A person has a bad bite if their teeth do not meet up normally, allowing their jaws to close. Those who have bite issues need to see the Orthodontists Near Me. Scheduling a consultation appointment will allow individuals to learn about their treatment options.

Seven Common Bite Issues

Multiple bite issues can occur with a person’s smile. When a dentist sees their patient has a bite issue, they will send them to an orthodontist for an evaluation. Multiple orthodontic interventions may be necessary to correct some of the worst bite issues.

1. Crossbite occurs when the top teeth fall behind the bottom teeth. This issue occurs because of misalignments in the teeth or in the jawbone. There are both interior and posterior crossbite issues.

If this condition is not corrected, uneven wear and tear will occur on the teeth. The enamel is likely to begin to become worn, and the individual will find they are unable to chew normally.

2. Underbites are another common type of bite problem. With this condition, the lower jaw sits in front of the upper jaw, giving an almost “bulldog” appearance.

If this problem is not corrected, an individual could experience ongoing stress on their jaw joints that causes wear and tear, along with pain.

3. Open bites are yet another bite problem that many people face. There are posterior and anterior open bite problems.

This issue can cause speech problems and issues with swallowing because the tongue pushes through the opening and blocks a person’s ability to swallow.

4. People who have a deep bite will see their top teeth completely cover their bottom teeth. This problem not only causes a person’s smile to look less attractive, but it can also lead to tooth damage.

Individuals who do not get their deep bite corrected may experience their upper teeth biting into their lower gum tissue. The lower teeth can even bite into the roof of the mouth. People with deep bite are also more likely to develop gum disease.

5. Crowding is also a common problem among individuals. When there is not enough room in the mouth to accommodate all the teeth, the teeth will begin to shift. Teeth can overlap or become severely crooked.

If a person does not get their smile corrected, they will find it difficult to clean their teeth. Individuals will also discover they are more at risk for developing gum disease and tooth decay.

6. Spacing is another bite problem. When there is too much space between the teeth, a person’s smile does not look as attractive as it could.

Spacing issues need to be corrected because food can become trapped between the teeth and cause cavities or gum disease to develop.

7. Protrusion is a problem that is often unkindly referred to as “buck teeth”. This condition causes the upper teeth to protrude well beyond the bottom.

This issue needs to be corrected because it causes the upper teeth to be prone to damage and may cause speech issues.

Schedule an Orthodontic Consultation

Individuals who are interested in learning about their orthodontic options for correcting bite problems should schedule a consultation appointment. At this appointment, they can receive a full evaluation and learn which treatments will be most beneficial.