Tag Archives: supreme 90

Squat Every Day is Done + What’s Next

Back in Mid-September, I wrote how I had started Cory Gregory’s Squat Every Day Program. As you might gather based off the name, it’s where you squat….every day.

We’re not talking body-weight squats either, it was all about heavy barbell work where you hit a max single for most days. Of course, there were some days I strayed from the routine like when I was in Raleigh, NC at the National At-Home Dads Convention where I used the heaviest dumbbells in the hotel gym for split squats, goblet squats and sumo squats. I also performed several sets of heavy triples, used the common 5×5 approach, or even bottom position squats on saw horses some days.


Deviations aside, I still got under the barbell (besides the 3 days of dumbbells) to do heavy squats for 50 consecutive days. I planned to stop at 30 days, but then kept on finding myself starting each workout by doing squats. I’d say this is the last day, but then do the same thing again the following day. Finally, I hit 50 days and the physical and mental aspects simply caught up with me; I was done.

I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I have increased my front squat by 25 pounds and back squat by 15 pounds. For someone who has been lifting for several years, that’s pretty good gains, especially since I still suck at increasing my food intake to make even better gains.

Sunday, November 1st marked my 50th and last consecutive day of squatting, and out of all of the many variations I performed, the squats with a 10 second (yes, 10 full seconds in the bottom part of a heavy squat!) was by far the most difficult both physically and mentally. Doing front-to-back squats (perform a front squat, rack the weight, and then go right into a back squat which makes one rep) is a close second.

No, I don’t expect anyone else to really care about how many days I’ve squatted, but I’m proud of myself for sticking to it and have a new place for squats in my heart. It feels weird to not go right to the squat rack in my garage, but I won’t lie, it’s a little nice too. Actually, I’m taking it somewhat easy this week, but think I’ll commit to a video-based program utilizing dumbbells.

I’ve done it before, and plan on incorporating barbell work in the program because, well, I just love the barbell. I mentioned my injured shoulder about a month and a half ago, and I finally went to a chiropractor who confirmed it’s a strained rotator cuff.  He said I can still lift, just focus on light weights and high reps. This is one reason I’m choosing the workout video that use dumbbells to lift in the 8 – 12 rep range.

At least I can still do heavy squats! Hopefully I’m as disciplined about going easy on my shoulder as I am about always exercising (too much if you ask most people) and I’ll make a full recovery.

Sorry for absence of cute toddler pics and blabbing on about my current squatting achievement and new routine. Speaking of our cute little girl, she’s the other reason I’m leaning more towards a workout routine to do inside. Now that it’ll be getting colder and she’s a little lot more vocal about what she likes and dislikes, I expect being inside and not in a cold garage would suit her preferences.

So that’s where I stand in the exercise world for the most part. Still on that quest to gain strength, just taking a new, hopefully smarter, approach.

Have you ever followed a workout video program?

Did you like or despise it?

Care to share details? I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on different programs.

“Catching Fire” with Tabata Inferno

Sunday at our home was pleasantly uneventful this weekend, just how we like it. I only went outside to bring the trash and recycle bins to the curb and pick up dog poo. Yep, good times……

After a fairly restless night because of someone….

Me, he's talking about me...
Me, he’s talking about me…

….we had a slow start to the day which involved cooking a peanut butter protein teff porridge for Kelley and consuming several cups of coffee. Then, being the crazy people we are, we sat at the dining table and stared at our computers while Avery had a morning nap.

She hasn’t been having the best sleep in her new Zippy, and we’re thinking we tried to make the switch too fast. So we’ll do the swaddle again and make a slower transition. Although, it’s hard to not have her in the Zippy because she’s so freakin’ cute!

No, see, I'm wide awake!
No, see, I’m wide awake!

Once Avery woke up, we spent a little time with all three of us laying on the nursery floor. It started with Tummy Time for Avery, but then it ended with Back Time for Mom and Dad while holding Avery. I think she’s a manipulative baby!

As the day progressed, Kelley laid Avery down for another nap and we decided to finally start watching “Catching Fire” that we bought a few weeks ago. Choosing a movie is a huge commitment when you have a baby in the house, so it needs to be a good one!

We enjoyed the first part of this three part series, “The Hunger Games”, and have been looking forward to this second installment. After pausing several times to try and get Avery back to sleep and then just giving up and bringing her out to watch the movie, we finally finished.

On a scale of 1 to 10, I’d give it a “What the Crap?!” strictly because of the ending, or lack thereof. I get that this is a series, but at least giving us a little more would’ve been nice. As I said, this is a huge commitment! Other than the non-ending ending, it really was a good movie and I am ready for the third and final one to come out.

It was getting late and Avery’s bedtime was drawing near, but first we had a workout video to do.  Kelley has been loosely following the Supreme 90 Day workout videos, and today was Tabata Inferno.

Tabata has become pretty popular in the fitness world and is a protocol of doing 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 rounds. So, it ends up being 4 minutes total. This video has you doing 7 different tabata routines with a 1 minute break in between. I consider myself to be in good shape, and this video will really make me sweat! Here’s a full list of what you do if you’re interested:

Avery hung out in her jumper next to me during the video and she was good up until the last part. I think was the part with burpees really confuses her; what do you think?

I'd rather do Tummy Time...
I’d rather do Tummy Time…

Immediately after the video, Kelley  jumped in the shower while I made a smoothie and prepared dinner. But, before dinner, we had a very tired and fussy baby to bathe and put down for the night. It didn’t take long until Kelley had Avery in her crib and we wound down for the night. What a day!

I didn’t walk with Avery in the Onya on Saturday or Sunday, but I did wear her around the house both days. We went for a run in her stroller on Saturday, so that’s the only reason there was no walk. Total time for both days was about 40 minutes and I used the chest clip front carry each time. I think I’m warming up to the chest clip versus the cross straps for regular activities, and Avery is starting to enjoy it too!

Are you a fan of “The Hunger Games”?

Do you have any favorite workout videos?