Tag Archives: support

Changing Amazon Mom to Amazon Family + WIAW #2

Have you heard of the program Amazon Mom? If you’re here in celebration of What I Ate Wednesday (WIAW), chances are you’re a foodie. Annnnnd, I suspect that many of you, foodies, parents, or anyone really, frequently order from Amazon. Am I right?

I realize there are a lot of moms out there that order from Amazon, maybe you’re one of them reading this right now, but there are also plenty of guys, dads, that do the same. I’m one of them.

The name Amazon Mom feels like having dirt kicked in my face as a father, and that I’m worthless. I’m not alone in these feelings. In fact, Oren Miller, the man who recently passed away from cancer and I wrote a tribute post about how he will live forever, put a call to action several years ago for this very thing.

Please, if you can, find the time to read his post about Why You Should Sign the Amazon Mom Petition. Just yesterday, our Dad Bloggers community along with many helping hands (yes, moms too) lit up the social media world requesting Amazon to change their program from Amazon Mom to Amazon Family.


We are pushing for the long overdue change in honor of Oren and for all parents who give a damn out there. As Oren mentions in his post, the same program in the UK already goes by the name Amazon Family, so why not here in the U.S.? Sense made = ZERO!

Simply follow the hashtags #Dads4Oren and #LoveWalkForOren and you’ll see how big of an impact he has had and still is having on our community. I never met him in person, but just seeing how caring and supportive he was as a friend, father, husband, and person, I want to help however I can.

Please, click the link below and help out by signing the petition. All parents should support this simple request which would give us all the dignity we deserve.

Amazon Mom Petition

On behalf of our Dad Bloggers group as well as parents everywhere, we thank you in advance for any support!

Okay, so now it’s time for my second installment of WIAW. Big thanks to Jenn, recent mom to an adorable “chickpea” and fellow foodie who I hope supports the change on Amazon!

what I ate wednesday, WIAW

I don’t eat much in the morning as I prefer to workout first and then chow down, so I start my day a cup gallon of coffee. Lately, it’s been via my homemade cold brew French Press method which is so simple and very delicious!

cold brew coffee

But, I do have an adorable growing toddler to feed, and she’s quite demanding of my microwave breads. I use pureed fruits and veggies along with coconut flour, oats, peanut flour, kamut flour, etc to make sure she’s getting plenty of nutritious and delicious food. So far, she still begs for whatever I create that day, and it’s only better when I smear some NuttZo on top.

nuttzo bread

I don’t have to hold my hand out long before……

One for me, none for you, dad.
One for me, none for you, dad.

….she takes it and runs!

After my workout, lunch is a hodge podge of steamed veggies, homemade beer bread, and slow-cooker salsa chicken with black beans.


On the side I enjoy having steamed broccoli sprinkled with nutritional yeast. Could eat this all day!


Avery keeps it simple and just has the chicken and black bean mix.


For dinner, I load up with more veggies in a salad topped with goat cheese, raw beets, onions, red peppers, and a can of wild salmon.


Afterward I’ll have several slices of homemade peanut butter banana bread along with more NuttZo. Really love the stuff, and if you order on their website and use code liley15, you can get 15% off. If you ask me, that’s an awesome deal! 🙂


And that’s been a typical day for me this week. Hope you’re having a good one so far, and please, help support all parents and push to have Amazon change their program’s name!

How do you feel about so many businesses still using “Mom” or “Mommy” to describe spending time with kids and promote products?

As a father, this definitely gets to me more than it ever has, but I’m curious how mothers feel about it. Wouldn’t you want your husband/boyfriend/partner/baby’s daddy to be included too? At least most of you should, right?


Brilliant blog posts on HonestMum.com

Help Show the World Why “Sometimes You Need A Jellyfish”

Going Mom and I have been reading more to Avery lately, and although she loses interest rather quickly, it’s apparent that her interest level is increasing. When reading to a baby or any young child, there are a few “must haves” I look for when choosing a book.

The book must have great artwork. Not like “Mona Lisa” art, but big, bold animations with bright colors that seem to jump right out at you. The words need to flow along smoothly and not have you backtracking because a sentence didn’t seem to fit right. This equals instant attention lost from Avery, and I’m sure most other little kids too.

Also, I need something engaging, something I can get into and emphasize words that need to be emphasized by changing the tone and volume of my voice. These key criteria, when combined, make for a wonderful parent-child bonding experience we should enjoy on a daily basis with our children.

Such a book meets and exceeds these “must haves”, and needs your support to help get it published. The book is called Sometimes You Need a Jellyfish, and is written and illustrated by Christopher Routly. Chris is a fellow stay-at-home dad to two boys, ages 6 and 3, and finds inspiration through is daily adventures with them.

Sometimes You Need a Jellyfish begins with two brothers packing to visit their grandparents when the younger brother reveals that he packed a jellyfish.

The story then flows along as the little brother proceeds to give reasons for why you really do need a jellyfish sometimes.

Just reading the story by myself, I found that I was instantly engaged from the beginning and each rhyme-filled sentence flowed wonderfully into the next. I imagined Avery’s eyes filling with excitement as I read through the book, changing the tone of my voice and took pleasure in the thought of her having fun and reading along with me.

With fun characters, excellent illustrations, and a catchy story that rhymes and flows with ease, this is a perfect book your kids (and you) will want to read over and over again. In this book’s case, there are not many more jellyfish in the sea. Pun intended. 😉

Christopher Routly is a fun, loving father and husband who has published several other fun children’s books centered around the alphabet. You can find out more about these books on his blog, The Daddy Doctrines.


To find out what inspired Chris to write a book about a jellyfish and to help support his efforts in getting his book, a guaranteed instant family favorite, head on over to his Kickstarter page now. While there, you’ll learn why sometimes you need to help make Sometimes You Need a Jellyfish a reality!

Make sure to stop by the Sometimes You Need a Jellyfish Facebook page to like and share with friends too!
