Tag Archives: Promo

Aer Industries: The Largest Selection of Wholesale Air Movers

Where to Purchase Wholesale Air Movers

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Air movers are great for several types of businesses. They keep workshops and factories cool and free of debris. They can also be used to blow harmful fumes out of work areas. They are very effective at drying rooms during water damage restoration. No matter what you need it for, there are several places you can go in order to purchase one.

Hardware Stores

During water damage restoration, you don’t have the time to wait for an air blower and other necessary equipment to be shipped to your home. Every moment that water sits in your home, your risk of severe damage increases. For this reason, hardware stores are very convenient to get what you need. Most will carry at least a few different types of air movers and dehumidifiers that will allow you to dry out waterlogged rooms. Another advantage to purchasing at a hardware store is that you can see the different models up close. However, hardware stores may only have a limited selection and employees may have only a limited knowledge of the available products.

Department Stores

Most major department stores have some kind of home improvement or hardware section. You can find air blowers and dehumidifiers here as well. Like hardware stores, they are rather convenient if you need something quickly and you will be able to personally view the different models. However, also like hardware stores, your selection is limited, possibly even more so, and the knowledge of staff members is most likely very limited.


For the largest selection of commercial dehumidifiers, look on line. You can find them available on a myriad of different websites, but for the best quality, look for websites that specialize in water damage restoration, like Aer Industries. With Aer Industries not only are you able to choose from a wide variety of commercial air movers, dehumidifiers and air scrubbers, you can be assured that you will be receiving the highest quality equipment. The members of the Aer Industries team are highly knowledgeable of all of their products and can help you find exactly what you need. If you need assistance with parts or technical support, they can immediately connect you with a qualified individual. They also offer great deals on shipping and wholesale ordering that most other places may not.

Aer Industries Wholesale Air Movers

If you need an air mover, there are several places you can look. Hardware and department stores are convenient if you are need something fast, but your selection is often limited. Websites that specialize in water damage restoration, such as Aer Industries, offer you a much larger selection and is staffed with highly qualified individuals who are very knowledgeable of their products. You can rest easy knowing that you are getting the best equipment and should you need help, there is always someone available.

Are You Ready to ‘Sleep Smarter’?

I’m a long time subscriber to The Model Health Show podcast created by Shawn Stevenson, a health and wellness professional, author, and awesome dad. His new book, Sleep Smarter, is set to release mid-March and I have the opportunity to help share with you!

sleep smarter, shawn stevenson, healthy, health

For the longest time, I would put sleep way down on the priority list thinking I could get by with 5 or less hours of sleep. After reading and listening to podcasts like The Model Health Show, I learned just how important sleep is for our bodies. Not just for rest, but for happiness, success, and overall well-being.

As part of the Sleep Smarter Launch Team, I will receive a copy of the book before its release for me to review. It’s set to arrive in my mailbox this week and I can’t wait to start reading immediately. Even better, I can read as I settle down for the night and relax on our Naturepedic EOS Series mattress.

Here are the details about the book as listed on the Sleep Smarter book web page:

Sleep Smarter is a fun and entertaining look at how sleep impacts your mind, body, and performance, without skimping on the “how to’s”to get you the sleep you really deserve. Sleep Smarter includes a fresh 14-Day Sleep Makeover Plan to help you optimize your sleep each and every night. This critically acclaimed book is loaded with tips and tricks like.

  • How to optimize your body temperature to fall asleep faster
  • How to hack sunlight to regulate your sleep hormones
  • Which clinically proven sleep nutrients and supplements you need to take and why
  • Why your mattress may be the cause of more than just sleep problems
  • The specific time of day to exercise to unlock more rejuvenative sleep
  • How to properly use therapies like massage and acupressure to quickly eliminate sleep problems
  • How to instantly reduce stress hormone levels to fall asleep faster and wake up more refreshed
    Sleep Smarter is the ultimate guide to sleeping better, feeling refreshed, and living a healthier, happier life.

I know having a quality mattress like what’s provided by Naturepedic is an essential part to a good sleep, but there’s so much to sleep that I never considered before. Sleep Smarter has 21 strategies to attain a healthful, energizing sleep to improve your life. And the stress part? Ohhhh boy, I am ready to learn about that part for sure!

If sleep is something you know you need more of (as most parents do!) or don’t consider that important, I strongly urge you to pre-order the book here. You’ll  also receive several amazing bonuses if you pre-order before 3/14/16. I’ll be sharing more about Sleep Smarter and the overall benefits of getting good sleep in future posts, so be sure to check back frequently.

While you’re waiting, pre-order your copy and listen to Shawn on The Model Health Show to learn all about leading a healthy life for you and your family. Speaking of, Shawn is also part of a podcast on fatherhood called The Good Dad Project, another favorite I highly recommend!

Do You Have Enough NuttZo for the Super Bowl?

It’s Super Bowl weekend! Either this means nothing to you and you aren’t watching, or you’re super pumped and ready for the Big Game. If it’s the latter, chances are you have a game day plan for what eat as you watch the Panthers and Broncos duel it out at Levi’s Stadium.

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While I’m hardly a huge NFL guy, I’m sure we’ll have the game on, and we really don’t have much planned for snacking. But I know we have a few jars of NuttZo which is all you need to have a delicious, healthy snack in no time.

super bowl, nuttzo, snacks, healthy
It’s true, see!

Now, I’m not here to talk crazy Super Bowl commercials or blab your head off about trying to stay active instead of sitting for the whole game (it’s hard not to though!), I just want to share a nice discount for NuttZo.

As a NuttZo Ambassador, I’ve been given the power of sharing good health and deliciousness for 20% off. Just go to NuttZo’s website, choose as many jars as you’d like, and enter code dad-20 at checkout. Yep, it’s that easy.

While you won’t get it in time for the Super Bowl, you can use it as a way to replenish your stock after a big snack attack on Sunday, or just to add to what you have or try it for the first time. Just remember to enter this code….


Hope you enjoy your weekend whatever you are doing, and hope you get to enjoy NuttZo for yourself and everyone around you. Just be careful, you never know who might try and steal a bite……

super bowl, nuttzo, food, healthy, snacks
He won’t mind if I sneak a bite of this NuttZo Cinnamon Banana Frittata.