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7 Common Bite Issues and the Consequences of Failing To Seek Treatment

A person’s bite is very important for their oral health. The bite affects how a person eats their food and how they talk. Unfortunately, multiple bite issues can occur and lead to problems with the way a person looks and how healthy their teeth remain. This guide explores the seven most common bite issues and helps encourage people to seek orthodontic treatment.

Bad Bites Are Called Malocclusions

A bad bite is more serious than most people realize. A person has a bad bite if their teeth do not meet up normally, allowing their jaws to close. Those who have bite issues need to see the Orthodontists Near Me. Scheduling a consultation appointment will allow individuals to learn about their treatment options.

Seven Common Bite Issues

Multiple bite issues can occur with a person’s smile. When a dentist sees their patient has a bite issue, they will send them to an orthodontist for an evaluation. Multiple orthodontic interventions may be necessary to correct some of the worst bite issues.

1. Crossbite occurs when the top teeth fall behind the bottom teeth. This issue occurs because of misalignments in the teeth or in the jawbone. There are both interior and posterior crossbite issues.

If this condition is not corrected, uneven wear and tear will occur on the teeth. The enamel is likely to begin to become worn, and the individual will find they are unable to chew normally.

2. Underbites are another common type of bite problem. With this condition, the lower jaw sits in front of the upper jaw, giving an almost “bulldog” appearance.

If this problem is not corrected, an individual could experience ongoing stress on their jaw joints that causes wear and tear, along with pain.

3. Open bites are yet another bite problem that many people face. There are posterior and anterior open bite problems.

This issue can cause speech problems and issues with swallowing because the tongue pushes through the opening and blocks a person’s ability to swallow.

4. People who have a deep bite will see their top teeth completely cover their bottom teeth. This problem not only causes a person’s smile to look less attractive, but it can also lead to tooth damage.

Individuals who do not get their deep bite corrected may experience their upper teeth biting into their lower gum tissue. The lower teeth can even bite into the roof of the mouth. People with deep bite are also more likely to develop gum disease.

5. Crowding is also a common problem among individuals. When there is not enough room in the mouth to accommodate all the teeth, the teeth will begin to shift. Teeth can overlap or become severely crooked.

If a person does not get their smile corrected, they will find it difficult to clean their teeth. Individuals will also discover they are more at risk for developing gum disease and tooth decay.

6. Spacing is another bite problem. When there is too much space between the teeth, a person’s smile does not look as attractive as it could.

Spacing issues need to be corrected because food can become trapped between the teeth and cause cavities or gum disease to develop.

7. Protrusion is a problem that is often unkindly referred to as “buck teeth”. This condition causes the upper teeth to protrude well beyond the bottom.

This issue needs to be corrected because it causes the upper teeth to be prone to damage and may cause speech issues.

Schedule an Orthodontic Consultation

Individuals who are interested in learning about their orthodontic options for correcting bite problems should schedule a consultation appointment. At this appointment, they can receive a full evaluation and learn which treatments will be most beneficial.