Tag Archives: autumn

5 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Fall

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As the days get shorter and the nights become longer, you’ll soon be thinking of ways to keep yourself and your family warm and happy as you begin transitioning from the summer. Aside from that, you’ll need to carry out some fall-related chores in your home.

Doing so will ensure that your home and loved ones are ready for the cooler season and that you won’t have any household-related problems when you eventually transition into winter. Here are five ways you can prepare your home for fall starting from today:

1. Mow Your Lawn

It doesn’t matter whether you’ve got a small patch of grass outside your home or you have acres of lovely lawn you can admire from your abode. Even though it’s getting cooler and the days are getting shorter, your lawn will still grow, albeit not as much as during the summer.

With that in mind, it makes sense to keep your lawn trimmed until it gets to the point where it won’t grow much until next year.

2. Have Your AC System Serviced

If your home has an air conditioning system, there’s no denying that it will have been in constant use throughout the summer. As fall approaches, it won’t get used as much until temperatures start rising again next year.

It’s worth getting your system serviced; otherwise, you may need help from a 24 hour AC service if it suddenly decides to stop functioning as usual. Plus, getting it serviced now will be cheaper than potentially getting the system replaced due to a complete system failure.

3. Deep Clean Your Oven

It’s no secret that the oven is the least cleaned of all appliances or areas in your home. You undoubtedly use your oven on a regular basis, and you’ll likely use it quite a lot for cooking up feasts towards the end of the year.

The beginning of fall is one of the best times of year to deep clean an oven. That’s because it won’t be getting much use at the moment, giving you ample time to scrub any baked-on grease and food away and ensuring that internal components of your oven are also clean.

4. Prepare Your Fireplace

It goes without saying that when the darkness sets in early each year and temperatures drop, you’ll want to use your fireplace every evening. As you can imagine, you need to ensure your fireplace is in good condition and won’t cause any accidental chimney fires.

Have a professional sweep your chimney to remove any soot, and clean out your wood-burning stove so that it’s ready to use. Also, stack up some logs ready for use in winter or to use instead of your home’s heating system during fall.

5. Get Rid of Any Unwanted Junk

Last but not least, you’ve probably accumulated some items throughout the year that you’ve meant to discard.

One task you should do during fall is throw away, recycle, or sell any unwanted junk. Your home will feel more spacious, and you’ll have an enormous sense of achievement.

Have A Pest-Free Home This Autumn

Before you know it, summer is over, the air is turning colder and the green leaves are starting to turn into vibrant colors of orange and red. Autumn is here, and in this transition season to winter you can go apple picking, visiting pumpkin patch, stuffing a scarecrow, or you can go on a nature hikeWe bet you’re feeling a little flustered at getting your outdoor space ready for all the Halloween fun. There’s the lawn to look after, a clean and tidy space in which to impress guests and then that little annoying factor of knowing which pests to avoid, and even prevent ruining all the fall festivities. Companies that offer az pest control services (or other companies that offer similar services in your own area) will offer a customized pest control service to help reduce stress, but what about in between these services?

pests, fall, autumn, tips, advice, insects, mice, rats

Image Source: Pixabay

Good news! It can be done with pest control electronic you can get from Pest Free USA. 

In the meantime, here are our top tips to keeping irritating pests at bay this fall. 

Farewell to Ants 

Just like mosquitoes, ants are pesky creatures on the lawn and even inside your home. They can bite rather painfully and can be an issue for you and your pets. To prevent ants from ruining your fall fun, try this: 

  • Stay away from ant mounds 
  • Seal up cracks and crevices and replace weather stripping to stop the ants getting into your home 
  • If you do spot ant mounds on your property, call a professional pest control company for help 

Say Goodbye to Fleas 

Fleas are a nuisance for you and your furry family members. Try these suggestions to keep fleas away from your home: 

  • Frequently check your pets for fleas and any flea dust 
  • Mop your floors, clean your furniture and vacuum your carpets regularly 
  • If you do suspect an infestation of fleas, call an exterminator 

Block Entry of Rodents

pests, fall, autumn, tips, advice, insects, mice, rats

Image Source: Pixabay 

In the colder months, rats and mice will look for a warm place where they can also get food. These pests usually come in groups and can squeeze through the smallest of holes. Here’s how you can stop them from entering your home: 

  • Keep your food in airtight containers 
  • Seal up cracks and holes in your house  

Sometimes wildlife will still find their way into your home no matter what you do, that’s when it’s a good idea to call in the experts. Professional help from Wildlife Removal Services will ensure that any wildlife is removed in a safe, humane way and will ensure they stay out.

Shoo Away The Roaches 

These cockroaches, albeit shy ones and don’t like to be seen especially during daytime, spread different kinds of dangerous bacteria and can trigger asthma. Here’s what you should do when you notice a roach infection: call a pest control professional. 

Have a Pest-Free Autumn 

When it comes to autumn pest invaders, stopping them from getting into your home and property in the first place is the key to a successful autumn. The above prevention tips can help you get right to the root of the problem. 

Alternatively, visit https://www.pestcontrolexperts.com/ to call in the pros who will conduct a full indoor and outdoor inspection to identify any active pest problems, spot potential entry points and other conditions that could encourage a pest invasion. Then, you can create a plan to both resolve current pest issues and prevent future infestations for a truly pest-free, care-free autumn!