Tag Archives: 4 months

The 4 Month Checkup and Avery Might be Taller than Us

Don’t you just love taking your baby to the doctor knowing full well they’re about to get poked with those monstrous needles? Yeah, me either….

Just so happens that’s what I did with Avery this morning! Her delayed visit became the present and I’m pretty sure she wasn’t happy. I could ramble on and on about her visit, but I’ll let the pictures do most of the talking.

Feeling pretty good today and Daddy is just taking pictures of me in my car seat.


Wait a second……why am I in my car seat?


W-wh-what is this building? There’s no food here!


Noooo! I smell a doctor’s office and Daddy is looking at me with apologetic eyes!! Oh, I just pooped a little.


I’m not going to stop this until Daddy takes me back home now!! No, don’t take me in another room!


Hmm, my hand is pretty good and I’m quite flexible…


Oh, okay, Daddy just took me to hang out in this room while I work on my hand.


What the!?! That was the worst feeling ever! Daddy, you are now my arch nemesis!!


Seriously, where is Mommy? And why am I still crying with my thumb in my mouth? Self-soothing my diaper rash!


I feel a little tired now, maybe I’ll just rest my ey….


And that was our trip to the doctor’s office for Avery’s 4 month checkup. Luckily we are following the alternative vaccine schedule I mentioned before and she only got 2 shots. She’ll get more next month, but at least her body won’t be overwhelmed.

Avery weighed in at 13.9 lbs putting her in the 68th percentile for her age and she was 25 inches in height which is in the 86th percentile. This didn’t seem to be too concerning since she is on a strictly breast fed diet. Our doctor said after the 4 month mark, we should start seeing a boost in weight. So, we’ll see how she’s doing at the next checkup!

After a long 3 hour nap, I took Avery for our first walk in the Onya Baby Outback. I’ve been very anxious to test it out on a long walk and eagerly headed out the door with our dog, Abby in tow.

Heading out for our first of many "Outback" journey
Heading out for our first of many “Outback” journeys

We went our standard route which is a 1.5 mile loop that I do twice. I really like going up the big hill to make it more challenging. Yes, I’m weird like that. Wait until you see what I do with a Fiskars StaySharp Max Reel Mower. I’ll go into detail in future posts.

Avery was fussy for a while, but ended up falling asleep. I was worried she wasn’t into the Onya, but after we got home, we found the culprit of her fussiness was a dirty diaper! Oops, sorry Avery!

Along the route, we ran into the neighborhood goose. He usually around the same area every day we go for a walk.

Nope, no mail yet…..

After we finished our hour of walking, which was close to 4 miles, Going Mom was home and we went for another 30 minute walk. So the total time in our Onya Outback was just over an hour and a half today and about 5.25 miles!

Ahhhh, stretch it out!
Ahhhh, stretch it out!

I’m thoroughly satisfied after our first long walk in the Outback and know Avery will enjoy it more when she is bigger. I did use the Baby Booster this time and it helped her temperament over how it was without. One thing I noticed it that I can move my arms to wipe sweat or bugs from my face without worrying about the carrier moving around while she sleeps. In the Baby Bjorn, since the tension is all on my shoulders, any arm movements usually disrupt her slumber.

I am seriously liking the Outback and look forward to another journey tomorrow. Hopefully Avery will be more accepting too!

I'm warming up to it!
I’m warming up to it!


Is the Teddy Bear Shrinking?

Hi guys! Hope you’re having a great Sunday!

I’ll be enjoying today with two of my favorite ladies, but just wanted to share a quick post.

Avery turned 4 months yesterday and she was a great baby all day. She even let us watch the final episodes of Breaking Bad! Kelley and I had to switch off keeping her entertained, but she was better than expected. Of course, when you’re getting pushed around in the swing chair, why wouldn’t you be good?

Had to make sure Breaking Bad was paused for the pic!
Had to make sure Breaking Bad was paused for the pic!

Before finishing the series, we also went of a long walk (catching the start of a thunderstorm!)  and took 4 month photos of Avery.

Each month, we’ve been taking pictures of Avery beside her teddy bear on the nursery chair. I’m heading off to spend time with my girls now, but want to share Avery’s monthly pictures thus far.

Our little girl is growing so fast! I guess that is what babies do though, huh?

Month 1

I hope I don't lose my hair....
I hope I don’t lose my hair….

Month 2

I lost my hair...
I lost my hair…

Month 3

I'm sensing a pattern around this time each month....
I’m sensing a pattern around this time each month….

Month 4

Finally they get it, I give smiles when I'm naked!
Finally they get it, I give smiles when I’m naked!

Are you a Breaking Bad fan?

Ever watch something not child friendly with your baby?

A Talk With My 4 Month Old About Teething

Me: Hey Avery, what’s up cutie?


Avery: Oh, hiiiiii Dad, I’m just sitting in this nursery chair…

Me: I see, you look like something’s bothering you dear. Are you feeling okay?


Avery: Well, it’s just that the inside of my mouth has been bothering me lately and I can’t figure out what it is.

Me: Ahhhh, maybe you’re starting to have your teeth come in a little early. You are 4 months old today and it’s possible to have them start appearing. It will be a long, painful process, but mommy and I will help you get through it.

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Avery: Really, you will? I’m scared of this teething, what does it even mean?

Dad's Face_Big Smile

Me: Yep, we’ll do our best to help you out. We have the Baltic Amber necklace on you in hopes that it will help, but it’s likely you’ll still have pain. Teething is a process that babies go through when their teeth, like these white things in my mouth, start to come out of your gums. I can start as early as 2 months old and go all the way to 2 years old!


Avery: Hmmm, I’m going to grow teeth in here, huh? Why can’t I just not have teeth? I mean, what good are they if they just cause me to have pain?

Me: They are very good! So far, all you’ve had is mommy’s milk, which is good but there are so many good foods to enjoy in the world! Without teeth, you wouldn’t be able to experience these delicious foods and trust me, having to drink everything your whole life would be like me asking you if you are going to poop every 20 minutes. There are way too many foods I want to share with you and can’t wait until you have your teeth to do so! As for the pain, we can offer chilled teething toys, a soft brush on your gums, and even a cold drink to help.


Avery: Yay, can’t wait…… Will you move me? This chair has bad lumbar support.

Me: Yes, here we go, I’ll put you in your swing chair. All better?


Avery: Yes, but I’m still not happy about this pain and it possibly getting worse.

Me: Oh Avery, you’ll be fine. Don’t be such a baby!


Avery: Hey! I AM a baby! Plus, having those white things like you have poke through my perfectly fine gums is daunting! Is all of this food you speak of really worth it?

Me: Of course it is, there is so much food from all over the world I hope to share and enjoy with you! And none of it will come from some fast food joint selling chemicals in the form of food; more on that later. I just want to make sure my daughter gets the best nutrition to keep you looking like the beautiful girl you are.


Avery: Stop it, you’re just saying that! How can you say that when I’ve been drooling all over you as I cry non-stop?

Me: Well, it’s just a part of being a good parent, and both your mommy and I love you more than anything! Plus, like most parents, we can just put the blame for your fussiness on teething even if it really isn’t since you can’t talk and tell us otherwise. But most likely, it’s teething……or you’re gassy or have colic. Those last two are supposed to be a joke b/c they are always what adults say is wrong with a fussy baby.


Avery: Not laughing….

Me: Sorry, maybe you will one day….maybe. So, can you feel any teeth coming in yet?


Avery: Mmmmmmm, nope, nothing but soft gums. But they are a little sore.

Me: Well, your teeth will start coming in before you know it. Once your drooling, irritability, waking at night, and sucking start to increase, we’ll know something’s making its way through your gums. Just do your best to get through it and you’ll be chomping away on tasty things like carrots, apples, and Brussels sprouts.


Avery: Brussels sprouts? Those little green things you constantly eat and then bad smells seem to just appear around you every so often? I’ll pass..

Me: Ha ha, get it?! You’ll “pass”, as in pass gas? And yes, that’s what I do after eating those. Yes, those are the ones, but they are sooooo good and so good for you. I’ll have to work on you with those I guess.


Avery: You embarrass me.

Me: Yeah, that’s what dads are for dear, and it only gets worse. Wait until your first day of school!


Avery: Crap, not looking forward it…. Anyway, dad, if I’m going to get teeth like you have, won’t those be kind of big in my little mouth?

Me: Oh, yeah, your teeth will be much smaller than mine. You see, after you’ve grown your full set of teeth, you’ll eventually lose them and the whole thing happens again over a few years.

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Avery: …………………….