9 Habits of People Who Are Trying To Conceal Their Depression

For a condition that affects millions of people, depression remains one of the most misunderstood mental health conditions. It can disguise itself in ways that make it difficult to recognize, even to the trained eye. There are many treatment options for depression, including an outpatient treatment center.

What people who don’t have experience with depression may not understand is that those who do go above and beyond to hide their depression. Here are nine habits that are commonly used to conceal depression.

Habit 1: Overcompensating Happiness

People hiding their depression may project an image of exaggerated happiness. They go to great lengths to appear joyful and content. They might constantly have a smile on their face in an attempt to convince others – and themselves – that they are okay. This type of overcompensation can be evident in person or on their social media accounts.

Habit 2: Withdrawal from Social Interactions

An individual living with depression may avoid social gatherings and hangouts, preferring to spend time alone. This isolation can be a way to express their feelings of sadness and depression from others.

Habit 3: Neglecting Personal Care

Depression may sometimes cause people to not care about their cleanliness or how they look. An example of this is neglecting daily grooming habits like bathing, brushing teeth, or changing into clean clothes. House chores and other responsibilities can also fall by the wayside during an episode of depression.

Habit 4: Changes in Sleep Patterns

Depression can disrupt a person’s sleep patterns. Some may experience insomnia, finding it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Others may sleep excessively, using sleep as an escape from their feelings.

Habit 5: Using Humor to Deflect

Individuals masking their depression frequently use humor as a defense mechanism. They make light of serious situations or consistently turn conversations into jokes. This deflective humor works as a shield, preventing others from noticing their pain.

Habit 6: Change in Eating Habits

Changes in eating habits can often indicate hidden depression. Some individuals may experience a decrease in hunger, leading to weight loss. Others may start overeating as a form of comfort, resulting in weight gain.

Habit 7: Increased Use of Alcohol or Drugs

Some individuals coping with depression might resort to alcohol or drugs as a form of self-medication. Engaging in such behavior can be a dangerous habit, leading to addiction and worsening the symptoms of depression.

Habit 8: Excessive Fatigue

Those trying to hide their depression might attribute their constant tiredness to physical exertion or lack of sleep instead of discussing their emotional struggles. Depression can also cause unexplained physical aches and pains.

Habit 9: Avoiding Conversations About Their Feelings

People trying to hide their depression may deliberately avoid conversations about their feelings or emotional state. They might change the topic or become defensive when their emotions are brought up.

Recognizing these habits can be crucial in identifying and supporting those who may be dealing with hidden depression. However, it’s important not to jump to conclusions or diagnose someone based on these habits alone. If you see these behaviors in someone you care about, kindly talk to them without judging. Suggest they get expert help if needed.

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