11 Things You Can’t Wait to Have Your Kids Checked For

As parents, we all want our kids to remain healthy and fulfilled; one way we can ensure this happens is through regular check-ups. While it may seem excessive to some younger children, addressing health concerns early is key. Here are 11 items your kids need checked for that are worth doing so – from hearing loss to nutrition issues and vaccinations.

kid giving teddy bear a checkup, imagination, play doctor, role playing

Photo by Derek Finch on Unsplash

Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can have a dramatic impact on a child’s development and should never be overlooked. At your child’s annual exam, the doctor should perform an ear exam to ensure no hearing loss exists; early intervention for kids hearing loss is extremely crucial so any issues found can be quickly addressed and treated effectively. 

Eye Tests

Vision tests are an integral component of pediatric check-ups and can detect vision issues like nearsightedness and farsightedness that require glasses or contact lenses for correction. You should also have your child’s eyes examined for color blindness – something not uncommon among young children. 


Children learn healthy eating habits early, so it is crucial that their doctor assess whether your child is receiving all of the essential nutrients during their developmental years. Your doctor may discuss food selection and portion size with you to ensure a well-rounded diet is being consumed by your child. You may be asked to keep a food diary so they can monitor nutritional intake more easily and suggest any necessary changes if required.


Vaccines play a vital role in keeping kids safe from serious illness and disease, so it’s essential that they’re up-to-date with all necessary vaccinations. Your doctor will be able to advise which vaccinations would best benefit your child as well as answer any queries or address concerts you might have. Furthermore, booster shots could even be offered during their checkup if due.

Allergies and Asthma

It is vitally important for children’s wellbeing that allergies and asthma be monitored as these conditions can change over time. At their check-up visit, the doctor may ask about symptoms or triggers as well as recommend allergy tests if necessary. You may also be asked about family histories related to allergies and asthma to assess risk and ensure your child does not develop these conditions in future years.

Heart Health

While heart issues in children may be rare, it’s still essential that they get checked as early as possible. Your pediatrician will use a stethoscope to listen for abnormalities in your child’s heart rhythm; additionally they may take a blood pressure reading and check pulse rate; finally you may also be asked questions regarding activity levels and lifestyle habits of both your family. 

Mental and Emotional Health

Pediatric care includes providing regular checks on your child’s mental health. Your physician can offer guidance in managing stress, anxiety or depression and can refer you to resources if needed. Furthermore, parents need to have open conversations with their children in order to monitor their emotional development – asking about school, friends, hobbies and family relationships can all help monitor emotional progress.

Physical Activity

Exercise is an integral component of leading a healthy lifestyle for children. Your pediatrician can provide advice on how to get your child more active during a check-up visit, as well as guidance regarding which forms of activity would best benefit their age group. They may also ask about your family’s diet and lifestyle habits so they are getting enough physical activity.

Screen Time

Too much screen time has become an ever-increasing problem among children these days, prompting many physicians to discuss it during check-ups and provide advice on limiting screen time in order to promote healthier habits and maintain mental engagement and activity levels. They may suggest taking regular breaks away from screens during the day in order to keep active mentally as well as physically engaged – or create a healthier home environment by creating “screen-free zones”.

Growth and Development

Your doctor will conduct an assessment to make sure that your child is meeting age-appropriate milestones, including speaking correctly, walking efficiently and socializing as expected. Should any issues arise during their assessment, your doctor may refer you to a specialist for further evaluation – making this checkup essential in making sure your child grows and develops normally.

Information About Recent Outbreaks of Disease

Your pediatrician can provide you with information regarding outbreaks or illnesses circulating in your area, answer questions about staying healthy and suggest prevention methods tailored specifically for your child’s wellbeing. Furthermore, they will advise when seeking medical help is warranted in case your child shows any symptoms that could indicate illness. 

doctor using smart phone, kids, health, check-up, parenting, medical advice

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Be sure to bring your child in for regular checkups, to ensure they receive the care necessary for a healthy development and lifelong happiness. When meeting with their pediatrician, discuss any concerns or ask any questions, ensuring the best care possible so they can ensure your child lives a full life!

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