3 Mistakes To Avoid During A Separation

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Separation from a spouse is an emotional period for anyone who has experienced it and usually precedes divorce. According to research, only 13% of separated couples reconcile and do not proceed to the divorce stage. However, if there is no hope of reconciliation, it is best to take certain precautions in order not to mar the impending proceedings. Below are some mistakes to avoid during separation. 

  1. Engaging in social media battles

One of the biggest mistakes people make during a separation is engaging in social media battles with their soon-to-be ex-partner. Posting hurtful or negative comments on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram can only escalate the situation and make things worse. Already, emotions are high and such actions are inflammatory and unhealthy for all parties involved, especially when there are kids in the picture. Aside from harming your partner, engaging in social media battles can also negatively impact your mental health and well-being. Additionally, it can have legal implications if the content is considered defamatory. 

Social media provides a platform for partners to air their grievances and post negative or hurtful comments about each other. However, escalating an already bad situation does nothing good for either party, as it can cause avoidable issues such as character assassination. As tempting as it may be to go onto these platforms to air your emotions, it’s best to avoid doing that. During this period, it’s prudent to listen to your divorce lawyer, especially when they caution you on the possible repercussions of such an action. If it helps, you can take a break from social media to help you get through that stage before coming back online. You can also seek emotional support from friends, family, or a professional therapist.

  1. Resorting to self-destructive habits

It is natural to feel overwhelmed by emotions during a separation. However, it is important to be self-aware of your mental state. That will help you avoid self-destructive habits, such as excessive drinking, drug use, or risky sexual behavior. These actions often have serious consequences for your health and well-being and can harm your reputation and relationships. Instead, seek support from a reliable network that understands the situation and will walk you through the dark moments. It is better to handle your emotions healthily and constructively rather than resort to reactions you may later regret. Self-destructive behaviors can affect your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. If left unattended, they can become habits you cannot break without professional help. 

  1. Making hasty or impulsive decisions

Separation can also be a time of financial stress, as partners almost always have to divide assets, pay legal fees, and adjust to living on a single income. It can be tempting to make hasty or impulsive decisions, such as selling assets or quitting your job, to get through the process as quickly as possible. However, these decisions can have serious and long-lasting consequences. That is why it is important to seek the advice of a financial advisor or attorney before making any major financial moves during the separation.

Admittedly, sticking to the above tips during separation can be challenging. However, you can consciously avoid these mistakes with patience and discipline to make your separation process less stressful.

Saving on the Cost of Running a Family Car

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As a family, owning a car can be a major expense, but it can also be very necessary for getting you to work and school, amongst other things.

The good news is, there are several ways to save on the cost of running a family car, which can make a significant difference to your budget, as you will see below.

Don’t buy fuel at the first place you see

Fuel prices can vary significantly from one gas station to another, so it pays to shop around for the best deals instead of simply buying from the most convenient location. You can even use websites such as GasBuddy to find the cheapest gas prices in your area, or you can plan your route to take advantage of discounts offered at specific gas stations.

Take good care of your car

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your car running smoothly and to prevent costly breakdowns. That’s why you should be regularly checking the brakes, ensuring you have proper wheel alignment, changing the oil, and having a mechanic look her over to ensure your car is in good shape. You’ll save so much more than you spend if you do.

Get a ride with someone

Carpooling is a great way to save money on fuel and wear and tear on your car. Whether it’s to work, school, or extracurricular activities, carpooling can help you to reduce the number of miles you drive, which can save you money on fuel and wear, and it is much better from the environment. Yes, you’ll have to share the load, but if you get a bunch of people on rotation, you will all save.

Learn to drive more efficiently

The way you drive can have a big impact on fuel efficiency and the cost of running your car. For example, accelerating slowly and braking gently can help to improve fuel efficiency and reduce wear and tear on your car. You can also use cruise control on the highway to maintain a steady speed and save on fuel.

Shop around for car insurance

Car insurance can cost you almost as much as a cheap used car in some cases, so it pays to shop around for the best deals. The good news is, it’s really easy to find the best deals these days by using price comparison sites and not settling for the first quote you find. 

Try out car-sharing services 

Car-sharing services such as Zipcar and Car2Go can be a cost-effective alternatives to owning a car. These services allow you to rent a car for a short period of time, which can be a convenient and affordable way to get around, especially if you only need a car occasionally.

Think about fuel efficiency when buying a car

If you’re in the market for a new car, consider a fuel-efficient model. Cars with smaller engines, hybrid technology, and electric power can be more fuel-efficient than traditional gas-powered cars, which can save you money on fuel in the long run.

Owning a car can be a significant expense, but, as you can see there are several ways to save money on the cost of running a family car. So, what are you waiting for?

Here’s How To Get Your Child To Enjoy School

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Getting children to enjoy school can be challenging for many parents, but it’s important. Education is a crucial aspect of a child’s life and sets the foundation for future success. A recent survey showed that only 49% of fourth-graders enjoy school, while a much lower percentage admitted to hardly being happy at school. If your child dislikes schools, there could be many reasons for it. However, as a parent, there are some ways to get them to enjoy school, including the tips below.  

  1. Encourage a love of learning

A love of learning creates an intrinsic motivation to engage in academic activities, leading to better grades and a more positive attitude toward school. You can start this by creating a positive learning environment at home. Please encourage your child to read, engage in educational games and activities, and provide them with a dedicated study space. You can also create a supportive environment where they feel comfortable asking questions and exploring their interests. Another way to encourage a love of learning is to help your kids discover their passions. When you allow them to explore their interests and find their passions, your children will be happy to explore further. It could be extracurricular activities such as sports, music, or art. Resources like Generation Genius can also help your child learn to love Math and Science. The more they engage in activities they enjoy, the more likely they are to develop a love for learning. Additionally, you can foster a curious mindset in your young ones by teaching them to ask questions. When they do, it will help to provide positive reinforcement for their efforts, progress, and attempts to understand the world around them.

  1. Foster a growth mindset

Fostering a growth mindset is another helpful way to help your child enjoy school and succeed in their education. Children with a growth mindset are more likely to see challenges as opportunities for growth and learning rather than failures. It sounds like a difficult concept to explain to a child, but you can overcome this challenge by simplifying it. You can also stress effort over ability as you focus on your child’s work rather than their grades or test scores. Show them that consistent hard work and persistence in challenging situations are key to success. Use different experiences to show them how perseverance has worked for you. That way, your child can make that connection and be motivated to try that out.

  1. Promote positive relationships with teachers and peers

Promoting positive relationships with teachers and peers can play a significant role in helping your child enjoy school and succeed in their education. Children with healthy relationships with their teachers and peers will likely feel happy and engaged in the classroom. They are also more likely to do well academically. You can do this by encouraging your child’s participation in class. Let them know that it is alright to approach their teacher if they need further understanding of a topic. Over time, this will boost their confidence. As a parent, fostering open communication with your children’s teacher is helpful. When you do, you will be more informed and updated on your kids’ performance in school. That can provide enough background to increase your efforts at helping your child enjoy school.