3 Mistakes To Avoid During A Separation

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Separation from a spouse is an emotional period for anyone who has experienced it and usually precedes divorce. According to research, only 13% of separated couples reconcile and do not proceed to the divorce stage. However, if there is no hope of reconciliation, it is best to take certain precautions in order not to mar the impending proceedings. Below are some mistakes to avoid during separation. 

  1. Engaging in social media battles

One of the biggest mistakes people make during a separation is engaging in social media battles with their soon-to-be ex-partner. Posting hurtful or negative comments on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram can only escalate the situation and make things worse. Already, emotions are high and such actions are inflammatory and unhealthy for all parties involved, especially when there are kids in the picture. Aside from harming your partner, engaging in social media battles can also negatively impact your mental health and well-being. Additionally, it can have legal implications if the content is considered defamatory. 

Social media provides a platform for partners to air their grievances and post negative or hurtful comments about each other. However, escalating an already bad situation does nothing good for either party, as it can cause avoidable issues such as character assassination. As tempting as it may be to go onto these platforms to air your emotions, it’s best to avoid doing that. During this period, it’s prudent to listen to your divorce lawyer, especially when they caution you on the possible repercussions of such an action. If it helps, you can take a break from social media to help you get through that stage before coming back online. You can also seek emotional support from friends, family, or a professional therapist.

  1. Resorting to self-destructive habits

It is natural to feel overwhelmed by emotions during a separation. However, it is important to be self-aware of your mental state. That will help you avoid self-destructive habits, such as excessive drinking, drug use, or risky sexual behavior. These actions often have serious consequences for your health and well-being and can harm your reputation and relationships. Instead, seek support from a reliable network that understands the situation and will walk you through the dark moments. It is better to handle your emotions healthily and constructively rather than resort to reactions you may later regret. Self-destructive behaviors can affect your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. If left unattended, they can become habits you cannot break without professional help. 

  1. Making hasty or impulsive decisions

Separation can also be a time of financial stress, as partners almost always have to divide assets, pay legal fees, and adjust to living on a single income. It can be tempting to make hasty or impulsive decisions, such as selling assets or quitting your job, to get through the process as quickly as possible. However, these decisions can have serious and long-lasting consequences. That is why it is important to seek the advice of a financial advisor or attorney before making any major financial moves during the separation.

Admittedly, sticking to the above tips during separation can be challenging. However, you can consciously avoid these mistakes with patience and discipline to make your separation process less stressful.

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