Putting Your Life Back Together After a Serious Injury

Maintaining your health is never easy, especially as we’re all getting older and having to face new challenges. But one thing that can make it even more difficult is getting seriously injured. Even if you’ve done your best to live healthily and look after your family, it can only take one accident to cause a catastrophic injury that impacts your life.

Putting your life back together and knowing what to do after a major injury can take a lot of work, but it’s more than worth doing what you can to achieve a good standard of living. Here are some tips to help you through the process.

injured are and hand with medication, pills, pain med, injury, recovery, healing, health, mental, stress, anxiety

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Be Patient With Yourself

An injury is frustrating, both physically and mentally. It’s tempting to push yourself and try to rush recovery, but this isn’t how healing works. Your body needs time to recover. If you push it too far, then you risk hindering your recovery or even causing more damage.

Instead, you need to rest your injured body part and listen to your body. Instead of concentrating on what you can’t do, try to work around the injury and figure out what you can do. Once you’ve reached a certain point in your recovery, then you may need to start using your injured body part again. This can be slow, painful, and upsetting, but if you keep at it, you’re more likely to recover more functionality.

Your Mental Health

Often, a serious injury is caused by a traumatic event. This alone can result in mental and emotional problems, such as PTSD or other anxiety disorders. But you also have to deal with the strain of being injured and facing new limitations. 

You might be worried about your recovery, as well as how you will support yourself and your family. You could also face depression or frustration and anger as you cope with pain and the sense that your body is failing you.

If you are struggling with this adjustment, no matter where you are in your physical recovery, it’s important to speak to someone. Talk to trusted friends and family, especially if you know someone who has gone through something similar. 

You may need to consult a mental health professional for counseling or medication to help you cope. Existing mental health problems can be exacerbated by physical injury, making this even more important. 

Moving On

Sometimes, an injury is severe enough that it leaves you or a loved one with a long-term or even permanent disability. While this is upsetting, it doesn’t mean that you can’t move on and still put your life together.

One thing that can help families, especially if you are unable to work as you once were, is to get compensation. If your injury is the result of an accident that wasn’t your fault, possibly due to negligence or some other error, then you should reach out to GKBM to start building a catastrophic injury case

Nobody wants to go through a court case, but if you are eligible for compensation, then the best way to help your family is to make sure they are supported financially.

New Year’s Resolutions: Treating Your Health The Way You Deserve

We can all slip when it comes to our health. But if you want to start treating your health the way it should be treated, why not make a resolution around it? Indeed, research shows that nearly 50% of people who make a resolution they can commit to are much more likely to complete their goal within the year ahead! 

When you feel like your mental and physical health has gone long neglected, those are the kind of numbers you can rely on. So let’s take your health more seriously now we’re into January. No matter what you’re worrying about, this is your chance to make a lasting positive change. You can have a great year when you take it on with meaning, and we’ve got some tips below to help.

man running on the road, jogging, cardio, fitness, get in shape, new year, resolutions

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Knock Habits on the Head

Bad habits can form in a heartbeat. From snacking too often on chocolates and fatty foods, to smoking and/or drinking on a slightly too regular basis, bad habits can sneak up on us. And once they’re in place, they can be hard to shift. But they’re not impossible. 

One very worthy new year’s resolution would be to fight back against habits like these. Pick one you find to be most disruptive and work on cutting it back. Maybe snack once a day in between meals, or learn how to vary your diet to ensure you’re always full after eating? Or maybe you should try patches or a vape, or learn to make delicious mocktails, to help keep potential substance issues at bay. 

Assert Your Own Rights

Your health is the one thing you should have complete control over. Indeed, it’s the biggest part of you in most cases! And this is the number one reason it deserves a bit more TLC in the new year. The best way to do that? Know your rights and how to assert them. And you’ve got a lot of them in the medical world. 

Whether you need a second opinion or you’ve been involved in a case of medical malpractice, you’ve got a right to do what you need to. That often means learning how to properly talk about your symptoms as well as knowing how to fight for compensation. Indeed, if you’ve got an issue already you can let a member of the Morris Bart Law Firm review your case. It’s up to you how to proceed, but knowledge very much is power here! 

Don’t Write Off Self Care

Self care is important for everyone. It’s your chance to look at how you’re feeling and focus on ways to alleviate any pressures and stresses you’re going through. For the sake of your mental health alone, this is essential! From writing about your feelings to treating yourself once a week to talking to your loved ones more often, self care takes many forms. Find the one that suits you the best. 

Your health deserves good care. Go after it with tips like these.