Put Your Best Foot Forward: Essential Foot Health Tips You Can’t Afford To Ignore

We all know how important taking care of our physical health is, but how many of us include our feet in our care? Probably too few as there are many ways our foot health can be less than optimum. Fortunately, you can read about some of the most common foot health issues, and how to deal with them in the post below. 

Choose the right footwear 

One of the most important actions you can take to promote foot health is to choose shoes based on fit and comfort. Unfortunately, many of us put the look of our footwear before anything else and this can lead to discomfort while wearing, as well as damage to our feet long term. 

Concerning shoe size, it’s important to remember that you may not take the same shoe size across all the different brands you wear. Just like clothing shoe manufacturers use patterns that can differ from one another, so you must try them on before you buy. 

Also, when trying shoes on you should do it at the end of the day rather than the beginning. This is because our feet swell during the day, and you will ensure a much more comfortable fit this way. 

When it comes to comfort there are a few things you need to look out for when choosing your next pair of shoes. The first is there is enough room in the toe of the shoe so your toes can move about. Secondly, it’s important to choose a shoe that is wide enough to accommodate your foot comfortably, this may mean choosing a special wide-fit shoe sometimes. Lastly, be sure that the sole of the shoe you are buying is thick enough to provide a cushion against the impact of your foot repeatedly hitting the ground. Shoes with thin soles will wear down faster too and generally are a poor choice for your feet, usually if you are wearing them regularly. 

Take care of your heels 

Our heels are some of the most neglected parts of our feet, if not our whole body. After all, we can’t see them very easily and it’s often a case of out of sight, out of mind. 

However, our heels can get very dry and cracked, and even become vulnerable to infection if we don’t take proper care of them. With that in mind, regularly filing our heels and using a moisturizer specially designed to keep them supplied is the best course of action. 

Never ignore foot pain 

You won’t ignore pain in any other part of your body, so why do it with your feet? While it can be tempting to hope foot pain will resolve itself on its own, our feet are very complex structures full of tiny bones, ligaments and muscles that all need to function in the right way to ensure operation. With that in mind, treating foot pain is crucial if you want to preserve function. 

The good news is that a pedorthic specialist like Healthy Steps can help you. Indeed, pedorthic specialists can offer a range of treatments such as custom orthotics, compression therapy, bracing and recovery products, and even custom footwear and footwear modifications which help minimize your pain and maximize your function. 

Guard against ingrowing toenails 

If you have ever suffered from ingrowing toenails you will know just how painful they can be. Fortunately, there are ways of preventing them, and the chief among these is to make sure you cut your toenails in the right way. This means trimming straight across the nail and filling any sharp corners with an emery board. You must never cut down into the corners because this is the main cause of most ingrowing toenails. 

Also, if you find yourself in a position where you already have ingrowing toenails, there are several treatment options you can choose from. The first is to treat them at home yourself with products you can buy from pharmacists or online. Although home treatment is only really ever advised for minor cases. For ingrowing toenails that are more serious seeing a Podiatrist is the best option. In some cases, surgery may be needed to correct an ingrown toenail, but it’s always best to try and treat them before you get to this point. 

Exercise regularly 

Last of all, to maintain foot health it is very important that you exercise. The best exercise for foot health is walking because it keeps the foot mobile without putting too much weight or strain on it. 

Exercise is also crucial to foot health because it can help you maintain a healthy weight, which means less stress on the feet over time.

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