How To Create The Perfect Space For Your Guests

If you’re looking for ways to upgrade your guest bedroom, there are plenty of options to choose from. 

bedroom, design,

Photo by Christopher Jolly on Unsplash

Whether you’re looking to add a few simple touches or make a more dramatic transformation;

These Ideas Will Help You Create The Perfect Space For Your Guests:

Start with the bed. 

The bed is the centerpiece of any bedroom, and it is there to help your guests with different types of pain, such as back pain, so make sure it’s comfortable and inviting. A comfy mattress and nice sheets can go a long way in making guests feel at home. If you don’t have a lot of extra space, consider a murphy bed or daybed that can be easily folded up when not in use.

Add some personal touches.

Your guests will feel more at home if you take the time to add some personal touches to the room. For example, a few family photos, a vase of fresh flowers, or a basket of magazines can make guests feel welcome. Likewise, a basket of treats is a great way to make your guests feel welcome.

Make it cozy. 

Cozy guest bedrooms always feel more inviting than sterile hotel rooms. So add some plush blankets and pillows, and consider hanging some fairy lights for a touch of magic.

Create a functional space. 

If your guest bedroom doubles as a home office or crafting space, make sure there’s plenty of storage and surface area for your guests to use. A desk, chair, and lamp will make it easy for them to get work done, and baskets or bins can help them keep the room tidy.

Consider the details.

The little things can make a big difference in how comfortable your guests feel. For example, make sure the room has soft, diffused light that will help create a relaxing atmosphere. Provide plenty of hangers and extra blankets. A small rug by the bed can also add a touch of warmth and comfort.

Keep it clean. 

This one goes without saying, but a clean guest bedroom is a must. Dust regularly and vacuum any carpets or rugs. If you have pets, make sure they’re not allowed in the room, so your guests don’t have to deal with pet hair.

Get creative. 

There’s no need to spend a lot of money to upgrade your guest bedroom. Instead, get creative and use what you have to make the space more inviting. A little paint, some new bedding, or even some DIY decor can go a long way.

Ask for feedback. 

After your guests have stayed in the room, ask for their feedback and make any necessary changes. This will help you ensure that your guest bedroom is always comfortable and inviting.


You can easily upgrade your guest bedroom and make it a space that your guests will love by following these tips. In addition, investing a little time and effort into making the room more welcoming will go a long way in ensuring that your guests have an enjoyable stay.

How To Successfully Launch Your Personal Training Business

personal trainer with client, exercise, fitness, health, workout

Photo by Crosby Hinze on Unsplash

You’ve made the decision to become a personal trainer, you’ve taken all of the courses and now you’re ready to get yourself out there as a business. But you have no idea where to start. 

Research the market thoroughly

The most successful businesses know what their customers want and how to provide it for them. Don’t launch your business based on assumptions, or it could be an expensive mistake. Use questionnaires, surveys, and desk-based research to get the answers you need. From there you can start creating your business plan and brand. 

Define your brand

This might sound like pretentious marketing speech but it’s really important you develop an appealing and consistent brand in order to attract clients. For example, will you be focusing on providing services to women, men, or older people? Do you want to target those who are overweight and want to get in shape or are you specializing in working with elite athletes? While it’s tempting to try and be all things to all people, it leads to a garbled brand that doesn’t really appeal to anyone. 

Invest in your online presence

It’s important that you establish yourself where your target audience will be looking. For example, you should have a professional-looking website with all relevant information on it. You could even add a blog or videos on there too. Spend some time on your Google My Business listing too, as this will improve your search results. If you aren’t very technical, you might want to invest some money in having a professional set all of this up for you. There are sometimes grants or loans available to help you get started when launching a business. Check with sites like compare credit to make sure you’re getting the best deal on any borrowing. 

Get on social media

Health and fitness are big businesses in today’s world. Social media channels are filled with content surrounding it. That’s because this is where your target audience is. Research the market and your competitors and concentrate on one or two platforms. This could be Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest, or Twitter. The sheer number can feel overwhelming so learn one at a time and focus your energies on this one to build engagement. 

Set up a referral scheme

When choosing personal trainers, people will often ask for recommendations from friends, family, or colleagues. Incentivize your clients to refer you to people they know. This can be in the form of free training sessions, money off, gifts, etc. If people are happy with your service, they’ll be happy to recommend you and a good referral scheme will give them that extra reason to do so. 


Running a successful personal training business rests on both being a competent professional and marketing your business well. No matter how good you are at your job, it will be very difficult to build up a client base if you are promoting yourself and getting your name out there for people to find.

5 Simple but Effective Tips to Help Your Epileptic Child

Sick child – Image Courtesy of Pixabay

Epilepsy isn’t common, but it is a well-known illness. Unfortunately, epilepsy can begin when you are a child and carry on for life. Here are some ways you can heal your epileptic children.

Keep a Record of Events

It’s hard to describe seizures because of all the symptoms, and your child may not remember a lot of what happened. However, recording a video of a loved one can help. It’s excellent for your allocated neurosurgeon and nurses since they can see how your child is doing. It’s also helpful to keep a record of the type, time of day, duration, and what they were doing when the seizure started. Then you can use this information to look for patterns. This will help you identify the triggers and symptoms of an upcoming episode so you can prepare for when it happens.

Help Before, During, and After a Seizure

It can be a terrifying experience to witness a seizure for the first time. When you have a grand mal seizure, your body and face may seem to deform at an impossible angle. These are frightening for siblings to witness. And worse for your child experiencing a seizure if they have focal epilepsy. With focal epilepsy, the patient is aware of what is happening and cannot do anything about it. It is best to stay calm and provide assistance by making sure your child doesn’t hit their head on anything and sees a familiar face when the episode ends.

Help Your Epileptic Child with Comorbidities

Each patient’s issues are different. Perhaps your child’s epilepsy coexists with long-term depressive disorders like bipolar. For instance, sometimes depression happens before or after seizures. In these cases, you can think of them as early indicators of an incoming episode, kind of like how your child might describe auras. However, other mental problems can start days before, rather than minutes, and last for days afterward. Made worse by the debilitating effect of epilepsy itself, full episodes can be exhausting and debilitating for your child.

Assist them Through the Post-Ictal Stages

Following a seizure, your child might be “posy-ictal” for a period. This means they are basically recovering from what has happened. However, an episode can cause bodily injuries, extreme tiredness, and confusion. And the effects can last from hours to days. For an adult, this is frustrating. You can only imagine what it is like for a child. So, give your child some space and provide comfort. It’s possible they are embarrassed about their conditions, so try to limit the number of people in the room and make sure they are as comfortable as possible.

Help Other People Understand

Epilepsy can be viewed as another problem. People often assume epilepsy is caused by drugs or alcohol. Clearly, a young child won’t be drinking or taking drugs. However, people tend to be judgmental nonetheless. It is helpful to explain to others that your child is epileptic when a seizure happens in public. And ask them to give you some space. It’s also a good idea to explain that your child has a condition to siblings, cousins, and friends. And that they aren’t any different than anyone else. Sadly, children are more understanding than adults.


As a parent, it’s horrid to see your kids go through epilepsy. But you can help by recording episodes and making your child comfortable before, during, and after a seizure.