Why You Should Stop Delaying On That Dental Implant

If you’re missing a tooth or you have one that is severely damaged, you might start to get used to it. You might even begin to think that you don’t need to get treatment for it any time soon. However, the longer you delay, the more profound an effect it can have on your life. Here are some of the reasons you shouldn’t delay for too long when you need a dental implant.

dental implants, oral care, teeth, mouth, dentist

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They’re totally natural-looking

One of the most impressive things about dental implants is how much they look like real teeth. Most of them are created using a porcelain shell over the top that is cured just right to not only look like real enamel but even to match the teeth surrounding it. As such, you can restore your smile and your confidence, without worrying too much about whether people will notice it’s not a real tooth (they won’t.) 

They can restore your bite

Missing a tooth is one of the most common bite issues and it can be one of the most serious. Not only can it make things more difficult and awkward to eat but certain foods can put more pressure on your existing teeth which can also increase your chances of damaging them. You can restore the shape and strength of your bite with dental implants. They won’t be exactly as strong as before, but you can feel much more confident in your teeth.

You could be risking your jawbone if you don’t

It might sound like a very serious point, but this is no over-exaggeration. Your jawbone is supported by your teeth. The pressure that they put there helps the jaw maintain its shape and, if a tooth is missing, then your jawbone can start to get absorbed and you can lose some of it. Oral surgery can help you graft some bone back in for a tooth implant later. However, you don’t want to wait that long.

They’re easy to care for

If you’re worried that it might be a hassle to look after your dental implants, then you need not worry. Your routine dental hygiene habits don’t have to change too much. So long as you’re brushing and flossing (with some rinsing as a bonus), then you should be fine. What’s more, there’s no chance of getting cavities or other similar issues with a dental implant, so they’re even easier to care for than real teeth.

Preventing the change of your facial shape

Believe it or not, you can start to experience changes to your facial structure as a result of missing teeth, too. Your teeth play a more important role in your facial structure than you might think. When your face loses the support of your teeth and some of the jawbone beneath, it can start to show physically.

Dental implants are a wonder of modern dental medicine that you shouldn’t turn your nose up at for too long. Leave it long enough and your paths for treatment can start to become narrower and narrower.

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