The Biggest Challenges of Cat Ownership (& the Solutions)

Cats are beautiful, unique, and mysterious creatures who bring much joy into their owners’ lives. Yet, like any pet, they aren’t without their share of problems, which can be frustrating or worrying for an owner.

If you’re considering welcoming a pet into your home and would like to learn more about their behaviors and issues, you’ve arrived at the perfect place. Learn about the biggest challenges of cat ownership and the best solutions.


Many cats would happily spend their days tearing up furniture and fabric. While it might be fun for a cat, it will be more than frustrating for its owner. Prevent this problem by providing your feline with a good scratching post.

Avoid vertical scratching posts, as they tend to wobble when a cat starts scratching, causing them to return to your furniture. Instead, buy a heavy horizontal post infused with pheromones to attract your cat away from your dining table, chairs, or sofa.


Cats are masters at hiding pain, and it’s an owner’s job to monitor signs of common illnesses or parasites. For example, a feline friend is prone to:

  • Cat flu
  • Flea and tick infestations
  • Heartworm
  • Feline Immunodeficiency Virus
  • Diabetes
  • Cancer

As prevention is better than cure, you must take a cat or kitten to a vet for an exam and the appropriate vaccinations. Look for dependable, affordable veterinary care near you to care for your feline friend’s every need. For example, you can find value-for-money vets in Naples Fl, that allow you to walk in with an issue or schedule an appointment.


Cats love to groom themselves daily, but the behavior can cause a build-up of fur inside their stomach, which they may vomit up like a ball. Stop hairballs from developing by combing your feline’s fur daily, as it will reduce the amount of hair ingested. It’s an essential grooming task if you own a long-haired breed, such as a Persian cat or Ragdoll. If grooming doesn’t help, talk to your vet about the best hairball treatment for cats.

Unwanted Presents

Cats have developed a reputation for being unloving animals, but this isn’t the case. As they are natural hunters, they often bring home gifts for owners, which they don’t appreciate.

As a cat doesn’t need to hunt for food, they tend to bring home dead animals to express their appreciation, such as mice or birds. Unfortunately, this is one behavior that’s difficult to stop, but you must remind yourself it’s your feline friend’s way of expressing their love to you.

Litter Box Refusal

Using a litter box doesn’t come naturally to cats, and they might choose to use the bathroom away from the handy tray. As cats aren’t fans of squatting, you should buy a litter box with higher sides to prevent unwanted mess and increase their privacy. Also, keep the litter box away from noisy appliances, as they will be less likely to use the bathroom near noisy washing machines, dishwashers, or dryers.

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