Tips that will Help you to Survive a Road Trip with a Big Family

If you have a large family then you may find it easier to travel in ways that are somewhat different to everyone else’s. A lot of this comes from the fact that even the smallest cost can be multiplied, and if you aren’t careful, you may find that things slowly begin to spiral out of control. If you want to help yourself then this is the guide for you.

Agree on Screen Time with your Kids

When you go on a road trip, it is a good idea for you to agree on screen time. It’s a good idea for you to mix things up by having various forms of entertainment. You may find that you have a DVD player that’s portable so you can watch movies, or it may be that you download some games for your children onto your phone or your tablet. Older kids tend to be very happy to play on their phones so it may be a good idea for you to save the tablet or the bigger screens for your smaller kids.

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Don’t Skimp out on Snacks

Make sure that you have enough snacks for everyone. This is very important. You can bring cups if you need to pass around some messy snacks, including crisps or pretzels if you want. You can also help to portion out everyone a nice size of snack without having to worry about a thing. If you do this, then you will soon find that you have way less cleaning up to do as well, and this is major, to say the least.


Next up, space. Space is a very important consideration if you have kids because you probably don’t have any control whatsoever. In a lot of cases, the vehicle you take is the only vehicle you have. When your car starts out being cluttered and full of bags, you’ll soon find that you end up having to compromise space for everyone else before you even set off. If you want to work around this, then it is a good idea for you to rent a car. If you have two cars, consider taking them both. This may sound excessive, but you’d be surprised at how much this could help you. If you can’t take two cars because you have a DUI, then do a search for “criminal defense attorney near me”.

Break Time is Important

Depending on how long you intend to travel for, or even the age of your kids, you will probably need to stop off a couple of times along the way. If this is a route that you have taken many times before, then you may also have your favorite rest stops picked out. You can then go to the bathroom, take a small rest or even just relax on some grass while your kids let off some steam. The older kids can easily participate in this, and it gives your kids the chance to get out of the car for a bit.

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