The Dos and Don’ts of Raccoon Removal

When raccoons get a little too close to the home – or they make their way inside – it can be dangerous for any occupants of the home, including pets. There are various things homeowners can do and should avoid to remain safe and have the raccoon relocated to a new home. The following are a few tips to help homeowners handle raccoons that have gotten into the attic or another part of their home, or that are getting just a little bit too close.

Do Call a Professional for Help

Raccoons can be dangerous to deal with, as they can carry diseases like rabies. It’s best to get help with a raccoon that has gotten into the home instead of trying to catch the raccoon and release it. Professionals know how to remove the raccoon carefully, how to prevent getting bit or scratched, and how to make sure they don’t end up ill from being near droppings or fur the raccoon leaves behind. They can also make sure the raccoons, including babies, are fully removed from the home so repairs to the home can begin.

Don’t Try to Catch the Raccoon

It is not safe for homeowners to attempt to trap or catch the raccoons on their own. It is possible for the raccoon to be a carrier of rabies and other serious illnesses, even if they don’t appear sick. By coming into close contact with the raccoon, even if the person isn’t bitten or scratched, there is always the potential to become ill. Instead, homeowners should keep the area where the raccoon is as secure as possible and avoid the area until a professional can remove the raccoon.

Do Keep Trash Cans Secured

Raccoons love an easy way to get food, so an unsecured trash can is fantastic for them. Unfortunately, once they find a trash can that has an endless supply of food and that’s easy to access, they’re going to stay close to the home. Homeowners should work on making the trash cans pest proof. If possible, keep the trash can in the garage. If this isn’t possible, it can be locked in a bin or otherwise secured to keep pests out. Remember, raccoons do have the ability to open containers, so just adding a cable to keep the lid on may not be sufficient.

Don’t Try to Feed the Raccoon

It’s tempting to leave out little bits of scraps for raccoons to enjoy. They can look adorable when they’re sitting and snacking on food, but it can be dangerous not only for humans but for raccoons, as well. It’s never a good idea to feed wildlife. This gets them used to easy access to human foods, and they can begin to rely on it to survive instead of hunting and foraging for foods that are more appropriate for them. Avoid leaving out scraps or any easy way for raccoons to get food to discourage them from being near the home.

Do Keep Away From the Raccoon’s Home

If the raccoon is inside the home, close off the area and stay as far away as possible until help can arrive. If the raccoon is in the attic, for instance, keep the door to the attic closed until a professional can remove them. If the raccoon is living outside, stay away from anywhere that could be a potential home for the raccoon. Getting too close to where the raccoon lives can lead to the raccoon becoming afraid and biting or scratching, as well as potentially lead to illnesses that can be caught by touching the raccoon’s droppings.

Don’t Leave Doors Open to the House

Be careful about leaving entry doors open for the house. While it’s easy to leave the door open to a fenced-in yard so the dogs or kids can go in and out, this is an invitation for raccoons to come inside, as well. If there is a doggy door on one of the entry doors, get one that can be closed and locked at night to prevent raccoons from using it to get into the home. There are options that only open or close when the dog is nearby. These use a special collar the dog wears and they can help prevent pests like raccoons from using the doggy door to get into the house.

Do Keep an Eye on the Raccoon

If it’s possible to do so safely, it is a good idea to keep an eye on the raccoon until help can arrive. Homeowners can set up cameras or watch the raccoon outside through the windows to see where it goes. This way, it’s possible to provide the professional with information on where the raccoon may be located and whether there may be babies to worry about. If it’s not easy or possible to keep an eye on the raccoon, that is okay. Safety comes first. The professionals will be able to find the raccoon and determine if there are any other concerns, like babies.

Don’t Get Too Close to the Raccoon

It’s imperative homeowners stay far away from raccoons, especially if they get into the house. While they might look cute, they can be very dangerous. They are wildlife and are not domesticated, so it can be impossible to predict when they might get scared and bite or scratch. Never try to feed the raccoon by hand or attempt to pet it, even if it’s a baby raccoon, as they can all cause serious injuries and there is the risk of rabies.

If you’ve noticed any signs of raccoons getting into your home or causing disturbances outside your home, like digging through the trash can, it’s a good idea to get professional help immediately to reduce any risks and make sure the raccoon can be relocated properly. Take the time to contact a specialist now to learn more about how to stay safe before they arrive and what they can do to help remove the raccoon from your home or property.

4 Ways To Leverage Renewable Energy For Your Home

Renewable energy is any power generated from natural sources like water, sun, wind, and biomass. It was estimated that renewable energy sources accounted for approximately 12% of total US energy consumption in 2020. These renewable energy sources emit little to no greenhouse gases in their production, so they are worth considering over traditional energy sources to combat climate change. Please take a look at these points if you wish to learn more about using renewable energy for your home.

  1. Install solar panels
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Solar energy accounts for a meager 1.6% of total electricity generation in modern-day America. Nevertheless, it remains one of the popular and effective ways to generate and leverage renewable energy for your home’s needs. You can fix photovoltaic (PV) panels on your roof or in your yard. These panels harness the sun’s energy and convert it into electricity you can use to power your appliances and warm your home. Depending on the orientation and latitude of the panels, you can generate at least 10 watts of electricity per square foot for your home. Solar leasing and outright ownership are the two common ways to obtain a photovoltaic solar system for your home. Also, the question “How much are solar panels?” is a top concern for many homeowners considering solar. Although the panels’ type, size, and location can influence installation costs, you will pay anywhere between $3.30 to $4.50 per watt.

  1. Install tubular skylights

Tubular skylights don’t generate electricity, but they produce free natural light, which you can leverage to slash your utility bills. A tubular skylight has a round metal tube, ceiling diffuser, and a roof-mounted dome. The interior of the tube has a reflective coating that reflects more than 90% of sunlight and delivers it via the diffuser, which produces a bright and soft glow of natural light. These skylights are worth considering for your roof over their traditional counterparts because they are quicker, cheaper, and easier to install.

  1. Wind turbines

Turbines are typically found floating offshore or on huge tracts of vast land called wind farms. However, if you have enough land, you can install a small wind turbine to power your home. Wind energy is more stable and efficient than solar, and the right size wind turbine can generate most or all of your power needs easily. Nevertheless, it is critical to note that you will require sustained winds of 10 miles per hour or more to generate enough power for your home. Also, zoning regulations, local laws, and HOAs may forbid wind turbines, depending on where you reside.

  1. Hydro power
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Hydropower is an option that won’t work for many people. However, you are in luck if you have water flowing through your property. You can divert some or all of the flowing water through a hydroelectric generator to produce electricity for your home. Consequently, find the largest vertical distance the flowing water will travel and divert it, so it flows through the generator in a regulated manner. You can produce substantial power this way, depending on the vertical distance and the amount of water. In addition, you may need to hire a professional to install your hydroelectric generator if you have no engineering knowledge. Nevertheless, hydro power’s relative stability over wind and solar makes it an excellent option to consider for your home’s energy needs if possible.

How Long Do Braces Take to Straighten Teeth? Duration, Tips, And More!

Wearing braces or aligners is the standard treatment for straightening misaligned teeth. Yet, how long one has to wear braces to get that perfect smile is not fixed. It usually varies according to the treatment requirements and the patient’s lifestyle.

Moreover, the orthodontist often gives instructions about oral hygiene, which promotes faster treatment. So, make sure that you follow them.

The Average Amount Of Time For Braces

Usually, it takes between 1 to 3 years for misaligned teeth to get straightened. However, the time can get shorter or longer as per the patient’s circumstances.

Having said that, let’s learn about these circumstances.

  • How Crooked Your Teeth Are

The most common reason to wear braces is when a person has crowded, stuck out, and space between the teeth. These are different types of crooked teeth. The Orthodontist often suggests getting braces for crooked teeth as it helps prevent gum disease, cavities, and enamel erosion.

Also, the duration of the treatment depends upon the severity of these conditions. In fact, some people even have to remove their teeth to make more room in the mouth. Such a situation increases the treatment duration.

  • Teeth Alignment When You Bite

It isn’t necessary that your top and bottom teeth align (also known as bite) the way they are supposed to. Generally, there are four types of bite,

  • Open bite
  • Deep bite
  • Underbite
  • Crossbite

If you are getting braces to treat a bite, it will take much longer than the treatment for misaligned teeth.

  • Type Of Braces Used

The type of orthodontic treatment also has a significant impact over the duration.

  • Metal Braces: These include brackets that are attached to your teeth and connected using a metal wire. To align your teeth, the orthodontist will tighten these wires regularly. These are generally recommended for serious correction of misaligned teeth.
  • Clear Aligners: Unlike metal wires, these are made of plastic-like trays and can easily be removed. It makes it convenient to brush and floss your teeth. However, you need to wear them almost every day. Otherwise, the treatment plan will get extended.

But, these are not recommended for closing teeth gaps.

  • Lingual Braces: These are aesthetic braces and are more effective than metal braces and clear aligners. Here the metal braces are glued behind your teeth. But these might not be a great option for everyone. Therefore, you must consult your dentist.
  • Diet And Lifestyle

Eating food after getting braces can be pretty challenging. Therefore, it is essential that you follow your orthodontist’s advice about what you can and can not eat. Otherwise, your braces can break, which will require an emergency appointment.

Likewise, you might also need to make some changes in your lifestyle. Ask your dentist if they can provide you a mouthguard to wear while playing sports or exercising. Also, you must visit them every six months for cleaning.

Wrapping it up!

Braces are essential for teeth and jaw alignment. Plus, healthy teeth also lead to better well-being. The period will vary as per your treatment plan. Even so, it is essential that you communicate with your dentist or orthodontist throughout the process.