Oral Hygiene: Debunking 5 Popular Myths About Flossing

Although most everyone knows they need to floss their teeth at least once a day, few heed the directions of their dentist. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around a third of Americans never floss their teeth. Some people do not floss because they continue to believe erroneous myths regarding the practice. With this guide, these myths will be debunked and individuals will better understand the importance of flossing their teeth regularly.

Why Is Flossing So Important?

Flossing is an essential part of caring for the teeth. In addition to seeking a teeth cleaning dentist near me, individuals need to make sure they floss at least once a day. Flossing is essential because it removes plaque and food particles from between the teeth. If these substances are left in place, they can harden and calcify, turning into tartar.

Tartar is a damaging substance that can break down the protective enamel and cause erosions. Eventually, erosions lead to cavities. Those who do not floss their teeth are more likely to experience cavities that can be damaging and cause pain.

Debunking 5 Popular Myths About Flossing

Unfortunately, there are myths that continue to be perpetuated, despite having been debunked by dentists all over the world. It is important individuals understand these myths are false so they can start ensuring they floss their teeth on a daily basis.

1. Flossing is only important for removing stuck foods.

This is obviously wrong on all levels. Although removing food debris is undoubtedly a benefit of tooth flossing, there is more to its benefits. Flossing also removes plaque and bacteria that can lead to cavities.

2. Individuals do not need to floss if they brush their teeth carefully.

Yes, brushing at least twice a day helps to protect the teeth from cavities, but toothbrushes cannot get between the teeth. Combining brushing and flossing helps to ensure the teeth are protected against plaque and bacteria that can cause decay.

3. Flossing is too much work.

Many people make the mistake of believing effective flossing takes a lot of time and effort. Flossing does not take long. With the latest single flossers and other tools, this chore has become easier than ever.

4. Dentists cannot tell if patients have not flossed.

This is entirely false. Dentists can easily tell if their patients have been skipping flossing. Tartar buildup between the teeth is a telltale sign a person has not been flossing as they should. Patients should not bother lying to their dentist about flossing because they can tell.

5. Bleeding gums is normal after flossing

Healthy gum tissue should not bleed. Bleeding and painful gums after flossing could mean a person has gingivitis. Unfortunately, gingivitis can lead to gum disease and eventual tooth loss. Gingivitis requires dental treatment right away.

Proper Flossing Is Important

Individuals need to make sure they floss their teeth at least once a day using the right technique. It is important to use a gentle back and forth motion while being careful not to cut into the gum tissue by being too forceful. When in doubt, a person should ask their dentist for proper instructions on flossing.


Now that the flossing myths have finally been debunked for the last time, individuals will better understand the importance of caring for their teeth. Proper flossing is essential for removing the plaque and bacteria that can lead to problems with decay. In addition to brushing and flossing, individuals need to make sure they see the dentist a couple of times a year for checkups.

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