The Role of Telemedicine in Opioid Addiction Treatment

Opioids play a big part in the drug war that is going on in the world today, especially when people are becoming hooked and need help to break free from their addictions. In the treatment of various ailments and addictions, healthcare professionals are relying upon the use of telemedicine. Telemedicine is a technology known as virtual medical practice that may be around for a long time. This article will address the role that telemedicine plays in the treatment of opioids addiction. This technology is rather progressive in the way patients are being dealt with.

Understanding Telemedicine Carts

Since the pandemic has led to many medical visits being done by Zoom, Skype, or other virtual visitation methods, the telecart is vitally relied upon to help the physicians facilitate their visits with the patient. Capsa Healthcare Telemedicine Carts are among those systems that use network access, cameras, and displays to bring the physicians practically to the bedside of their respective patients. These carts are instrumental in the diagnosis of strokes and the care of stroke complications and are also used in behavioral health applications. Certain kinds of these telecarts are good for critical and urgent care services, monitoring infectious diseases, and even providing interpreter services.

More about Telemedicine Carts for the Opioid Addictions

People with chronic pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, and other auto immune disorders often are prescribed opioids as a way to bring some relief. Unfortunately, this is what leads to people becoming addicted, thus efforts to try to control these addictions have become difficult. This is one of the reasons that physicians and other healthcare providers are turning to telehealth services to help monitor these patients virtually and safely help them manage their pain. One of the advantages of the telehealth service is that the healthcare providers are able to reach the patients who are in remote areas, keeping them from having to travel great distances for treatment.

Looking More at Telehealth Services for Opioid Treatment

Remote clinical services are looking to expand more even as areas are moving into an advanced phase of returning to normal from the pandemic. Meanwhile, whether telemedicine will continue to thrive depends on whether health insurers like Medicare and private insurers will continue to pay for virtual visits. Physicians should know that while they are treating opioid patients, they must ensure they are in compliance with the Drug Enforcement Agency and the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services. This is the only way they will be able to prescribe certain medications remotely to patients using opioids. If these agencies do not authorize the healthcare providers, the patients will have to rely on a federally regulated opioid treatment program, and that is usually done in person.

A Final Look at Telehealth Services

Telehealth services are an effective way to deal with the Struggles With Opioid Addiction when in-person visits aren’t an option or feasible. The addiction must be treated properly and with great care. Timing is everything and a patient needs to be given the right medicines and direction to ensure a successful outcome. Buprenorphine is one of the medicines used to treat opioid addiction that will have to be carefully monitored when physicians are prescribing it. Telemedicine carts are able to accurately monitor the use of such medicines for the physicians and store all the date electronically for easy access later on, if needed. Without telehealth carts and services, those addicted to opioids might have a difficult time if going through withdrawal and there is no immediate access to a healthcare provider. More information will become available for patients and healthcare providers as the telemedicine carts are constantly being improved. Stay tuned to social media and the television networks for updated information.

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