5 Signs That You Might Have Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is one of the most difficult conditions to self-diagnose because it happens so gradually, and you usually don’t notice it even happening until you take a test. As a result, it can be challenging to identify hearing loss, and leaving it too late can result in some huge problems in the future. So to help you learn more about the condition, we’ve put together a couple of signs that will tell you that you might have hearing loss.

hearing loss, health, ears, life
Source: https://unsplash.com/photos/QDPFWFCHes4 (CC0)

1. You find it difficult to make out sounds in a crowd

One of the most common symptoms that one faces with hearing loss is being unable to distinguish people speaking in a crowd. When there are lots of sounds around you, it’s difficult to identify a specific sound or person speaking because your ears are having difficulty processing all the noises. This will result in muffled speech and can be incredibly frustrating to experience.

2. You usually ask people to repeat themselves or speak louder

If you find yourself asking people to repeat themselves fairly often, then it might be a sign that your hearing is already suffering. We highly suggest that you learn more about hearing loss and available solutions to help you recover from this as it can cause future problems if it’s not dealt with correctly. It can quickly lead to withdrawal from social settings and may make communication in your workplace difficult.

3. You feel tired after participating in conversations

If you find yourself straining to listen to conversations and follow with what someone is saying, then you might be suffering from hearing loss. As this can negatively affect your lifestyle, it’s a good idea to book yourself a hearing examination before it can cause issues in your life.

4. You have trouble listening to children and women

Hearing loss typically affects certain frequencies. In most cases, it tends to happen at higher frequencies, meaning you’ll have trouble hearing women and children. If you find this to be true, it’s worth having a hearing examination to see if you actually have hearing loss.

5. Someone else is commenting on your hearing

While it might sound like a bit of banter or a joke, you should really pay attention to other people, especially friends and family members, when they mention that your hearing might be weaker than before. A couple of key signs of this include making the TV too loud for others or even failing to hear the doorbell occasionally. These are all fairly clear signs that you might actually be facing gradual hearing loss, so it’s always good to take those comments seriously and consider having a hearing exam to ensure it’s in top condition.

If you’ve noticed any of these signs, it’s a good idea to learn more about hearing loss and also consider an appointment with your physician or an audiologist. It’s possible that another condition, such as an ear infection or clogged earwax, could be causing your hearing loss. If that’s the case, then it’s possible to treat your hearing loss if you let your physician know as soon as possible.

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