Baby Food Products: What You Need To Know!

Today’s science is constantly discovering what is and isn’t good for our bodies. A lot of these discoveries can also be extended to babies and baby care products. If you are worried about your little one’s safety, here are a few things that you need to know about baby food:

High Lead Content: A recent study has shown that many baby foods have a high lead content, which can stunt growth and learning. The FDA has general guidelines for the amount of lead that is permissible in food, but there is no scientific evidence confirming a “safe” amount. Some of the major culprits are cookies and fruit juices, which is why the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends avoiding fruit juice with children under a year old.

Preservatives and Additives: Mass produced food can go bad before it is even sold, which is often why preservatives are added to avoid contamination and maintain freshness. Even organic baby food has some sort of additive to increase its longevity. We know that some preservatives are worse than others, but we are still learning more information about what we are putting into our foods.

GMO’s: While the presence of genetically modified organisms, or GMO’s, have been regulated, there is still a lot of uncertainty about how much GMO’s can be present in your baby’s food. Genetically modified organisms have their DNA altered to help increase growth and avoid pests. Unfortunately, GMOs can have a negative effect on babies such as stunted health and development.

Making your baby’s food can help cut exposure to the toxins and chemicals that are currently present in mass produced baby food products. While making baby food isn’t always easy, there are plenty things, like a baby food maker, for instance, that can help make the job easier.

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