What Happens When a Toddler Sees Her Shadow?

We all know what happens when a groundhog sees its shadow, we get six more weeks of winter. But what about when a toddler sees their shadow? Well, I mean when they first acknowledge they are the ones making that silhouette on wall or any other light-colored surface.

Avery recently discovered her shadow and seems to get a kick out of her dark twin. I’ve been pointing it out to her when changing her diaper for a while, but just the other week she finally reacted to it and made her hand move across the wall. She’ll say something in toddler talk and smile, and I smile too because it keeps her occupied while changing her.

Now anytime we are somewhere that her shadow is visible, I can say look at your shadow and it will keep her busy at least for a minute. I love watching her learn something new and can only imagine what’s going on in her head as I explain how the light casting down on her creates that dark object called her shadow.

Just the other day, she was busy removing every item from her basket when I asked if she could find her shadow.


She seemed stumped and maybe a little hesitant at first.


But then she turned right around to come face to, ummmm, face? with her darker, less detailed self.


I asked her if she could find her shadow again and she immediately pointed to the dark figure. Still working on getting toys out of the basket, of course.


She closed in to investigate further with an almost accusatory point of her finger.

Hey, what are YOU lookin’ at?

Squatting down, she was amazed at how her shadow followed suit.


Back up and a little hand movement just to test the boundaries and she finally accepted her shadow was there to stay.


That’s when she looked away and saw there were more toys to take out of her basket and drop behind me as I cooked in the kitchen.


That’s also when I politely asked her to stop everything! To which she replied with….


Yeah, heart = melted. Oh, and look, she has a heart! Then I offered her a green smoothie which she happily accepted.


It makes me so proud when she enjoys drinking the healthy green smoothies I make. What doesn’t make me proud is when she then proceeds to climb on the couch, throw the pillows off, and eat the rim. green mouth and all.


But I digress, she’s hard to stay upset with for long. I guess those days are coming though, huh?

Can you remember when your little one first started to notice their shadow?

Do you find random teeth marks with food on furniture around your home?

6 thoughts on “What Happens When a Toddler Sees Her Shadow?”

  1. Adorable! Mine are all grown now but I remember “seeing” the world through their eyes and it is amazing how life can be all new again. Blessings to your family!

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