“The Importance of Dads” and a Fatherhood Video by Boba

If you’ve been following my blog and/or social media pages, I’m sure you know I’m a major advocate of babywearing. As a father, I felt it was my best way to get that close bond a mother and child have from the womb. I know that type of bond can never be fully matched by a dad, but consistent babywearing helps create a father-child bond that your kid will carry for a lifetime.

Of course the wonderful babywearing bond is not limited to only fathers as it’s excellent (and something I highly recommend) for mothers as well. Going Mom and I both wear Avery and I know our small family is better and closely knit as a result.

I just read a brilliant article on Boba’s website that detailed “The Importance of Dads” and wanted to share it with you here. You might think you know dads have a lot to offer when it comes to playing just as I did, but there is so much more to fatherhood than the playing part.

Don’t get me wrong, playing is essential to a child’s growth, but do you know why or how? Please, head over to Boba’s article on The Importance of Dads and learn just what exactly it means to be an “involved father” and how as a dad, you play a vital role in the cognitive, emotional, and social development of your kid or kids.

As a bonus, the article explains ways that you can become a more involved father and how it benefits the mother-father relationship as a whole. Being a stay-at-home dad, I’d go out on a limb and say I’m a pretty involved father, and feel the relationship between my wife and I is, and will remain, strong.

After reading, please come back and let me know your thoughts in comments. Anything you disagree with or is there something you can relate to?

One more thing I wanted to share from Boba is their section just for dads titled “You Made Me a Father”.  Don’t worry, moms, they have a section titled, you guessed it, “You Made Me a Mother” just for you too! Check out their thoughtful and touching video from their page below and see why all dads should be proud!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNRwFGuGMy8]

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