5 Hacks to Make Your Moving Day as Stress-Free as Possible

moving, house, home, packing, stress, family, kids,

Moving day is one of the most stressful times that you’ll face. Although shopping for homes and moving into your new home is fun, the process of moving itself can be difficult. For this reason, it is paramount to prepare as much as you can before the big day. Try and create the most detailed plans beforehand and prepare for all the eventualities so you aren’t caught off guard. Also, hiring professionals like this Brighton removals company will help reduce your stress and allow you to focus on other details that need to be addressed. While you should be excited to move into your new home, it’s understandable to feel stress and anxiety about the big day. So, here are 5 hacks to make your moving day stress-free.

  1. Get Your Materials

Make sure that you have all of the packing materials and supplies you need way ahead of your move. These will serve as constant reminders that you should start packing as soon as possible. Purchasing your boxes last minute will lead you to procrastinate other parts of the moving process, like changing your address.

  1. Make a Packing List

Make sure that you have a packing list before you pack anything so that you can create a system and keep track of everything. While it may be tempting to throw things into boxes at random to speed up the process of packing, you’ll find yourself a lot more stressed on moving day when you can’t seem to find anything.

A good system is to pack room-by-room so that all of the items for each room are together in the same boxes. You should also make a list of the items that you want to keep an eye on, like family heirlooms which can easily get lost in the shuffle. As soon as those items are packed, make a note on your list about which box it is packed in.

If you must, label a few of your boxes so that you can keep better track of them after they’ve been moved to the new home. You may also benefit from numbering every box and writing down its contents on your list. This may seem like a daunting task, but if you start early enough, you can tackle a little bit of your list each day, making moving day a lot less stressful.

  1. Prep the Kids
moving, house, home, packing, stress, family, kids,

Moving is difficult when you’re single, but when you add children to the equation, things can get even crazier. Preparing your kids to move ahead of time can be helpful. This time will also be stressful to them, especially if they’re moving school districts and will have to essentially start over somewhere new.

Get your children involved in the packing process so that they know where all of their belongings are for move-in day. You may also want to invest in some new games for them to play in an empty bedroom during all of the moving day chaos.

  1. Buy New

Something that can make moving day less stressful is to purchase new big-ticket items when possible so that you have one fewer large item to move. If your sleep mattress is overdue for an upgrade, you can order one online and have it shipped to your new home. Selling old furniture or throwing it out can be especially beneficial when moving across the country, as the more items you have, the more expensive it will be for a moving company to move your belongings.

  1. Hire a Moving Company

One of the things that makes moving day so stressful is the fact that you’re doing everything yourself. Packing is easy once you start, but the process of moving itself can be difficult. If you’re moving an entire home with a few trucks, you may run into trouble and extra stress. Hiring a moving company takes the hassle out of moving. You know all of your things will get there safely so that while your professional movers are bringing your boxes and large items inside, you can get started on unpacking. Make sure to seek out reputable companies like https://www.atlantahomemovers.com/ to take care of the big move so you can focus on the smaller yet equally important tasks of moving.

When hiring a moving company, make sure to do your research to make sure that they offer coverage for any items that are lost or damaged during your move. You should also compare pricing to find the best services near you.

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