Looking After Your Pandemic Mental Health To Support Your Family

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Image via Pexels – CC0 Licence

To say it’s been a challenging year is a complete understatement. With unprecedented changes in the way we live, work and socialize and threats to our health, families and livelihoods, it would be a rare person who hasn’t felt the strain during 2020. We all deal with pressures in different ways, and some coping mechanisms are more healthy than others. Being mindful of our mental wellbeing is something that we all need to be aware of. Not just for our own sakes, but for the sake of the families we look after. But in the face of so many shifting circumstances, how do you retain a balance that will protect your health? 

Limit Your News Consumption

It’s always good to be informed, but the always-on nature of modern life and the relentless pace of online news and round-the-clock channels can lead to a deafening amount of speculation. It’s very easy to get drawn in and experience panic and anxiety. For your own sake, make sure you limit your exposure to news. Decide how you will catch up – be it watching the news on television, or looking at one website, and stick to it. Make sure that you source any information from credible sites such as the World Health Organization to ensure it is accurate and free from hyperbole or speculation. 

Prioritize Your Wellbeing

If you don’t care for yourself, you’ll eventually be hard pressed to care for anyone else, so make sure that your own wellbeing is a priority for you. Simple actions such as ensuring you get good quality sleep, get a nutritious diet, stay hydrated and keep to a certain amount of exercise will go a long way towards your mental and physical wellbeing. Make sure you are getting outside for fresh air and try out a few techniques such as controlled breathing exercises or mindfulness to keep anxiety levels stable. 

Reach Out For Further Support 

No one can operate and deal with all the stresses of the current times without some form of support. Bottling it up is about the worst thing you can do. Sometimes it’s just a case of finding a friend that can provide a listening ear and give some perspective. On the other hand, if you are aware of some problematic behavior surfacing – perhaps relying on alcohol or other unhealthy coping mechanisms – then you might need professional guidance to access counselling or Outpatient Drug Treatment In Kentucky. The sooner you can access the right guidance, the swifter the recovery. 

Start With Gratitude 

One of the quickest ways to stop anxiety in its tracks is to focus on what you feel grateful for. This sort of thinking turns a situation on its head and makes you appreciate all that you do have. Some people find that keeping a gratitude journal helps them, while others just spent some time each morning over coffee thinking through their blessings. Start as small as you have to – the more you stop and appreciate the pleasures of the little things, the better your mental health will be.

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