Improving How You Look Is Dead Simple. Honest!

If you think that improving your appearance is tricky, then think again, my friend! Going to bed early, eating right, and getting the latest treatments can all make a massive difference in how you look. Do them all at the same time, and you have a recipe for being your best self yet. 

Start With Your Teeth

improving, health, looks, appearance, lifestyle
Pixabay – CC0 License

Your teeth are an excellent first place to start. They are one of the things that people notice first when they meet you. It pays, therefore, to make them look good.

If you have crooked teeth, then sorting them out should be your priority. Crooked teeth not only make you feel self-conscious, but they can also provide opportunities for bacterial buildup. Next, go to the hygienist and ask them to give your teeth a thorough clean to remove all the stains and plaque. Usually, your teeth will come out much whiter than when you went in. Finally, choose a whitening product – either a toothpaste or in-office treatment to transform your smile. 

Eat Red And Green Veggies

The plants that you eat can have a profound impact on your overall appearance and health. For years, scientists have known that people who consume green, yellow, and red vegetables tend to have the best skin. The reason for this has to do with the chemicals in the plants themselves. Beta-carotenes in foods like sweet potatoes and broccoli make their way through the gut into your bloodstream, which then transports them to the cells in your skin. The body does this to provide your skin with extra protection against the sun (and other environmental toxins), but it has the nice side-effect of giving you a healthy glow. 

Get Treatment For Issues That Diet Alone Cannot Solve

While diet is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal, it can’t solve everything. If you have varicose or spider veins, for instance, you may need venous insufficiency treatment. The idea here is to use lasers to reduce the visible signs of these veins, no matter where they are on your body. The technique closes off abnormal veins, allowing your body to redirect blood supply through other, undamaged channels. The veins then shrink back and eventually become invisible.

Get Exercise In The Outdoors

While gyms are a popular venue for taking exercise, they may not be the best for your appearance. Evidence suggests that we do best when we exercise outdoors, not just because of the fresh air, but also because of the positive effects on other systems in our bodies. 

Walking through a forest, for instance, helps to reduce psychological markers of stress, which, in turn, can improve your ability to sleep. Being in nature may also have beneficial effects on your microbiome. Being in contact with beneficial bacteria helps your skin health. 

Don’t Do Any Work Before Bed

improving, health, looks, appearance, lifestyle
Pixabay – CC0 License

Sleep is the king of all beauty tips, but few people get enough of the stuff. The current advice is to stop working several hours before bed to give your body a chance it needs to unwind and relax.

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