Our Baby’s Pretty Eyes Won the Photo Contest!

Thanks to all of you who took the time to vote for Avery in the Metroplex Baby & Kids Photo Contest I wrote about last week, she won! I know it’s not a major contest, and you don’t actually win a prize, she just gets recognition on the website and is entered to win Cutest Kid of 2015!

The winning photo:

photo contest, metroplex baby, parenting, kids, babies,

Here’s the link to see her Cutest Kid of the Week profile.

Again, Going Mom and I truly appreciate all of our friends and family who voted and shared the contest with others.

Since I am convinced Avery’s eyes only add brilliance to her already beautiful face, I am going to share several close-up shots we’ve taken over the course of this month.

No more words of “wisdom” or rants about baby formula ads from me……at least not today, just some pretty pictures of our baby. Enjoy!

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids

daughter, mysundayphoto, silent sunday, parenting, babies, toddlers, kids


Mesmerizing. That’s all I can say.

Do you have any close-up shots of your kids’ eyes? For the several I posted here, we probably took close to 1000 pictures that were blurry or something else wrong about them. Ahhh, the life as a parent.

How to Discipline a Toddler

Did I say how to discipline a toddler? I’m sorry, I meant how do you discipline a toddler. Oops!

When they don’t talk (not sure if that’s a good or bad thing), communicating what to do and not do is difficult. Not having the experience of a talking kid yet, I can’t speak to how hard that is. I’m guessing it’s worse since they probably talk back, huh?

Anyway, the biggest issue is with not listening when we say “No” or “Don’t do that.” What? Familiar words in your home too?

Especially when it comes to changing her diaper or throwing food, Avery will not listen! But then she gives you this face….


…..and how do stay upset? I’ll answer this rhetorical question for you, you don’t!

And then the icing on the cake is when they give you a leg hug…


We’re fighting an uphill battle here…..

So tell me, how do you discipline or at least begin to discipline your toddler?

Thanks, Similac, For Welcoming Dads Into the Sisterhood

“The Sisterhood of Motherhood”, that is. Yeah, that sounds like it has a giant “Welcome Dads” sign held high right? Wrong; High not five Similac!

Similac, in its latest ad campaign titled “The Sisterhood of Motherhood“, created a video depicting various parent cliques coming face to face on the playground. There were working moms, stay-at-home moms, breastfeeding moms, “crunchy” moms, and even, yes, dads, all lashing out and talking down to one another.

As the lashing out reaches a climax and all of the close-minded groups charge at each other, a baby in a stroller begins to roll down a hill. Suddenly, the imminent brawl amongst clashing parent styles quickly ended as all groups rushed to save the runaway baby. The video ends with a quote saying “No matter what our beliefs, we are parents first.”

Or that’s when it should have ended. Instead, Similac went the extra mile and welcomed us in to the “Sisterhood of Motherhood.” And by us, I mean moms, apparently. Those dads in the video, they weren’t really there, or they were actually very masculine women.

Besides the dad wearing his baby facing out, which I am firmly against (click here to see why), the video was entertaining and you could even catch a smile on my face. Until that damned ending welcoming my clique, dads, into some sisterhood of motherhood. What the crap?!

So why even add a small group of dads in the video at all? Which, by the way, if I wanted to really nitpick, there’s more than just one group of like-minded dads, we have our own cliques too. But whatever, basically the ending would make more sense to read simply “Welcome to Parenthood”.

The large group of Dad Bloggers I am a part of on Facebook have all had their say on the video with most of us obviously not accepting of the closing words. One dad blogger, Chris Routly, who runs the blog Daddy Doctrines, goes into detailed analysis on where the video goes wrong and why it matters. Check out his post here.

As a caring father, I agree with Chris’ thoughts 100%. I get that dads are still the minority when it comes to ad campaigns, but that doesn’t mean we like it one bit.

So, thank you, Similac, for welcoming dads into the sisterhood to #SisterhoodUnite, but I think we’ll pass.

What are your thoughts on this video?

Do you agree the better approach would be to make the campaign gender-neutral by using “Parenthood”  in place of the prefixes “Sister” and “Mother?