Tag Archives: youtube

Daddy-Daughter Flipping Fun in Slow Motion

Tropical Storm Bill might keep us inside, but it’s not keeping us from a little daddy-daughter fun! Who’s raining on whose parade now, Bill? I thought it was funny, except that there’s no parade…..*sigh*

In lieu of spending time writing out a blog post, I thought it would be fun to record Avery and her Daddy (that’s me) running around the house and me flipping her on a pallet I made in the living room. She gets high and sometimes I let her land a little too hard, but she keeps coming back for more.

I figured slowing down some of the flipping action would make for a fun video to watch for everyone. Make sure you have your audio on as that should make for a good laugh.

If you’re wondering, yes, I will do sound effects for your audio or video project. I know, it’s just a gift. 😉

But seriously, is it just programmed in everyone’s head to make sound effects when playing with kids? I can’t think of a time I don’t make stupid noises when chasing/throwing/tickling Avery, or any kid really.

Hope you enjoy the video as much as I did making it. For the record, this helped wear her out for a much better nap time than the day before…..

What kind of sound effects do you make when you play with kids?

Are you being affected by Tropical Storm Bill?

Our Toddler’s Dance Video & A Bottle Trick

Avery has been dancing for a couple months now, and I shared a dance video of her getting down with Jay-Z trying to get that “Dirt Off Her Shoulder” in the past.

A video posted by RC Liley (@going_dad) on

I love watching that over and over, it never gets old, but I’ve been wanting to capture another version of her dancing for a while, and was finally successful. No matter what she’s doing in the house, when the intro music to a podcast I’m listening to comes on, she’ll stop and just bust a move wherever she is.

There have been many failed attempts at getting this on video, but here is my short, but successful video capture of Avery getting down.

I love it! Just another thing that will never get old and I’m happy to be able to share it. Go ahead, watch it again, I bet you’ll laugh harder than the first time. If not, go away, it’s cute and I don’t care what you say!

Today’s post is short and quick since we’re at the DFW Family Expo along with our Dallas Dads Group to be part of a Car Seat Safety Workshop put on by Britax. Going Mom and Avery will have plenty to do and see as I help with our group, but I hope to spend time with my girls too. I’ll fill you in on how it went.

Before I leave, Avery wanted me to show you her new picking up a bottle without hands trick.

First, you have to have it on a flat surface. Or the curved seat of daddy’s indoor rower sitting in the kitchen. Make sure to angle yourself just right before going in for the latch.



Then, with full concentration, latch on to the bottle and bite down hard so it doesn’t drop! Side note: do not do this when actually nursing from your Mommy!


That’s it! Once you’ve accomplished the trick (if you’re good like me), go ahead and reward yourself with a good drink of Mommy’s milk; the best stuff on earth for growing kids!


Annnddd back down to do it all over! One more time after that and it’ll be a successful hat trick!


That’s for the NCAA March Madness followers out there. 😉

Speaking of, I filled out my first bracket ever and had no idea what I was doing. I thought I’d have beginner’s luck, but so far, I suck.

Meh, not a big deal to me.

Are you following March Madness?

How’s your bracket doing?

Any dancing kid videos you’d like to share?

Last Week’s Workouts and “The Bear” Complex with Baby

This is the week! The week our baby turns 1 year old! On Saturday, the 15th, we’re having a small birthday party at our home and then we’re leaving her with G-Ma as we head to a friend’s wedding. Is that wrong of us? Nahhhh.

Last week’s workouts were a repeat of the previous week, just adding weight to most exercises in classic progressive overload fashion. I would normally continue in this pattern for the week ahead, but might need to improvise as we prepare for the big day.

Here’s what I have for last week….

Note: All workouts are in a fasted state. I have a homemade pre-workout mix of beta-alanine, bcaa’s, creatine, and pure caffeine powder and then I’m ready to go within 20 – 30 minutes!

Monday – 11/03

– Back Squat: 4 x 8 x 220lbs

– Straight Leg Dead Lift: 4 x 8 x 210lbs

– Dumbbell Lunges: 3 x 11/side x 45lb/side

Superset w/ Glute-Ham Raise: 3 x 12

– Double Kettlebell Swings: 3 x 31 x 25lb/arm

– 31 1-leg squats and Push-ups

Tuesday – 11/04

– Bench Press: 4 x 8 x 165lbs

Superset w/ Strict Chin-ups: 4 x 7

– Dumbbell Hang Clean & Press: 4 x 11 x 30lb/arm

– 1-arm Dumbbell Rows: 3 x 13 x 45lb

Superset w/ Bodyweight Dips: 3 x 13

– Man-maker Push-ups w/ 30lb Dumbbells: 3 x 11

– Dumbbell Twisting Bicep Curls: 3 x 12 x 20lb

Superset w/ Standing Triceps Dumbbell Kickback: 3 x 10 x 20lb

– 31 1-leg squats and Push-ups

Wednesday – 11/05

– 4 Tabata Rounds: 1. Bike, 2. Burpees, 3. 15lb Ball Slam, 4. Bike

– 31 1-leg squats and Push-ups + run/walk 2.3 miles

Thursday – 11/06

– Front Squat: 4 x 8 x 175lbs

– Dead Lift: 3 x 8 x 235lbs

– Clean: 5 x 5 x 125lbs

– 31 Bulgarian Split Squats w/ 20lb Dumbbells/arm and 31 Push-ups

– Walk/Run with Avery and Abby (our Golden

Friday – 11/06

– Overhead Press: 4 x 8 x 110lbs

– Barbell Bent Row: 4 x 8 x 135lbs

Superset w/ Dumbbell Incline Press: 4 x 11 x 45lb/arm

– Dumbbell Hang Clean & Press: 5 x 6 x 45lb/arm

– 4 Rounds: Close-grip Bench – 10 x 135lbs, Wide-grip Pull ups x 6, Kettlebell Windmill w/ 25lb/side x 10/side, Bike ~30 seconds

– 31 1-leg squats and Push-ups

Saturday – 11/08

– Walk 3+ miles with Kelley while wearing Avery on my back. She had a good nap….

Avery Sleeping in Onya on Daddy's Back

– Quick conditioning workout of countdown/up:

->31, 25, 20….10, 5: Double 25lb Kettlebell Swings

->5, 10, 15…..25, 31: Push-ups

– 31 1-leg squats, burpees, and bodyweight squats

Sunday – 11/09

– Work on rearranging garage to make room for Avery’s play pen gate setup.

– 30 minute cardio/strength routine of 30s on and 30s off with different exercises

– 31 1-leg squats and Push-ups

I need to get Avery’s gate setup since she’s close to walking and I don’t expect she’ll have patience to sit in her jumper once this milestone is achieved.


Hmm, or maybe she’s already lost her patience. What do you think?

When she starts making these faces, it’s either nap time, a poopy diaper, or just plain bored. For the last one, when not finished working out or never having a chance to star, I have a solution…..combine playtime with your workout!

To me, barbell work is king when it comes to strength training, but as parents and really all time-strapped people know, we don’t always have time for or access to a barbell. And if you did, just what, with maybe 10 minutes of time to yourself, would you do anyway?

The answer is a complex where you complete multiple exercise back to back without stopping to rest. A classic example of this is called “The Bear” Complex where you perform a power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, and push press without setting the bar down to make 1 rep. It’s an awesome workout that, when done for 5 rounds of 7 reps at a challenging weight, is a quick, effective routine.

But when there’s no barbell or time to use one, grab the nearest baby/kid/toddler/teenager (preferably your own), and make them the barbell. Here’s a video I put together to show you how.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yb9EU4eyKlg&w=420&h=315]

Avery enjoys the moves and hopefully your kids will too. You get to bond with your child through “playtime” while fitting in a full body exercise to boot. Not bad! Give it a try and let me know what you think.

Now it’s time to prepare for a fast approaching birthday; Going Mom has off Thursday and Friday to make sure things are setup right since I’m not the best in that area. Have a great week!

Do you have any favorite workouts you’d like to share?

Any tips on how to manage a first birthday party? We have the beer, what else is needed? 🙂