Tag Archives: weather

Fun Run in the Sun and a Pun

Yesterday, Tuesday, we hit 70 degrees and the sun finally poked through after its brief hiatus. Texas hardly had it bad when compared to places like Boston this winter, but it’s been crappy enough to warrant a deep desire for Spring’s arrival.

Truthfully, I was ready for spring and summer back in November, I just prefer sweating over shivering any day! With the better weather, I wanted to get Avery outside to run around a little, but first we had to make a trip to two stores. Luckily, she didn’t mind since it means getting to ride in her new Britax Boulevard ClickTight car seat.

Britax, car seat, safety

Seriously love this seat and it was a breeze to install. We’re keeping her rear facing as long as possible since it’s the safest way, and the Britax seat allows us to continue doing so up to 40 pounds! Plus, Avery’s not complaining one bit.

After making it back from the stores, Avery was hungry and needed to eat before anything else happened. Going Mom and I taught her a few sign language essentials with one of them being “more”. Now the girl ALWAYS wants more!


Yep, that’s her sign. I’m trying to allow her more freedom in feeding herself if it’s finger foods, so I gave her a few pieces of NuttZo Banana Bread to keep her happy. So much for that, she just stuffed her face with all of the pieces while simultaneously signing for “more”.


Crazy kid. It took her five minutes just finish chewing everything! Needless to say, I think she spent some time reflecting on her actions….


After eating, I put Avery in our B.O.B. jogging stroller to go for a quick run to a nearby playground. The kind folks, I mean elves, at Soft Star Shoes just sent me a pair of their Moc3 barefoot running shoes to review, so I figured it would be a great time to give them a test run. <—Would you call that a pun or not? I can’t tell.


Yes, I wore socks, and no, you really don’t have to. I just prefer to use socks until I am sure I really like things enough to go sans sock. Running in these shoes is so liberating with their zero drop Vibram soles and the fact that they weigh less than 5oz. I actually have been spending all day in the shoes and am only getting more attached to them each day.

Check back later for a full review, and then even later for another review of their kids’ shoes for Avery. I can’t wait to get some on our little girl to keep her feet safe while still “grounding” with the earth. Until then, her Bootzies work fine, they just run the risk of getting holes when worn too much outdoors.


Yep, like at a playground with mulch and concrete. Probably not the best for cotton, but she didn’t seem too concerned. She was, however, intrigued by the wood pieces scattered everywhere and made sure to inspect them thoroughly.

Yep, this one’s wood too.


Somehow I managed to climb the small play-structure with Avery to take her down a few times. The rest of time I just followed her around as she explored…..and randomly clapped.

Enjoying the #Texas sun with my daughter! #Spring is coming! #Parenting #DaddysGirl #playing

A video posted by RC Liley (@going_dad) on

Outside playtime was over when Avery ran back to her stroller, basically letting me know it was over. Fair enough.

I made another fun run round with Avery in the stroller to soak up the warm weather and get a little extra “go” time in the minimal Soft Star Shoes for the last time of the day. Verdict? Still love’em. I could never find a shoe I was comfortable in wearing around the house that I could also make a mad dash outside at any given moment, but these are it! If you haven’t tried them before, give them a go if you get the chance, and make sure to pick some up for your little one too.

Once back home, I turned on Pandora so Avery and I could dance around the house. And by dance, I mean she brings all of her toys from her playroom into the kitchen as I prepare dinner and make a green smoothie for Kelley and I.

This has been a long, hard week for my wife, actually the past several weeks have been trying, and she was stuck at work again last night. In hopes that it would help a little, I made one of her favorite breakfasts ahead of time to be ready in the morning.


Peanut butter oatmeal with chia seeds, cinnamon, and a big spoonful of NuttZo. I added a lot of blueberries too, but didn’t take a picture. Trust me, the blueberries are not to be taken lightly around here, and Going Mom has a specific measurement I keep messing up. The measurement? A lot!

She’s probably enjoying (I hope) this right now just as this is live. I’ll let you know if I added enough blueberries. Or maybe she will…….

And before I go, I had a pun to share. It’s nothing spectacular, but as a proclaimed lover of puns, I want to start sharing at least one with each post I write. Today, in anticipation of spring coming up, I have a seasonal pun.

After a rough winter, the trees will be relieved when spring comes.

I know, not the best tree pun, but I went out on a limb here. Maybe I’ll branch out for the next one. 🙂

What’s the weather like where you are now?

Do you like puns or despise them?

Hanging With My Daughter in the Dad Cave


For a Monday, Avery and I had a pretty good day. She wasn’t perfect (show me a baby that is!), but her afternoon fussiness was nothing new. I expect Mondays to be difficult for all of us because Going Mom has to go back to work and misses her after spending 2 days at home. It’s never a fun transition. Plus, Avery and I miss Going Mom and I know Avery doesn’t like going back to taking the bottle after 2 days of boob! 


Enjoying Our Weekend Outside
Enjoying Our Weekend Outside

But, alas, we forge through it and look forward to the weekend ahead. Avery graced us with another long night in her crib and easily fell back asleep in our bed after feeding. I always fear she’ll just be restless and I’ll have to go to the recliner.  And by fear, I mean kinda enjoy it since I know I can’t always hold her like that. Bittersweet.

Another positive for Monday was the improved weather! Sun shining, light wind, and warmth equals a great day to get out and move! So, after her lengthy morning nap, we took off for a stroller run around the neighborhood with Abby (our Golden) in tow.

Ready to go with my air guitar!
Ready to go with my air guitar!

I’m not sure how so many new parents gain weight when a sleeping baby is so cherished. Just take your baby out for a walk in a baby carrier like the Onya or Ergo or in a jogging stroller and start moving. If they fall asleep, you won’t want to stop for fear of them waking. It’s good for you (moving = exercise and being healthy), and good for them (more sleep = less fuss)!

Although babies are young and may not understand everything, it’s never too early to lead by example and show your child how to live a healthy, active life. I WILL NOT be a dad that just sits in front of the T.V. chewing on his shirt and waiting for someone to fix him a meal. Not that I know anyone like that…..

On the run, Avery never made a peep until around 6 miles, and phew, I was happy to call it quits at that point! Abby was exhausted and ready for water too! She just turned 7 and still acts like a tiny, energetic puppy. Good for her health, tiring for us!

Run is done and we're happy.
Run is done and we’re happy.

After the run, Avery was in a good mood so I decided we’d hang out in my Dad Cave (i.e. the garage) to enjoy the nice weather. Most people think media rooms and sound systems when a Dad/Man Cave is mentioned,but I prefer being active, so none of that for me.

I use my power rack for strength training while Avery is taking her morning nap and enjoy the challenge of lifting heavy. I’ve had pictures of a Ferrari and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles framed just sitting in the garage, so with the nice weather, Avery hung out with me while I hung them both.

So proud.
So proud.

Like most guys, I have my fancy exotic car obsession, and Ferrari is my top choice, but I’ll always be devoted to Subaru. Plus, the STi isn’t too shabby. I had one years ago, was stupid, and now I don’t….*sigh*

Anyway, I’m more excited about the Ninja Turtle picture. Can’t you tell?


Since Avery was still happy and wanted to “hang” out some more, we did just that. Yep, I made a corny use of words and I’m not ashamed. Just wait, one day I’ll share some good puns with you, they’re great!

Could be a good workout!
Could be a good workout!

After messing around long enough, Avery grew tired, hungry, fussy, and annoyed with me hanging on pull up bars. So, we headed inside for a food and nap time.

Going Mom made it home right as Avery woke up and was excited to see her little girl well rested and happy. It makes me happy when I can get Avery to be rested like this so she’s ready for Kelley and not worked up from being too tired.

We enjoyed the rest of our night and Avery went to sleep easily. Another Monday survived!

Dads out there, do you have a Man/Dad Cave?

Moms, do you have something for yourselves?

Ninja Turtle Puzzles at G-ma’s

If weather here could talk, it would’ve said “Screw you, suckers!” this weekend. Saturday’s high was in the low 80’s and beautiful for our drive down to G-ma’s. Then, the very next day and we’re in the single digits! Thank you, Texas weather, for teasing us with 2 wonderful days of gorgeous weather and then WHAM!, we’re slipping on ice as we step outside.

Weather aside, we had a pretty good visit at G-ma’s. Avery wasn’t quite the outstanding baby I asked for in our conversation the day before, but she did flash us some smiles and let G-ma hold and feed her.

The only time Avery visited G-ma’s house was at 5 weeks old. Now that she’s 15 weeks old and aware of her surroundings, we think she was a little overwhelmed and got upset as night came around. One minute Avery was enjoying her time with Kelley and my mom (G-ma), and the next minute she bursts into crying.

Avery showing her Liley lip curl with G-ma
Avery showing her Liley lip curl with G-ma

Of course, we never really know what makes a baby burst into the cutest yet nerve racking ball of tears, but we do our best to act like we do. We’ll say “Oh, it’s just colic.”, or “She probably has a dirty diaper.” Or maybe it’s because we missed a spot while dusting the mantle! Hell, babies just cry sometimes because that’s what they do. Yes, it sucks, and yes, I also try and make my own diagnosis for screaming baby syndrome.

Kelley and Avery chillin at G-ma's
Kelley and Avery chillin at G-ma’s

Although, Avery’s outburst was something abnormal for her at that time, so it just seems fitting to say it was from being a different environment. She carried on for a good hour as we passed her around like a hot potato trying different “techniques” (i.e. the same damn thing we all do with a crying baby, make weird sounds in her face and offer a boob or bottle while sniffing her diaper), until Kelley was finally able to soothe her to sleep. Oh yes, miracle boob strikes again!

Since Avery was sleeping in the room next to the living room, we kept the T.V. off for a while to make sure she was in a deep sleep.

Crap! What do we do with no T.V., you ask? What any normal group of adults would do….. We had drinks and put together 3 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) puzzles, of course!

Drinking and cartoon puzzles is where it's at!
Drinking and cartoon puzzles is where it’s at!

Growing up, I was a huge TMNT fan like most boys around that time. I remember my mom bringing me to Toys R’ Us if I had a good report card to let me pick out a TMNT toy. Lately, since we had Avery, I’ve been turning back into a kid again and have been hoping my TMNT toys were stowed away somewhere at my mom’s. I was determined to find something from my past when we visited.

Not long after we arrived, I was on the hunt for my childhood toys. After rummaging through the house and attic, I only came up with 3 Ninja Turtle Puzzles covered in dust. It was apparent that the original owner (me) didn’t do a good job at putting the right pieces back in the box, so we made a night of putting the puzzles together.

Nearing completion
Nearing completion

As I’ve mentioned in a past post, puzzles mean a lot to Kelley and me, and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening with her and my mom as we worked on these together.

We eventually retired into the living room and Avery slept better than expected through most of the night. We woke up in a seemingly different state with freezing rain and blistering winds so coffee was a given before we were going to do anything else. After a cup of coffee (three for me), we visited a little longer while Avery had a Cliff’s Notes version of her usual morning nap, and then we trekked our way back home in the cold.

Overall, we had a pleasant visit with my mom and hopefully next time Avery will be familiar with her surroundings and not transform into a wicked terror cute little crying baby. But if she does, I’m sure it will just be because she’s colicky….. 🙂

Keeping cozy with G-ma before heading out into the cold
Keeping cozy with G-ma before heading out into the cold

Has your baby ever cried out after bringing them to new surroundings?

Do you ever try and diagnose a crying baby when you really I have no clue? Almost every day here!