Tag Archives: tips

Hurry, there’s Still Time to Buy Crap for People before Christmas!

Is your e-mail inbox still being constantly bombarded by ads claiming “there’s still time but you have to hurry and order NOW!”?

I enjoy giving and getting “crap” every year, but not to the point where I’m having digestive issues from the severe stress of not having bought a super popular Elsa from “Frozen” doll like everyone else is getting this year. Okay, so Avery has no clue about cartoons or movies yet, but hopefully you get my drift.

If you’ve so much as thought about shopping at an online site, it probably seems like your brainwaves fed into your computer’s internet cookies and businesses are using your e-mail address to solicit potential business before it’s too late and you’re totally screwed and all of Christmas is ruined! Or something to that effect. 🙂

The above ad is one of the numerous e-mails littering my inbox with desperate attempts to catch those who procrastinated and are desperate to purchase gifts for others. I think this, along with all of the countless pleas by companies to win your last minute shopping business is PATHETIC!

True, I buy things for friends and family every Christmas, but I simply cannot stand the constant marketing claiming they have what you need to make this Christmas special as they twist your arm into feeling guilty for maybe not having bought enough or nothing at all for that 2nd cousin.

What if, now hear me out here, we quit worrying so much about getting things (read, crap) for others and maybe just give them some of your time? Yeah, like sit and talk, have a meal or just a drink with them and enjoy the moment. In the grand scheme of things, that time you spend together will last a lifetime. The item you rushed to buy? Probably not as long.

Make no mistake, I’m not claiming to be perfect or saying I’ve always done this myself, but I plan on doing it now. Like I said, I’ll buy things that have meaning, make it if/when I can, but also focus more on time as a wonderful gift. Unless you have very materialistic friends and relatives, they might appreciate it more than anything you can buy.

If you must buy something, buy a gift card to a nice coffee shop or restaurant and specify that it’s to use for you and that person or a group of people together.

You get it; focus less on the stressful rush to buy crap, and more on time with those you care about. As a super-major-gigantic plus, spending time instead of money is affordable for anyone. That is, unless, you have little ones that just started walking. Then you might have less time… 🙂

Umm, did you want in the fridge or something?
Umm, did you want in the fridge or something?

Yeah, every day is something new that requires Going Mom and I to figure out a solution. But it’s so worth it and I love seeing Avery walking around everywhere and discovering new abilities. Well, maybe not the outlet plug covers and never mind the fact that she’s constantly running into my legs and appearing out of no where behind me. They’re a lot quieter when on their feet as opposed to their hands and knees making a constant pitter-patter to announce they are coming!

So, this Christmas (and all other holidays/birthdays/special occasions), spend a little quality time with those you care about and don’t worry so much if you didn’t buy some material item.

Please, don’t let these stupid commercials claiming they have the deals to make this a “special Christmas” get to you. A REAL special Christmas is being together and enjoying time.

Have I mentioned to focus on quality time with loved ones? 🙂

Do you fall victim to the last-minute ads/shopping?

Have you tried just offering your time instead of purchased gifts?

How to Make a Christmas DAD-vent Activity Calendar

Do you have an Advent calendar or some sort of Christmas countdown craft in your home?

As a kid, we never had one in our home, but I want to start a family tradition of having something to count the days down until Christmas starting with December 1st. Last year, I wrote 24 different activities for Going Mom and I to do each day until Christmas. They were folded up, placed in a big glass vase and we’d randomly pick one.

Problem was, though, the activities required time and more effort than we could give on any particular day. If there was one we couldn’t do, we’d just push it off and plan on doing several during the weekend. Nope, that never happened either!

While it was a fun though, I didn’t think it through enough; some things were just too complicated. So, this year, I thought ahead and made my own Advent/Christmas Countdown craft with things we could easily do each day.

Instead of randomly picking an activity, I assigned the tasks for each day. I didn’t get creative with the list, and actually just made things that we would most likely do that day anyway. It’s a win-win, right? Hey, this way we’re not pushing anything off!

To give you an idea of my activities, at least 10 of the days is just us working with Avery on walking and finding a reason to cheers each other. We normally split a beer or have some wine and will cheers each other every day; it’s tradition now!

The weekends are a little more involved, and include things like watching a Christmas movie or taking Avery to see Santa. We were left with just enough paper plates from Avery’s 1st birthday party and I figured they’d be great to use for making my own “dadvent” activity calendar.

With the help of Google and Pinterest, I collected enough paper plate craft ideas to put what we had to use.

Here’s what you need:

  • 25 paper plates
  • A printer or just pen and paper
  • Almost empty glue stick (bonus points if it’s purple)DSC_2810
  • Some sort of twine or string (had some Kelley bought for the birthday party)
  • Mini clothespins (also from the birthday party) or another way to hang the plates

That’s it! Of course you could definitely use more, but I specialize in not-so-pretty DIY crafts, so this is how I do things! 🙂

As you might imagine, creating a dadvent calendar is fairly simple; all you do is print or write out 25 activities of your own to do with your family every day in December up to Christmas. The last days don’t matter since Christmas is over and we have new things to play with now.

Take your plates and either with printed numbers or a marker, number the back of each one from 1 to, yep, you guessed it, 25!


Cut your activities into strips and glue them on the opposite side of each plate. If you have activities you want for specific days, I suggest numbering each one so you don’t mix them up.


In numerical order, attach the plates to your string and you’re done! This is what we did on the 8th…


I planned on hanging them across the fireplace or make them in the shape of a Christmas tree somewhere on one of our walls, but that seemed too complicated and my wife does not allow holes in the wall. So I figured it was best not to hang and just let them lay on the floor.

Every day since, Kelley has gone into the room to pick the plate of the day for us to follow, and unlike last year, we’re doing great at keeping up!

Here are a couple of my inspirations….

And here’s my finished product!

DSC_2770 DSC_2771 DSC_2773

Don’t be jealous.

Are you ready to make your own? I’d love to see pictures of what you have if you do anything similar.

FYI – I know we’re already into December and this is a late post, but that only adds to the awesomeness that is “DAD”!

Avoid Awkward Silence as an At-Home Parent: Six Ways to Develop Early Vocabulary Skills

Me: Hey Avery, are you hungry?

Avery: ……..

Me: Okaaayyyy, how about we try walking?

Avery: …….

Me: What’s wrong, did you poop?

Avery: ………

And so on and so forth. Thus is the typical conversation most parents have with their babies.

When you start life as an at-home parent your infant, silence is inevitable and expected. Sure, there’s crying and cooing, but unless you’re caring for other kids at the talking age, you have no one to actually converse with when at home.

We only have one kid, so it’s just Avery and me spending every day together, learning and growing along the way. I love it. It’s fulfilling, rewarding, better than sitting in an office (to me), way better than daycare (financially and physically), and it sometimes drives me INSANE!

Oops, did I say that? It’s not when she’s extremely fussy and screaming out loud, or when she’s pulling out my leg hair as I’m trying to cook meals for day; it’s the silence. Crying, I can take, but sometimes it gets quiet, a little too quiet.

Don't mind me, I'll just sit here and stare.
Don’t mind me, I’ll just sit here and stare.

As I first mentioned, it’s expected from an infant, but at a year old and close to making actual words with her babbling, it’s just awkward when she turns silent. I’ll be working in the kitchen as she’s happily pushing her boxes across the floor (yes, we’re classy) or we’ll be playing in the front room, but all too often, she turns silent and stares into space.

I know you’re thinking, “Must be poop!”, and I used to think the same, but that’s usually accompanied by grunting and a strawberry-red face. I’ll check anyway because you never know (right?), but 8.3 times out of 10, there’s no poop in sight……or smell.

Luckily, there are solutions to most problems in the world, and I’ve found six that help combat the awkward silence as an at-home parent. As she grows, many of these will act as a wonderful base to build upon and hopefully expand her vocab skills and mind.

1. Explain what you are doing. When I’m in the kitchen (it’s a lot!), I’ll catch Avery staring at me as I work. Instead of just carrying on in silence, I’ll explain to her exactly what I’m doing as if she’s a student anxious to jot down all of my notes. I do this for everything from the exercises I do when working out and even during diaper changes. This gives me the pseudo-conversation I sometimes miss and helps keep her engaged in daily activities.

2. Explain what they are doing. Since it would be narcissistic to only talk about yourself, describe the actions your kid is making too. This goes along with number 1 above, and will help them begin to understand their capabilities.

Yes dear, you are accurately portraying Chucky, the killer doll.
Yes dear, you are accurately portraying Chucky, the killer doll.

3. Make eye contact when speaking to your child. In doing so, your child may be more inclined to communicate. Of course, watch what you’re doing too; like changing dirty diapers!! I’ve tried looking into her eyes while explaining how I’m cleaning her bottom and next thing I knew, well, you know. #ParentingFail

4. Read to them often. Even when they can’t stand still and try to tear the pages from your hands as they scream, keep reading! Avery does this to Going Mom and I daily, but trust me, you’ll help build vocabulary skills and maybe even have them reading before others their age. Make sure to choose books with big, bright colors and fun pictures. Moby Dick is not the best book to start with. 🙂

5. Acknowledge their sounds and actions. When Avery started blowing raspberries, we made sure to return the action and let her know what she was doing. Now that’s she’s babbling a lot, we repeat (as good as we can) the string of “words” she spouts out and encourage words like “momma” and “da da”. Lately, Avery has become an expert at sticking out her tongue on queue and it makes my wife and I so proud!

6. Play music. You don’t have to have “The Wheels on the Bus” on repeat, play actual music, whatever you like, and it’ll be fine. This is a big one for keeping sane and having some kind of background noise at all times. Almost every day, I turn on Pandora with a mix of my favorite channels and frequently sing out loud with Avery staring at me in bewilderment. Despite the strange looks you might receive, have no doubt that your kid will pick up on words that help expand their vocabulary. For this reason, I tend to stay away from the Eminem station….

Although you can never fully escape the awkward silence when you’re an at-home parent with only one kid who’s not yet talking, these six solutions will help get you through this time and help build your child’s speech and learning skills as well.

Have you made use of any of these before?

Do you have other tips/advice to share?