Tag Archives: thanksgiving

Healthy Sugar Cookie Protein Dip Recipe + Food Tips

Hello there! Are you frantically running around trying to get everything ready for Thanksgiving or are you all set / not celebrating? Whatever the case, I have a couple healthy things to share.

Since I’m in the “frantically running around” department, today’s post comes directly from my old healthy foodie blog, Just Add Cayenne, with the help of my good friends Copy and Paste. Seriously, I’m even keeping my pre-parenthood talk as well as carrying over the same font from the original posts. Hey, these are my blogs, so why not?

This is from two posts, here’s the original for the squash dip recipe, and the original for my healthy food tips.

Begin Old Post
Yeah, I know, plenty of you probably have to work today, the eve of Thanksgiving, but I’m complaining on behalf of all of us. Couldn’t you use the day before to prep food do a little extra exercise to prepare for tomorrow’s feast, and just be away from school or work? I’ll go ahead and answer for all of us again….YES!

I’ve seen so many healthy Thanksgiving feast recipes that I want to try but have no time before going to our family gathering. Most of the food is stuff I can’t (gluten reasons) or won’t (health/picky reasons) eat, and I like to bring things I know I will enjoy.
See? I’m ready for the pumpkin famine! Or maybe I just use it a lot.

Confession – I brought roasted brussels sprouts and mushrooms one year knowing that just one other person and myself would eat them. Sorry, but I don’t want premade mixes cooked from a box or food with poor ingredients for Thanksgiving….or ever for that matter!

So I prefer to make my own gluten free, non store bought bread (maybe just a personal Microwave Chocolate Protein Cake) and side dishes. I think I only end up eating an undressed salad and the turkey at most gatherings. Anyone else run into this issue? I don’t mean to complain (even though I am), or tell others what to eat, but I just want to have what I prefer and enjoy.

Not a bad “personal” Thanksgiving treat if you ask me!
If there was no work today, I’d be cooking all sorts of things I’ve wanted to try. Lately, sweet potato, pumpkin, and banana are all ingredients sticking out to me. And of course peanut butter would be in one or all of the creations. Maybe a spin on a no-cook pumpkin banana peanut butter pie? Hmmm, I’ll keep brainstorming and maybe have something to post on for the Christmas feast!
But really, a peanut butter pumpkin pie sounds pretty darn good any time. I have been using unflavored gelatin to make some easy and tasty dips lately, and suggest you try. Still need to get the recipe down before I post it, but here’s another quick, easy, and healthy dip for you to try in the meantime.

Delicata squash is my number one favorite squash (you can use any kind you’d like), and making it into a puree is simply delightful! Have you seen or tried Celestial Seasoning’s Sugar-Cookie Sleigh Ride Tea? It’s a good, caffeine free tea to drink, but throw it in with squash puree, vanilla protein powder, and a little stevia and you will be on Cloud 18. That’s Cloud 9…..squared; because it’s that good.

Delicata Sugar Cookie Protein Dip
(Sugar and Gluten Free)

2 medium delicata squashes, microwave steamed or roasted until the skin is soft
2 big scoops stevia sweetened vanilla protein powder; I used Vitol Vanilla Egg White Protein
1 T natural peanut butter
2 Celestial Seasoning’s Sugar-Cookie Sleigh Ride Teabags
Liquid or powder stevia to taste
1t pure vanilla extract

Once you have your cooked squash (I microwave steam mine), remove any really hard parts like the stem and throw everything else in a food processor. Yes, include the skin, it’s soft.
Add the rest of the ingredients (just cut the teabags and dump the contents) and process until really smooth. I let my processor run for 2 – 3 minutes. Let chill for the flavors to “intensify” and help everything firm up.
I love having a giant bowl of this to go to when my sweet tooth hits, which is every night. This recipe is very versatile and you can sub your favorite ingredients as you see fit. I think coconut flour or cocoa powder would make for some extremely delicious versions. Try it, eat it, enjoy!

Hello and welcome to WIAW in December! I saw another blogger mention how the first Home Alone movie is now 22 years old!  That hit me like a semi-hard brick.  Only semi-hard because I’m already a little aware of the aging process.  Anyway, who else is in awe at how time flies?
Sooo, I have little time to write today, so I want to share some of my past blog posts on Healthy Food Tips and Ideas.  As far as what I ate, it’s been nothing different from past weeks, so please forgive me for not posting.
Healthy Travel Tips – This is good info for those that are traveling for the holidays
Easy and Healthy Food Swaps – This was around Easter, but applies year round
How to Survive Vacation as a Health Food Fanatic – A follow up from my other vacation post; this lists things I ate while on vacation
Veggies Don’t Need Ranch Dressing! – The title says it all; just my views on Hidden Valley’s “healthy” advertising
5 Healthy Ways to Add Protein to Salad – This was a summertime post, but again, salads are great all year!
What’s the Next Fad Diet and Why? – In sum, fad diets are pointless, dumb, and, well….fads
Top 5 Healthy and Tasty Dip Substitutions – My favorite savory dips; good for any dip lover!
Pumped Up Protein Staples – A list of my favorite protein dips and baked items with a link to all of my recipes at the end. Trust me, making these are worth your while!
How well are you managing time for the holidays?  I’m already not a fan of going out to eat, but with social gatherings and whatnot, I’m not going to escape it.  Speaking of, I’m heading out for dinner at a nice seafood place with co-workers.  As a fan of seafood, I’ll get over my dislike of going out if there’s fresh crab on my plate!
Hope you all have a great week and get any shopping done soon; it’s only getting crazier!!

End Old Post

There’s no post for Thanksgiving, and I’m not sure when the next one will come around, but hope you find value in the healthy food tip links and get to give the recipe a try. I’ve made it for Avery and she asks for more before finishing the first bite. Speaking of, she’s finally getting over her sickness and should be back to her old crazy toddler self just in time for our little family Thanksgiving gathering.

For more healthy recipes, check out the tab on the top appropriately named, *gasp* Healthy Recipes.

Do you plan on trying the recipe?

Were the links to my healthy food tips/thoughts of any help to you?

How Many Turkeys Are Eaten on Thanksgiving?

The following Thanksgiving fun facts are brought to you by the National Turkey Federation where you can more info about Turkeys (if the name doesn’t make it obvious) year round.

Avery is still battling a vicious cold/sinus infection and it breaks our hearts to see her so miserable with those swollen eyes and solemn mood. By nighttime, it’s as if we gave her a sedative while reading a book before bed. Last night she was out before I turned off the light for her and Going Mom who always sings to her before putting her in the crib.

Lots of love, green smoothies, and hugs with her blankie and Lamby are going on here. Hopefully these work synergistically to do the trick!


To start, here’s what the NTF has to report about the number of Turkeys consumed on Thanksgiving…

In 2013, more than 240.0 million turkeys were raised. More than 200 million were consumed in the United States. We estimate that 46 million of those turkeys were eaten at Thanksgiving, 22 million at Christmas and 19 million at Easter.

Nearly 88 percent of Americans surveyed by the National Turkey Federation eat turkey at Thanksgiving. The average weight of turkeys purchased for Thanksgiving is 16 pounds, meaning that approximately 736 million pounds of turkey were consumed in the United States during Thanksgiving in 2012.

Yeah, 46 million, that’s a lot of bird! I’ll happily enjoy one of those 46 million in the form of an organic, free-range gobbler with our family on Thursday.

Another interesting tidbit….

Benjamin Franklin, who proposed the turkey as the official United States’ bird, was dismayed when the bald eagle was chosen over the turkey. Franklin wrote to his daughter, referring to the eagle’s “bad moral character,” saying, “I wish the bald eagle had not been chosen as the representative of our country! The turkey is a much more respectable bird, and withal a true original native of America.”

Sooooo, we could be eating bald eagle for Thanksgiving instead? Hmmm, that would take a lot more bird!

We all think Turkey is to blame for our need for a nap after the big meal, but…

Many people report drowsiness after eating Thanksgiving dinner. While turkey often receives the blame, recent studies suggest that carbohydrate-rich meals may cause sleepiness by increasing the number of tryptophans in the brain. Yet, the unusually large, multi-coursed, carbohydrate-rich meal most people eat on Thanksgiving is more likely the cause.

Maybe try a few grain-free options in place of the high carb food. It’s more filling and typically has much more to offer nutritionally.

Compare the White and Dark Meat

  • White meat is generally preferred in the United States while other countries choose the dark meat.

  • A turkey typically has about 70 percent white meat and 30 percent dark meat.

  • The two types of meat differ nutritionally. White meat has fewer calories and less fat than dark meat.

  • The rich flavor of dark meat is especially valued in soup and stew recipes. Dark meat holds up well in rich marinades and is a perfect choice for grilling and barbecuing.

I like both white and dark. My favorite is white mixed with tart cranberry sauce since it tends to be more dry; the dark I can eat alone.

A few more facts….

Only tom turkeys gobble.

Hen turkeys make a clicking noise.

Domesticated turkeys cannot fly.

Wild turkeys can fly for short distances up to 55 miles per hour and can run 20 miles per hour.

June is National Turkey Lovers’ Month!

Of course there’s much more out there, but I thought it would be best to stick with one source and share some of what they had. And what better source than the National Turkey Federation? Check out their handy link with tons of info on how to buy, store, prep, and eat your turkey.

Okay, back to lots of love with the help of Lamby and blankie….squeeze!


Such a sweet girl.

The Federation’s goal is to increase the current average weight of 16 pounds to 20 pounds by the year 2020.

What do you think, can it be done?

Will help or hamper their goal?

From Full of Mush to Full of Life: Our Baby’s 2nd Thanksgiving

To those who are celebrating, Happy Thanksgiving! To those who are not, Happy Day…..hopefully!

It’s Avery’s second Thanksgiving and we’re celebrating at our house just like last year, only this time it’s just Going Mom, Avery, and myself. We’ll miss seeing our families, but it just worked out this way and that’s okay. Plus, I know we’ll have many more future holidays to spend with our family.

Looking back at pictures from Thanksgiving last year, I can’t believe our little ball of mush has grown into a bigger (but still little) ball of life!

Here she is, motionless, last year…

Thanksgiving 2013_Family Photo

…and one more, still motionless…

Avery and Daddy_Thanksgiving 2013

But noooowwww, we’re lucky to get her to sleep during the day (or ever!), and she’s full of life and gives us wide-grinned smiles every day.

Letting us know she's fluent in tongue.
Letting us know she’s fluent in tongue.


Yeah, they grow too fast, huh? Now we have an active little girl on the verge of walking (we think), talking (we also think), and constantly learning about the world around her. Hopefully, she’ll start learning how to help in the kitchen and maybe lend a hand next Thanksgiving. Too early?

I cooked everything but the turkey yesterday and the plan is to drink copious amounts of coffee, go for a family run/walk around the neighborhood, and watch as much of the videos we’ve taken since Avery was born last November. Oh yeah, and enjoy our small Thanksgiving feast.

Our menu for day includes goat cheese garlic mashed potatoes (Kelley’s favorite and #1 request), mashed sweet potatoes with cinnamon and stevia to sweeten, roasted brussels sprouts and garlic (my favorite), microwave cranberry sauce sweetened with stevia, free-range turkey, and crust-less no-bake pumpkin pie.

It’s not much, but I’m excited, and as long as we have goat cheese paired with mashed potatoes, my wife is excited too! Hopefully Avery will enjoy the spread too, and maybe NOT throw it on the floor.

Whether you’re celebrating Thanksgiving or not, hope you have a great day!

Do you have any traditions you must do every year? We don’t, but I’m hoping to create them now and celebrate them every year with Avery and Kelley.