Tag Archives: squat

Squat Every Day Routine + An Open Garage Door Violation

Both sound crazy, right? Who could/would squat every day, and what’s with getting a violation for having your garage door open?! Well, both are current happenings in the Going household, but only one is actually crazy.


Yeah, the violation for a freakin open garage door! Our neighborhood Facebook page was filled with comments from so many of our neighbors all fired up from receiving the same waste-of-ink-and-paper violation. One neighbor mentioned how she was just going in and out putting up groceries when they took a picture of her open garage door “violation”.

Seriously, are we paying dues to our HOA to have someone go around and take pictures of our homes and then send them to us in the mail saying an open garage door is wrong? All I know is that I will continue to have our garage door open as I please. The neighborhood is currently plotting how we’ll send our own violation notices to these people for things that actually pose a concern and detract from our neighborly appeal. I’ll let you know more as the plot thickens.

What’s even more irritating is that Avery and I actually were using the garage then. In fact, with the current strength routine I’m following, Cory Gregory’s Squat Every Day, I’ll be using it *gasp* every day. So, to our ever so protective HOA, here’s a calendar for you to see I will, in fact, be using my garage EVERY. DAY.

Squat Every Day Calendar

The day they took the picture, Monday, September 14th, was my first official starting day. If the photographer stuck around a little longer, they would’ve seen a Daddy-Daughter Duo rocking our squats.

Avery Squatting 2

She’s moving up from her body weight squat days and using a wooden rod Olympic barbell now. I had to correct her form a little and let her know to keep a serious face when “going heavy”. She did better on the next set…

Avery Squatting

Just to be clear, I wasn’t actually making her do squats. Like all kids, they absorb everything their parents do and she has taken to many forms of exercise to mimic Mommy and Daddy. Another good one is overhead press.

Avery OH Press

Watch out, boys, this girl can hold her own! So, to all parents, let your kids see you being active and healthy, including cooking in the kitchen, and chances are, they’ll want to do the same. Free tip o’ the day there.

Back to the Squat Every Day program, I’m loving it. I am one of those guys who has to do something active every day or I get irritable. It’s like a drug; one that only I can prescribe and follow. Only a week in, but I know I’m “addicted”.

This doesn’t mean it’s easy, squatting with a heavy barbell every day takes a lot of mental and physical fortitude, but that’s why it’s great. One of my favorite athletes, Dean Karnazes, has an excellent quote that I completely abide by.


Who’s guilty of doing this? I was years ago, but now I get out of my comfort zone on a daily basis which, ultimately, keeps me happier. Of course, this mentality is why I am still dealing with a stress fracture in my foot, but refuse to let it get me down.

Yes, I realize there is such thing as an unhealthy addiction to healthy things like exercise, and I can’t deny I’m on the borderline of this diagnosis. I’ve toned down what I do for exercise, though, and instead of high mileage running, I’ve found lifting to be better for me all around.

Over the course of my first week on the program, I PR’d on front squat at 210 lbs for one rep (1-RM). I felt good and could’ve gone for another 5 lbs at least, but figured I’d save it for the next week. My current back squat 1-RM is 280 lbs and I’m hoping to surpass that next week too. As a 160 lb 5’10 male, I’m happy with these numbers, but want more, and so far squatting every day seems like it might get me there.

Next weekend I will be going to the 20th Annual At-Home Dads Convention in Raleigh, NC and am getting pumped about meeting other dad of my kind and obtaining vast amounts of knowledge about being a father/husband from the more experienced dads/husbands out there. Not that I think I’m doing a bad job already. Right, Kelley and Avery? They seem happy enough….


Well, at least Going Mom does, Avery is too concerned about the outside all day every day (ha, like squatting!).

I’m excited about the trip for the convention, but can’t allow to put off my squatting every day, so hopefully the “free weights” our hotel has includes a squat rack. Otherwise, I’ll be on the lookout for a local gym. Anyone know of one? I will not miss a day!

More on the convention as it gets closer or just when I get back and have stories (all good of course) to tell. For now, we’re continuing our backyard landscaping project along with, you guessed it, squatting this weekend. Oh, and cue Beavis & Butthead singing Breaking the Lawbecause look what we’re doing…

Open Garage Door

Do you have any ridiculous HOA or other violations to share? Did you “comply” or continue to “break code”?

Ever hear of the Squat Every Day Program? Would you try or have you already?

Going Strong: Get Fit with this Full Body Babywearing Workout

I’ve been waiting for this day for a while a now; the day I could wear Avery on my back with our Onya! Now that she’s 6 months and over 15 pounds, she’s good to go!

DSC_1517 (Medium)

Now that wearing her on my back is an option, this opens up new ways to get in a workout while keeping your baby close (really close). Trying to workout while your baby is sleeping can be difficult, and it’s tough if they wake up crying as you’re in the middle of sweating it out. Do you keep going and hope they fall back asleep or end your hard work and get them right away? Not an easy answer…..like most questions regarding babies!

So, I prefer to have Avery with me when working out as much as possible. She sees her daddy being active, and hopefully will want to do the same when she can move around. Plus, it just makes for good bonding! I’m pretty sure Avery has seen me do enough burpees now that she can’t wait to do them herself. Isn’t that right, Avery?


Well, maybe.

Anyway, having your baby on your back enables to you change the loading parameters on your core and legs, allows you to get on the ground for push-ups. With that, two of the best, most functional moves you can do are squats and push-ups.

Nothing fancy schmancy here, just two simple moves that work your entire body. Like I’ve mentioned before, babywearing workouts offer built in progression. As your baby grows, so will your strength. I put together a video demonstration just to show you the moves and hopefully you find it helpful.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_U2NCaUH7w?rel=0&w=420&h=315]

As mentioned in the video, if you want to make this more challenging than 3 rounds, you can just add rounds or make it into a timed “AMRAP” (as many rounds as possible) session. This, of course, is assuming you have a comfortable and happy baby. Also, I don’t advise doing this right after your baby eats, and I’m sure you know why.

Here’s the AMRAP routine that you can print out if you’d like.

Babywearing_Full Body Blast

And for an even greater challenge, add another 5 or 10 minutes of continuous work and/or hold dumbbells while doing squats.

Always make sure you are warmed up before starting and above all, have fun getting fit with the help of your growing baby!

Check out my past Going Strong posts for more baby bearing fitness ideas:

This post is part of a new fitness link-up party co-hosted by the great guy behind Disillusioned Dad. Check it out and show some support by linking your post related to diet, health, exercise, and/or well being.
