Tag Archives: soft star shoes

Making A Rash Decision and Duct Tape Diapering

Guess we celebrated Avery’s recovery too soon. No more fever, but she started to develop a rash on her lower belly. It was good to see she was back to being active, but her eating was and still is not up to par.


Despite what it looks like in the picture, Avery was not scratching at or even acknowledging her spreading rash. But, Going Mom did enough worrying for the both of them and was worriedly searching Dr. Google for an answer.

Since it was the weekend and the rash didn’t seem severe enough to act immediately, I said we should just wait until Monday and reassess then. My wife, still showing signs of concern, as any loving mother would, agreed to give it time. Meanwhile, she used several forms of home remedies/treatments in hopes the rash would suddenly disappear.

Coconut oil and her homemade solution of essential oils to diffuse may or may not of helped, but her rash was hardly visible by Monday. Phew! Kelley took off from work and neither of us wanted to spend her day off going to the doctor for our poor daughter’s rash. It had already been a long, stressful week for Avery, and an impromptu visit to the doc would only add to it!

In other news, Avery started undoing her cloth diaper again. This happened a few months ago and we used packaging tape as the solution. The tape sucked and fell off easily, so we’ve upgraded to duct tape which seems to work much better.

duct tape cloth diaper
So it’s come to this…..

Or so we thought…..

duct tape cloth diaper
Here, Mom, you might want this.

Apparently you have to duct tape all around or Avery will simply just pull the tape right off. Smart girl.  Now she gets duct tape full circle around her cloth diaper.


Like any toddler, she doesn’t make it easy, but handing her the roll helps keep her still long enough just to make sure everything’s secure.


Once she’s all wrapped up, she then likes to get down to rap.


Okay, not really rap, but that’s the only thing that would work for my corny dad pun/joke. So sue me! Actually,please don’t. 🙂

Besides the mystery rash and finicky eating, we had a great family weekend together. Even though Avery didn’t have a fever, I think it was best we didn’t bring her to our friend’s kids’ 2 year old birthday party since she hasn’t been 100% quite yet and we didn’t know whether the rash would spread or not. Instead, we enjoyed playtime and coffee during the day, and a lot of The Walking Dead after Avery’s bedtime.

Seriously, we are hooked for the long haul and almost to season 4 at this point. It’s bad when we set a limit of 2 episodes and end up watching 2 more. The crazy life of parents with a toddler, huh? That said, I enjoy having a good show to get into with my wife, and it’s nice to stay off of the computer and watch something good with her instead.

Really quick before I wrap things up, I went on an hour long run in my new Soft Star Shoes Dash RunAmocs with a bullhide leather sole and find these better than my Moc3’s I reviewed previously. I’ll have a full review of the Dash RunAmocs eventually, but will be running a half-marathon in them on Mother’s Day before publishing anything. Until then, I’ll keep wearing my Soft Stars and Avery will wear hers as we exercise and play together each day!

soft star shoes

Has your kid ever had a mystery rash that didn’t seem to bother them but looked bad?

Any other kind of rash?

What do you think about taping your toddler’s diaper to keep them from undoing it?

A Trip to Trader Joe’s, Soft Star Run, and Our Rain Barrel

Trader Joe’s recently opened up shop right next to us and I’ve been wanting to go check it out. I’ve been to TJ’s several times before, but it’s been awhile since my last visit. As a proclaimed foodie, I’m drawn to the less mainstream grocery stores, and decided to finally pay the new location a visit.

And what better companion than my daughter, Avery, to peruse the aisles of a new store! But not before someone decided to back into us as we were parking. A guy in front of me turned into a perfectly open parking space on the left and I turned into another on the right, then the proceeded to back up to park in the other space next to me! It ended with his rear bumper connecting with mine. Nothing too serious, but annoy nonetheless. Just one more “to-do” by needing to call the guy’s insurance to have it repaired.


Like I said, not that bad, but also not that good. But guess it could be a lot worse and I’m thankful the guy was actually nice and apologetic. Avery didn’t even know what was going on and she kept rather calm.

We left Going Mom at home so she could have some time to work on getting her rain barrel setup and on our refreshed veggie and herb garden. Yep, I do the grocery shopping while my wife works on the yard. No shame here, plus I still do the mowing. Well, except for when Kelley wins an argument over who gets to use our EGO Power+ Lawn Mower.

But next time, it’s all mine! Unless there’s a good sale at Costco Then I’ll drink beer and grill steaks!

Back to Trader Joe’s; I was not impressed. After spending some time picking up every item and reading the ingredients, I finally remembered doing the same thing last time I went and couldn’t figure out what makes it so great. Most of what I found were packaged foods with processed vegetable oils, sugar, modified corn starch, sulfur dioxide, etc. when all I really want is some freakin’ frozen mixed veggies or a decent bag of snackworthy mixed nuts. There were some good finds, though, one of them being this bottle of cold brew coffee concentrate.

trader joe's cold brew coffee

Normally, I make my own, but this will be a lifesaver when I’m in a pinch. So I don’t plan on making many trips back there as my usual stores suit me just fine.

After Saturday’s let down of an exciting store trip, Kelley kept Avery with her as she continued yard work so I could go on a solo Sunday run in my Soft Star Shoes. I’ve been  running rather short distances with Avery in the stroller and holding the leash for our Golden, Abby, to tag along, but haven’t had the chance for a solo run in a while. Needless to say, I was excited for the bit of freedom.

I ended up running about 66 minutes and covered 7.8 hilly miles. It was wonderful, liberating, and….it kinda hurt. Stupid chafing. Just a few years ago, this distance would be an easy, laughable even, run, but now it’s my long run!

However, I did see a giant home with a Ferrari and Lamborghini parked in it’s own upscale shop. Just for a little motivation, I ran up their driveway for a closer look, waved to the owners standing outside, and turned right around to continue my run. Sorry, no pictures since I run with as little as possible, but trust me, the cars were nice!

When I returned, Going Mom had a lot done and our garden is ready to grow several organic herbs and vegetables. Waiting sucks, but hopefully it will all be worth it.

New Garden by Kelley

Avery kept busy by running wild and throwing dirt every which direction as Kelley watched her while trying to get her own dirt “thrown” around. Being the Going Mom that she is, my wife did an outstanding job on the revamped and extended garden and the rain barrel G-Ma got her for X-Mas.

Rain Barrel

Now we just wait for the next rain and see how everything holds up.

I’m not sure what it was exactly, but that evening, after her nap, Avery was a wild child the rest of the day. She was in the sun a little longer than usual, so the only reasonable thing I can think of is that there’s some strange correlation between the sun and inner demons. It might sound far-fetched, but Avery has been known to house a demon in the past.

I mean, even the cat, who usually doesn’t mind her, went into hiding….


Or maybe it’s just being a toddler.

What do you think of the sun-demon connection? Is it a thing or just a passing phase?

Do you have a rain barrel, a garden, or other aspect in your home that you’re proud of?

Soft Star Shoes RunAmoc Moc3: An Active Dad’s Review

I’ve been wearing minimalist shoes for over 5 years now and will never go back to cushioned unstability shoes again. Vibram Five Fingers or New Balance Minimus have been my shoes of choice, but since the kind folks “Elves” at Soft Star Shoes sent me a pair of their RunAmoc Moc3 barefoot running shoes to review, I have a new favorite.


Here a few key details on the running “moccasins”:

Soft Star RunAmocs

– Superior flexibility and ground-feel.
– They weigh less than 5oz!
– Breathe-O-Prene® liners wicks moisture and keeps dust and dirt away!
– Genuine leather uppers, perforated for breathability.
– Zero drop 2mm Vibram® soling.
– Can be worn with or without socks.
– Extremely odor resistant.
– Reflective strips for nighttime safety.
– Handcrafted in Oregon, USA.
– See more by clicking this link.

Although they’re marketed as barefoot running shoes/moccasins, the RunAmoc Moc3’s are perfect for so much more. Lifting weights, walking, high intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise, chasing crazy toddlers, tasks around the house, shopping, and, when your kid lets you, relaxing.

I hear that last one is nice, but Avery has yet to allow this thing called “relaxing”. However, the shoes helped me block her path of destruction when they stopped her in her tracks to take a closer look.


The Moc3’s instantly appealed to me since they are slip-on and as minimal as you can get without just actually being barefoot. Give me a slip on shoe, I’m happy, but give me a high quality slip shoe made for performance, I’m ecstatic! And that’s exactly what the Soft Star RunAmoc Moc3 offers.


At first, they looked a little funky to me, but as I studied them longer…they still looked funky. It’s true, they’re basically an upgraded sock, but that’s what I love about them. Even compared to the Vibram Five Fingers, the Moc3’s just tend to grab more attention.


Maybe because they look as if they are some sort of business casual shoe when you first see them, but then you notice you can see the person’s toes poking through the thin leather uppers. Not to mention how thin the whole shoe looks/is.


The looks have actually grown on me, and I’m completely happy with their design. Besides, barefoot/minimal shoes aren’t meant to fit in and they shouldn’t, they deserve to stand out from the rest!

Fit and Feel

No half sizes here, but for the Moc3’s I recommend you round down from your regular shoe size. I usually wear a 10 1/2 and got the size 10 Moc3 which still had some room inside. Note that these shoes can be worn with or without socks, and wearing socks can make your foot slip around more than if you were barefoot. I tried both ways and prefer going without socks as the shoes hug my feet better and don’t slip.

Whether you have socks or not, the shoes slip on easily and are extremely comfortable. I love being able to feel the ground beneath me, and the RunAmoc Moc3’s allow me to do just that. It’s almost therapeutic to walk or run in the grass when wearing these shoes since you can feel the blades under your feet with every step.

At less than 5oz, it truly is as if you’re just wearing some thick socks. But since they’re handmade by Elves who are actually passionate about what they do, you don’t have to worry about getting any holes like you would socks! My feet feel free in the shoes, and they basically are with their soft yet sturdy construction.



These shoes are rock stars! I may not be running high mileage like back in my marathon days, but know that I could in the Moc3’s if I wanted. Instead, I’ve gone on daily long walks and runs with Avery and even incorporated “stroller hill sprints” in the shoes.


The Moc3’s offer the best barefoot running experience I’ve ever had, hands down. Even the Vibram Five Fingers seem less minimal after wearing the Soft Stars. Don’t get me wrong, I still like and enjoy the “VFF’s”, but Soft Star is my new go-to shoe.

I tried running with and without socks, and prefer no socks the best. When I did wear socks, my feet would slide around and the heel would slip every so often like they were going to come off. Without socks, the shoes hug my feet better and feel more like they are just a part of me, not something loosely attached to the end of my limbs.

Running is a liberating movement, and the Moc3’s allow me to take things a step (ha ha) further by making everyday activities liberating too. Like, for instance weightlifting.


When lifting weights, ideally we would be barefoot to connect better with the ground and be more stable. Think of all of the cushioning on standard shoes like standing on pillows when trying to squat heavy weight. The end result would NOT be pretty!

Thankfully, the zero drop, super flexible, and high quality construction of the Moc3’s make them perfect for any weightlifting session. I normally wear a minimal shoe with a 4mm drop, and after lifting in the Moc3’s, I could feel my leg muscles activating more which surprised me at first. I didn’t think it would be a big difference, but these are now the only shoes I’ll use on leg day.


The Vibram soles provide plenty of traction which comes in handy when performing any of the Olympic lifts or HIIT exercises. CrossFit type of workouts is another area where the shoes shine as their grip and light weight instill confidence from kettlebell swings to burpees, to box jumps.



I’ve worn the Moc3’s for several weeks now, and never wore any other shoes in that time besides when it was raining. Side note: the ultra minimal nature of these shoes means they are not water resistant, so they WILL NOT absorb water when stepping in puddles. I found out the hard way, but they do dry out and clean up easily!

In wearing these shoes all day every day where I spend most time on my feet, going for walks/runs with Avery, cooking in the kitchen, playing on the playground, lifting weights, and performing high intensity interval training, the shoes still look great! I managed to scrape my toes going over an obstacle when running, and all I have is a scuff, but besides that, these things hold up well!


Seriously, it’s hardly noticeable. After dealing with stitching coming undone on my Vibram Five Fingers, I am completely happy with how well the Soft Stars are constructed and absolutely love that they are handmade right here in the U.S.A!


Their light weight, high durability, and zero drop are key factors making the Soft Star RunAmoc Moc3’s my new favorite shoe. The fact that they’re slip-on is what I love, but can see this being a drawback to some wanting a more snug fit. That said, ditch your socks and you should be just fine.

I love how you can feel so much under your feet in these and it makes me feel more connected to the earth. Call me a hippie if you want, but nothing compares besides actually going barefoot…..just beware of sharp objects! Being able to quickly slip these shoes on to go workout or just go to the local coffee shop makes them perfect for anyone looking to get a minimal shoe that is multi-functional. Oh, and, absolutely necessary for any parent with little ones running around!

Soft Star Kids Shoes

As a Soft Star Shoes Ambassador, I’ll be talking more about these shoes for a while. I have confirmed I love them for myself, but they also make children’s shoes by hand and I’m thinking Avery needs to have herself a pair soon! Check out all they have to offer on their site and have fun with the create your own feature.

Hopefully this review will have you ordering your first pair soon and you’ll be opening a package to find this glorious sticker with your new foot huggers carefully wrapped inside.
