Tag Archives: sleep

What I’ve Learned After 2 Days as a Stay-at-home Dad

Not much. I’m still confused and trying to figure things out, but I am more comfortable with the role.

I have been able to get Avery to take long naps in her crib without too much fussing. Swaddling, taking queues from yawns and watching the clock are very helpful. Oh, and accepting the crying in my face for a while until she gives into sleep.

Avery Sleeping in Crib

Eating while she sleeps is something I need to work on though. I get so excited about the time I have to get other things done, I sometimes forget to actually just sit and eat. For her first nap of the day, I rush to the garage to try and get in a workout. Listening to music while working out is a thing of the past, now I listen to a baby monitor. I’m still trying to learn the lyrics there….


Husband and wife do not always see eye to eye with parenting styles. This is a big a one! If I know she has been fed, changed, and burped, I will let her cry and scratch my chest with those razors nails longer than Kelley will. Kelley will get up, bounce around, change positions, and hum loudly until Avery calms down. Are either of us doing it wrong or right? I don’t think so, it’s just us having our own ways.

Of course we argue over these differences as I’m sure most parents do, but we can also learn from each other this way.

Just last night I tried holding the screaming Avery while laying flat in the recliner. After several minutes of her thrashing and wailing, Kelley told me I’m doing it wrong. I hate being told I’m wrong (even if I am), and usually refuse to do as suggested. C’mon, please tell me I’m not the only one like this!

I own the both of you!! Now change me, then food!
I own the both of you!! Now change me, then food!

Anyway, Kelley said I need to sit up and rock so she wasn’t flat. After resisting these instructions, I gave in and did as told. Avery settled down, I then reclined and we both slept. Wife – 1, R.C. – 0.

We’re only 11 weeks into, so there is a lot of learning to come. Hopefully we learn to let each other go about their own methods and only intervene when something is seriously awry.

After making chocolate pancakes and coffee, for Kelley this morning, any argument left from last night is gone and all is well.  Until night falls again….

At the end of the day, we are all happy to have our beautiful girl and know that we’re strengthening our relationship by raising Avery together.  Yes, a little fighting is healthy, right?

Parents, do you and your significant other have different ways to handle your kids? Be honest, how many fights have started because of this?

So Far So Good….

Crap.  I am wearing Avery in the Baby Bjorn and just as I wrote this title, her eyes popped open.

No crying though…yet. Lots of squirming.

Anyway, while I have the time, I’d like to say “Yay!” for having a good morning and getting Avery to take a nap in her crib for over two hours. Enough time for dad to get full body weight lifting routine in.

I was bold enough to enter and take this!
I was bold enough to enter and take this!

Anyone ever do barbell hack squats? It’s like a dead lift, but the bar is behind you and pick it up and down. I hit my calves and butt almost every time, but can really feel it in the quads. Plus, I think it’s a version of the squat that I can do when wearing Avery if the need arises. It’s no back squat, but something is better than nothing.

Like this. Source: www.exrx.net

Oh, we just went for a nice walk in the 20mph wind and that was cool. And by cool, I mean not. Another cool thing is that I apparently didn’t shut the door good enough and it was wide open when we got back. So, that fat black cat, Lou, we had………not sure where he is. I’ll keep you posted, if Kelley doesn’t kill me. Oops…..

Maybe I can just make another breakfast like I did this morning and she’ll forgive me…..

Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Protein Teff Porridge
Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Protein Teff Porridge

Edited Update: The cat never got out. He knows where the food is.

Lou in Living Room

Time to tend to some house chores and deal with this wiggly daughter strapped to me. I don’t think she’s very happy, but still not crying.

Okay, now she is…..